I think I may have done something inappropriate with regards to generating my subjects head models. I neglected to not do the first 5 steps listed here: http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/TutBem?highlight=(adaptive)|(integration) on Colin27, but have already created my BEM surfaces for my subjects using Open MEEG. I’m assuming that Open MEEG used the default ‘outerskull’ and ‘innerskull’ vertices to do this?
Should I instead have right clicked (default anatomy)> Generate BEM surfaces, change all fields to 2000, and then generate head models for each subject using the BEM surfaces generated from this (bem_head, bem_outerskull, bem_innerskull)? Also, after these surfaces are created they are appended with _1922V despite me specifying 2000 as suggested in the tutorial.
Ah yes, I now see that after doing those first 5 steps, they have been marked as the default files and in the head model window for each subject the vertices have been updated to 1922 (still unsure why this is not 2000). Perhaps I have answered this myself…and am in for a long day of Open EEG BEM processing…
Edit1: Currently, cortex_15002V is designated as the default. Do I want to designate cortex_330117V as the default? Or is this just a higher quality cortex to project sources? It goes much slower and is impossible to rotate smoothly when _330117V is selected
Edit2: I attempted to right click my subject node to run Open MEEG BEM for all my subjects, and after some time the process just stopped. No error messages and no output. I did notice that for my first subject, it was no longer using the default anatomy for some reason in the anatomy tab (perhaps I deleted it somehow). I’m assuming this would confuse Open MEEG, being told to run 16 subjects for which one does not have an anatomy? In any case, I couldn’t figure out how to re-link the subject to the default anatomy, so rather than it saying (default anatomy) under the subject node, I re-imported the Colin27 template for this specific subject. I hope this is fine!
Any clarification would be great, thanks!