Source uploading & dipol fitting

I want upload eeg source file from matlab and fit dipols for it. please help me

If you are interested in using Brainstorm, we recommend you start by following all the introduction tutorials, using the tutorial datasets:

Then you can read about epilepsy analysis, dipole scanning and dipole fitting:

Please get back to use with more specific questions if there is anything that is unclear.


I read many introduction tutorials, but I have some problem. I compute sources using sloreta in brainstorm and then export this information to matlab. then initialize one algorithm using sloreta output. after many operation doing on this, I want import dipole to brainstorm and shows on cortex. please help me.

I’m sorry, you do not provide enough information for us to help you.
Please describe with more details: what you are you are doing, what kind of files you want to import back to Brainstorm, what kind of display do you want to see, etc.

I want simulate one paper with title “Sparse EEG Source Localization using Bernoulli
Laplacian Priors”. I send this paper using email for you. thanks for your help.

I’m sorry I won’t have time to read this article and tell you how to recode it. If you have questions regarding an article, I recommend you contact its authors.
Please get back to us with precise questions regarding the Brainstorm software if you have any.

NO, I dont want that you read this article. I just thought that It can help to complete understanding of my purpose. I send one picture that it may help to you. if I cant explain my Purpose, excuse me.Thanks for your help.image