Time-Frequency Plot Problem

Dear all,

I am performing time-frequency analysis using wavelets on a set of epoched data, ranging from -1 sec to +1 sec.

For visualization purposes, I am looking for a way to plot the results of my TF analysis (ERSP) using a shorter epoch length. Specifically, I would like to plot using a shorter baseline [-0.5 0], in order to avoid that high values due to edge effects at the very beginning of the epoch cause a rescaling of the whole plot, making all the activity looking flat (or at least very small).

In attachment you can find an example of the plot that I am getting now, in which you see the rescaling problem due to the edge effect at the beginning of the epoch around 50 Hz.

Thanks for any help,

The easier solution is to cut out the parts you don’t want to see with the process “Extract > Extract time”.

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