Projecting Sources Error

Hi Francois,

Sorry for troubling you again.

I have followed all your suggestions, the localisation has improved but I haven’t been able to get rid of activation seen on the ventral temporal regions and temporal poles in its entirely.
I applied a 0.5Hz filter to start with but that didn’t improve anything at all. So then I applied a 2.5Hz (assuming there are still residual eye movements even after SSP correction) which should have reduced these artifacts significantly but turns out that doesn’t work either.
before averaging any data, I have removed trials that look noisy or have sensor jumps etc so Im not sure where its coming from. In general, the data looks very clean both on CTF software and with FieldTrip.
I am still unsure where I am going wrong.

Unrelated to above but important, I noticed something last week but forgot to post it here.
Whenever I link the AUX files, the trigger information is read out incorrectly. I have a pseudo-randomised sequence of exact 480 standards and 120 deviants (total 600), however this number somehow goes on to become 636 with whatever combination of standards and deviants. However, whenever the .ds file is linked, it shows the correct number.
Just to be sure, I read AUX and .ds files with CTF and FT, it shows the number 600 exactly.
How can I make sure my trials are of the exact number?
