Hi brainstormers,
I tried to import my .mff files with Run > file > export to file > save with MEG EEG: SPM *.mat format
but I get following error in the matlab comand meanwhile I try to upload my file in the 3D Source reconstruction button!
No fiducials are defined
A dot name structure assignment is illegal when the structure is empty. Use a subscript on the
Error in meeg/check (line 95)
*** this.fiducials.pnt = this.sensors.eeg.elecpos;***
Error in spm_eeg_inv_imag_api>Load_Callback (line 126)
[D, ok] = check(D, 'sensfid');
Error in spm_eeg_inv_imag_api (line 53)
*** feval(varargin{:}); % FEVAL switchyard***
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Could you give me a hit for solving this ,
I appreciate your hints.