Hi everyone!
a few months ago I tried to segment a brain with a lesion using CAT12, It was expected the lesion to be the source of EEG abnormalities, however, the lesion was segmented as a hole!
so I was wondering how can I segment a lesion?
in this case it was a brain abcess but I guess I would be easier to segment a tumor?
I attach here the image:
It looks like CAT12 did a perfect job at excluding the lesion from the brain mask. This is what is expected.
At the moment, we have no use for the lesion masks (but it will be requested by SEEG users at some point).
For automatic labeling of lesions, I don't know what would be the best pipeline, but this is not something you will be able to do from Brainstorm. Look for help from the FreeSurfer, FSL or SPM communities.
For EEG source analysis: create a volume source model, and create a volume scout roughly around the lesion. The very low spatial resolution of EEG source imaging will not be sensitive to precise anatomical labeling of the lesion.
What about defining a 3D scout in the lesion volume, by hand with Brainstorm?
Thank you for you kind reply!
I'll check the SPM and freesurfer guides but I'll also try to set volume scout around the lesion as you advice me

mmm I'm not sure how to make it, but that sounds promissing