Interpreting Granger Causality Output

Hi Brainstorm team,

I'm still wondering how to interpret spectral Granger Causality (GC) after reading up on the tutorials and some threads.

If I understand correctly from this current thread, as well as this one: Frequency bands for Granger Causality (Spectral), that the resulting values from GC computation are unit-less, there is no threshold to these values, non-parametric permutation testing is required for thresholding the GC values, and perhaps because there are no units or thresholds to the resulting GC values from computation, GC results are hard to interpret. That is, it is hard to tell what is significant/meaningful.

That said, this thread hasn't been updated in a while, and I'm still somewhat confused on how I would practically threshold GC output to find significant/meaningful results.
Are there any new tools in Brainstorm that might make interpreting GC output more manageable? Is there any other guidance that you would provide for interpreting GC? I would like to use spectral GC.

Lastly, are other toolboxes (like this one: The MVGC multivariate Granger causality toolbox: A new approach to Granger-causal inference - ScienceDirect) or the one above needed to analyze GC?

Thank you all. I appreciate your guidance.
