Strange error with Time-frequency map


I came across a weird error when calculating time-frequency map.
I calculated TF map twice for one run of one subject. The parameters were all the same, but the results were totally different.

The first one calculated half a month ago looks good and fits my study design(top), but the second one calculated today was absolutely abnormal(bottom).

And I also calculated for other subjects, the results are similar to the abnormal one(bottom).

Anything wrong with my software or computer? (I've just updated to latest version of Brainstorm)

One of the first things i'm noticing is that the scale of both pictures is different. The colorbar of the first image runs to 8*10^-29 and the second picture runs to 3*10^-29. Could it be that by using smoothing and a different colorbar you would get closer to the first?

Thank you for your reply.
I've already applied smoothing on these two. And the colorbar doesn't work, either.

Could it be that some pre-processing in the data was different, thus their TF decomposition?