Matching colorschemes of TFR with MNE

Hi, as I am working on comparing TFR obtained from brainstorm to that with MNE, I require the color scheme for both TFRs to match. I know brainstorm has options to manually create your own color schemes, but how do I do match it with MNE so that I am comparing apples to apples for my analysis?

Is there also a way to generate a TFR plot on MATLAB just like we obtain on brainstorm? is there any function of any sort that can help me view the TF Response in MATLAB with my own defined colorscheme?

I know brainstorm has options to manually create your own color schemes, but how do I do match it with MNE so that I am comparing apples to apples for my analysis?

With the Matlab colormap editor, you can define easily the colormap you want (=from blue to white to red).
With the configuration of the color mapping in Brainstorm you can set the minimum and maximum values associated with the first and last colors of the colormap.

It looks like the differences you obtain between MNE and Brainstorm are much more important than a question of color scheme... the range of values is not even the same.

Is there also a way to generate a TFR plot on MATLAB just like we obtain on brainstorm?

There are tools in Matlab functions for time-frequency analysis, but I've never used them, I can't help you with this:

You can also try using FieldTrip if you don't like what Brainstorm or Matlab do.

Thank you @Francois for your response. How do I set the range for my TFR with brainstorm? As you correctly mentioned, the range needs to be the same to compare the Two TFRs

MNE allows setting the range with argument vmin and vmax. What is the brainstorm GUI equivalent of setting the range?

When i tried setting the Range [max, min] to 10 and -10 respectively, it still resulted in a +1000, -1000 range. PS: I am looking at the ers baseline normalized TFR plot.

Thank you @Francois for your response. How do I set the range for my TFR with brainstorm? As you correctly mentioned, the range needs to be the same to compare the Two TFRs
MNE allows setting the range with argument vmin and vmax. What is the brainstorm GUI equivalent of setting the range?

See the section Color mapping of the tutorial.

See the header of function bst_colormaps.m if you are looking for programmatic ways of changing it.

When i tried setting the Range [max, min] to 10 and -10 respectively, it still resulted in a +1000, -1000 range.

There is a multiplication factor indicated in the text above the min/max text boxes.
In your case, it's probably written "10^2"?
If you want "10", you should enter "0.1".