Using SPRiNT in Brainstorm - problem with TFR


I have recently started using Brainstorm in order to explore the newly implemented SPRiNT tool. When I run it on my data (1 ECoG channel) I see a strange tfr plot, namely, it has very high power values in the higher end of the calculated frequency band (in this case 40-50 Hz) but the power spectrum doesn't show that. Also, I have tfr plots calculated by Morlet wavelet function in MNE, which also looks different and doesn't show these high-power regions on top of the plot. Do you have any idea of what these could be?

I attach the screenshots of the parameters for SPRiNT (all default), the resulting tfr in brainstorm, the power spectrum and the tfr-plot from MNE for the corresponding data set. (all pre-processing is exactly the same, namely resampling at 600Hz and high pass filter at 2Hz)

I will appreciate any comments or help on this! Thanks!


I can only upload one screenshot since I am a new user, how can I go around this?

SPRiNT parameters: (default)

Power spectrum:


TFR obtained with Morlet-wavelet in MNE:

Thanks for posting and welcome to the forum!
To assess consistency, please produce the Morlet tfr of the same time series with Brainstorm as well.
Tagging @Luc here, who is the GrandMaster of all Things concerning SPRiNT.

Sorry for the late reply (I need to figure out notifications for the forum).

My first guess is that the TF maps in brainstorm are set to display absolute values: could you check whether this is the case in your client, please? If you right-click and navigate to Colormap:Timefreq, is Absolute values enabled?