Explanation of FOOOF

Can someone explain what fitting oscillations and one-over-F is and what it is used for? I performed it and this is the result. Can someone explain the parameters like background fit, peak fit and FOOOF model?

There is a tutorial dedicated to FOOOF (aka specparam) in the Brainstorm page, on it you can find the main reference to the FOOOF algorithm, and detailed explanation and the reason behind it

Thanks for your answer :slight_smile:
is it not possible to calculate the surface area of the curve in brainstorm? the only way is by using trapz in mathlab? or is there an easier way for someone who is new to mathlab and brainstorm and does not have enough time to learn programming etc .

You will have to export the Brainstorm FOOOF outcomes to Matlab/other to derive the surface area stats you are interested in.


Is there a tutorial that explains that clearly?
In advance, thanks for your help!