I am trying to export my preprocessed MEG data to SPM12. I used Brainstorm to preprocess my data and had to correct some spurious markers. Whenever I try to export to file (mat/dat) I get the following error message:
Error using export_data (line 252)
Error using out_fopen_spm (line 81)
MEG sensors are currently not supported by this function.
Please contact us through the Brainstorm user forum to request this feature.
Error in export_data (line 58)
AllOutputs{1} = export_data(DataFile{1}, ChannelMat, ExportFile);
Error in tree_callbacks>@(h,ev)export_data(GetAllFilenames(bstNodes,'data')) (line 1653)
jMenuExport = gui_component('MenuItem', [], [], 'Export to file', IconLoader.ICON_SAVE, [],
@(h,ev)export_data(GetAllFilenames(bstNodes, 'data')));
Is there any way I can work around this and still export the continous data, rather than just surface or volume?
Many thanks