I have had success in adding my MRI and CT and registering those together, but once I toggle over and try to add my electrode locations, I am able to set the tip, but once I try to add a second coordinate and set the skull entry, I am faced with the following error:
Error: Line 478: matlab.graphics.primitive.Patch/horzcat
** Cannot convert double value 16.0006 to a handle
** Call stack:
** >panel_coordinates.m>ClickPointInSurface at 478
** >panel_coordinates.m>SelectPoint at 339
** >panel_coordinates.m at 27
** >figure_3d.m>FigureMouseUpCallback at 622
** >bst_call.m at 28
** >figure_3d.m>@(h,ev)bst_call(@FigureMouseUpCallback,h,ev) at 78
Once I get past this step, I know plotting my electrode contacts will be a breeze. I know I'm close, any help on this will be much appreciated!
Thank you for reporting this. We will check and get back.
In the mean time can you check by restarting the SEEG implantation from the CT and try setting the tip and entry ? How frequently do you get this error ?
Thank you so much. Also, even in the tutorial, when I go to fix the contacts within an electrode, it says both the isosurface and the MRI viewer are supposed to load at the same time, but this has not been the case. Any suggestions on how to get those two processes to link?
@kjgrf we are currently working on fixing a bunch of issues related to SEEG and this issue could be one of them. This PR is where the work is in progress by the team here and will be added to main release of brainstorm soon. Thank you for reporting all the issues you are facing.
Of course @chinmay.chinara! I started going stir-crazy because I was following all tutorials and protocols to a "t", but not even being able to finish the online Ieeg tutorial was frustrating because I kept getting so close. Do you know why the MRI viewer and isosurface won't load at the same time...is this a related issue?
@kjgrf: What version of Brainstorm you are using ?
If the latest, for this issue,
Can you close all the figure windows by pressing the "X" (Close all figures and clear memory) button on the top right of the Brainstorm GUI. And then double click on the SEEG/ECOG(no of channels) channel file in the functional view.
This should open the open the MRI Viewer and (3D IsoSurface + 3D MRI Viewer) after which you can continue the steps of editing the contacts.
Note: For the SEEG/ECOG(no of channels) channel file, if no of channels=0 then that means there was no contact information saved and double clicking it would not load anything rather give the error No channels to display.
The latest version (12-June-2024). I tried what you suggested, and it worked! Thank you so much for your help, here's hoping it works just as well for our lab's data as it did for the tutorial!