Extracting manually identified events for further analysis

@Sylvain Yes I was looking for a way to combine two events (which in this case were sleep spindles and stage2 sleep) to generate a new category of events that contains both spindles and stage2 epochs.
After trialling it out it seems that the method provided by @Raymundo.Cassani is capable of achieving this purpose - thank you for your input.

I now would like your thoughts on the below.
Here I list the 5 parameters (diagram shown below) that I am interested in from the sleep spindles and how I am planning on extracting the parameters. I would like to ask for your ideas/suggestions on how to make the below process efficient and streamlined.

Definition = the time taken for the start and the end of the sleep spindle.
Proposed Extraction method = use event export which will contain the duration of all identified sleep spindles in the forms of events (as shown below).

Definition = the frequency of a single sleep spindle (number of oscillations per unit time)
Proposed Extraction method = manually count (visually count) the cycle number and divide this by duration. (i.e. cycle number / duration).
I can see that this method will be quite laborious and was wondering if you have any better ideas?

Definition = maximum peak-to-peak amplitude of a single sleep spindle.
Proposed Extraction method = highlight the sleep spindle from the raw recording and manually note down the minimum and maximum voltage values and calculate the peak-to-peak amplitude.
If you have any better ideas please let me know.

Degree of symmetry
Definition = location of the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude relative to the length of the spindle.
Proposed Extraction method = use process "find max amplitude > latency at the peak" on the epoched sleep spindles to calculate the timing at the peak and divide this by the duration calculated above.

Definition = number of spindles per minute.
Proposed Extraction method = compile all stage 2 epochs by extracting method proposed by Raymundo, calculate the duration of the entire stage 2 into minutes, and divide the number of spindles by the number of minutes of stage 2 sleep.

Any thoughts or comments on how to best extract these 5 parameters would be highly appreciated!