Issues running tutorial_omega script

I checked the processing script for this dataset, and it still works.
As recommended in the article, my advice would be that you use an updated version of Brainstorm, together of an updated version of the processing script.

  1. Delete all the existing version of Brainstorm
  2. Remove anything that is not related with Matlab itself from your Matlab path
  3. Restart Matlab
  4. Download Brainstorm from the website
  5. Use the script brainstorm3/script/tutorial_omega.m from this newly downloaded package:

If you put a breakpoint at line 66, after the execution of process_import_bids, you should have a structure with the relative path to the all the links to the imported datasets. You can ignore all the warnings that appear in between.

K>> sFilesRaw.FileName

Otherwise, the dataset that you have downloaded might be incomplete. It should be over 10Go: