iEEG Contact Localization

Authors: Chinmay Chinara, Takfarinas Medani, Raymundo Cassani, Anand Joshi.

Detection, localization and labelling of SEEG depth electrodes is a vital step in studying brain activity.

Note that the operations used here are not detailed, the goal of this tutorial is not to introduce Brainstorm to new users. For in-depth explanations of the interface and theoretical foundations, please refer to the introduction tutorials.

The performance characteristics of the methods and software implementation presented in this tutorial have not been certified as medical devices and should be used for research purposes only.

Dataset description


This tutorial dataset (SEEG and MRI data) remains property of the Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA. Its use and transfer outside the Brainstorm tutorials, e.g. for research purposes, is prohibited without written consent. For questions, please contact Kenneth Taylor, PhD ( ).

SEEG recordings

The depth electrodes used in this example dataset are PMT SEEG Depth Electrodes, with the following specifications:



Download and installation

Import the anatomy

Pre-implantation MRI

While it is not applicable to this data, but while importing some MRIs if there is a transformation available in the NIfTI header, then a window pops up asking if you would want to apply the transformation to the MRI file. Choosing Yes will orient the MRI based on this transformation.

Post-implantation CT

The pre-implantation MRI above will be used as the anatomical reference for this subject. We will now import a second scan done after the SEEG implantation, on which we can see the SEEG contacts. In this dataset, the post-implantation volume is a CT scan (contacts hypersignal appear in white).

Generate isoSurface

This creates a thresholded mesh from the CT to separate the contacts out from rest of the CT. This aids the user towards localization of the electrodes and its contacts more accurately.

Electrode labeling and contact localization (Manual)

Get started

Go to section Panel iEEG to know more about the panel and its features.

Create electrodes and plot contacts manually

If the contact blobs are joined then you can adjust using the Thresh slider as mentioned in the Generate isoSurface section to separate the blobs from one another.

In some cases, additional correction of the contacts may be required. To edit the individual contacts refer to the Edit contact positions section below.

Electrode labeling and contact localization (Automatic)

This is currently under preparation.

  1. Update (Dec 2024): You can refer to this abstract:
    Automatic SEEG Contact Localization and Labeling using Brainstorm presented at AES 2024.

  2. Update (Mar 2025): As part of the workshop held in AI in Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders 2025, we provide a prerelease compiled version of Brainstorm with these new features. Please go to Brainstorm prerelease section of the workshop for more details and accessing the software.

Edit contact positions

Until now, we have seen the case where the trajectory of electrode always followed a straight line but practically that is not the case as there could be bending introduced when the neurosurgeon inserts the electrode. In such cases we need to move most of the contacts to more appropriate positions. For this section we will use a precomputed Brainstorm protocol provided in the tutorial dataset.

You can also use the raw files tutorial_seeg_implantation/raw/seeg_curved/postMRI_curved and tutorial_seeg_implantation/raw/seeg_curved/postCT_curved and follow the steps as per the previous sections to have an implantation.

Panel iEEG

SEEG/ECOG Implantation Menu

While starting manual implantation on an volume by right click on subject node > SEEG/ECOG implantation, the menu below pops up allowing the user to choose which modality or modalities to proceed with.



Skull Stripping

Skull stripping is done on the MRI volume to get a binary volumetric mask of just the brain region. On applying this mask to volumes like CT, it helps in removing any non-brain tissues like skull, scalp, fat, and any other head tissues from the CT volume. In this tutorial, we have a CT scan of a subject with intracranial electrodes, so on applying this mask not only removes the non-brain tissues but also the hanging extracranial wires. Brainstorm has the following menu options for skull stripping:


Walkthrough Video


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Tutorials/IeegContactLocalization (last edited 2025-03-04 20:17:36 by ChinmayChinara)