Importing scouts derived from Efield simulations

Hi brainstorm experts,

I would like to import a scout reflecting the region in the brain that I assume to be affected by TMS. I used the original .nii file to run electric field simulations and a binary ROI. I do not fully grasp which conversion I should do in order to use these ROIs appropriately as scouts in Brainstorm...
In brainstorm, I loaded the FreeSurfer recon-all results in the MRI folder. So, I think I should convert my scouts in the original space to FreeSurfer space? I do not fully understand the difference between the MRI and the 'world' coordinate system? I guess the information is stored in InitTransf, but I am not certain whether this is the conversion from voxel to world or from voxel to MRI (and what is the difference).

Also, if I have my scouts aligned with the FreeSurfer space, do I still need to apply the conversion to SCS before importing the scouts or will brainstorm automatically take care of that?

Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,

Hi @DebbyKlooster,

You could use the mask.nii with the ROI directly in Brainstorm to create a volume scout.
Check these links:

I have a resting-state binary masks (.nii file of this mask) which needs to be parcelized into Brodmann Areas.How this can be done in brainstorm? - #5 by Raymundo.Cassani