My question is : Where can I find the dipole orientation file after computing sources with the sLORETA method?
The dataset used is the sample_introduction.
- Import MEG files.
- Notch filter the MEG files.
- Classifying as deviant and the standard raw files.
4.Averaging both. - Computing Head Model
- Computing the Sources using sLORETA method for both deviant and standard files
7.Extracting the values (process selection/extract/extract values)
Chatbot of brainstorm has recommended going to brainstorm_db\Introduction\data\NewSubject\S01_AEF_20131218_01_600Hz_notch and the file results_sLORETA_MEG_KERNEL_230712_2043.mat shall contain a column labelled 'ORIENTATION'.
Unfortunately, I can't find any column named orientation containing the locations of dipoles(x,y,z) and their orientation (θ,φ).
The goal is to compare the results of sLORETA algorithm (dipole amplitude and orientation) with a home-brew source localization software.