Question about linking a statistical file to source grid


I'm analyzing resting state EEG data for two groups (10 Controls vs. 10 patients). For the source files of each subject, I had computed the PSD as I wanted to analyze the source power differences in multiple frequency ranges. After doing so I ran a permutation t-test for the PSD files.

I would like to use the file showing these statistical differences to create a scout in a specific frequency range to compute functional connectivity. However I am not able to do so as it is giving me an error that the source grid is unavailable.

Is there a way that the t-test statistical file can be linked to the source grid, so I could mark specific regions as scouts?

Thank you so much.




Any feedback regarding this question is much appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help.



I wanted to follow up on the question I had, if it would be possible to link a statistical file (t-test result) to the source grid for selecting a scout.

Thank you.

Hi @amikumar,

When a statistical test is run between PSD files (from sources), the resulting stat file (iconPSpectrum) contains the information related to the surface (source grind in case of surface head model) that was used in the field SurfaceFile.

Is in that SourceFile that the Scouts need to be created, as described in the Scout tutorial:

Which were the steps that led to this error message?

Hi Raymundo,

The sources were created using a volume head model.

I opened the resulting stat file(obtained from the PSD files (from sources)) by going to Display on MRI (3D), following which I used the scout tab to create a scout. When I click on the figure I get the error message saying "No source grid loaded in this figure". So I am not sure how I should proceed.

Thank you.


Thank you for the detailed information.

There was a bug in the code that did not allow Scouts for TimeFreq (and related statistical files) based on volume sources. It is now fixed in commit 4507855

Please update your Brainstorm instance to get this fix

Hi Raymundo,

Thank you for letting me know. I tried updating Brainstorm. For running the Brainstorm update I had to run MATLAB as administrator and change the location of the brainstorm3 folder only then it showed me that it is downloading the updates. Otherwise I was getting an error.

But it still is showing me Brainstorm version from 3rd Jan, and when I try to run the scout function I am still getting the same error as before.

Could you let me know what I should do. Thank you for your help.

Double check that the update is happening in the brainstorm3 folder that you expect.

The updated version is 30-Jan-2024. You could to "manually" update Brainstorm by downloading again Brainstorm from our website, and save the older version as backup. This will not remove your user settings are they are saved in a different directory:

How can I make sure that the update is happening in the brainstorm3 folder?

I tried manually downloading the latest version from the website and running it but it is still showing me the version from January 3rd. The folder on the website that I am downloading is:
is this the correct one?

There was an issue with our servers, it is now solved.
Please try perform an update again from the GUI.

Hi Raymundo,

Thank you for the update. It is working now, and I was able to select the scout on the statistical file.


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