It seems something goes wrong in the first guessing of the optimal parameters x0
in the function fitLFPpowerSpectrum
Can you debug your code around lines [32-41] in fitLFPpowerSpectrum
, to understand what is going on?
%Guestimate the optimal parameters
smoothpsdy = ksr(log(freqs),logpsdy);
[gm,maxidx] = max(diff(smoothpsdy.f));
c0 = smoothpsdy.x(maxidx+1);
d0 = max(smoothpsdy.f);
b0 = 1;
a0 = (min(smoothpsdy.f)-d0)/(log(Fh)-c0);
%Initialize guesses for parameters
x0 = [a0;b0;c0;d0];
The fitLFPpowerSpectrum
is part of the derivelfp plugin, so it is located in your Brainstorm [User directory]/ plugins/derivelfp/DeriveLFP/toolbox
The location of the [User directory] depends of your OS, as indicated here:
Failed to fix it.
The debug code you give is as same as original.
The magical thing is i run the program successful yesterday, but it not work this morning.
By debugging I meant to use some breakpoints to understand the issue:
The lines I put were to indicate where the debugging needs to be done.