IEEG Add New Electrode Button Does nothing

I went through the process of importing Freesurfer Output files into brainstorm for the MRI. I coregistered it with a CT scan to localize ECoG electrodes. I then went to the CT scan and clicked SEEG/ECOG Implantation. Now to add electrodes, I went to the iEEG panel and pressed the "+" button for add new electrodes. Nothing happens. I've done this same process for dozens of other subjects and it has always worked. I am not sure why this one is having issues. Is there a bug others are having issues with too?

Hi @anaskhan07, can you provide more details on what is what you are doing, and what is what you get? Include screenshots and messages if any

Sure. The end goal is to produce a 3D brain image with ECoG electrodes mapped for each subject in our study. The way we have been doing this is 1.) Create new subject 2.) Import Freesurfer output into Brainstorm using "Import anatomy folder" 3.) compute mni normalization 4.) Import CT scan DICOM files using "Import MRI" 5.) When prompted to coregister and reslice using SPM, accept. (this step has seemed buggy for the past few subejcts I've done.) 6.) Move to Data tab and attempt to create channel file by clicking the "+" button corresponding to add new electrode. Step 6 is where nothing happens where usually it would create an object with the name I input for the iEEG electrode. I then modify the object with the specs for our ECoG strip.

Would the approach here described help?
(If you have already a channel file for each Subject)

Once you click on + and provide the electrode name, change the type to ECOG and set the specs.
Now, on the MRI viewer, click on the position for the first contact of the ECOG, and then in the #1 button in the iEEG tab, do the same for the last contact and the button #2. Click on [Save].