Issue In CT Registration - Brainstorm

When trying to do the Ieeg tutorial on Brainstorm's website, I get the following error after doing the following:

Import CT > No to NIFTI conversions > Yes to reshaping > Yes to cleaning CT > CT2MRI. It gets through the majority of the processes (writes the detailed brain mask, cortex mask, mask file, and skull-stripped the MRI volume), but once it reads the input data and generates the masks, it flops and gives me the following error lines:

** Error: Line 114: Undefined function 'imfill' for input arguments of type 'char'.
** Call stack:
** >maskHeadPseudoHist.m at 114
** >register_files_affine.m at 192
** >ct2mrireg.m at 79
** >mri_coregister.m at 297
** >import_mri.m at 334
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >tree_callbacks.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@import_mri,iSubject,[],[],1,1,'Import CT') at 576


@kjgrf Please install the Image Processing Toolbox and rerun the process. It should work fine.

This processing toolbox is not included in the MATLAB product registration. Is this normal?

@kjgrf if your license includes the Image Processing Toolbox then for sure it should show up during installation in the list of packages to be installed.