MEG corticomuscular coherence

Authors: Raymundo Cassani

Corticomuscular coherence relates to the synchrony between electrophisiological signals (MEG, EEG or ECoG) recorded from the contralateral motor cortex, and EMG signal from a muscle during voluntary movement. This synchrony has its origin mainly in the descending communication in corticospinal pathways between primary motor cortex (M1) and muscles. This tutorial replicates the processing pipeline and analysis presented in the Analysis of corticomuscular coherence FieldTrip tutorial.


Coherence is a classic method to measure the linear relationship between two signals in the frequency domain. Previous studies (Conway et al., 1995, Kilner et al., 2000) have used coherence to study the relationship between MEG signals from M1 and muscles, and they have shown synchronized activity in the 15–30 Hz range during maintained voluntary contractions.


Dataset description

The dataset is comprised of MEG (151-channel CTF MEG system) and bipolar EMG (from left and right extensor carpi radialis longus muscles) recordings from one subject during an experiment in which the subject had to lift her hand and exert a constant force against a lever. The force was monitored by strain gauges on the lever. The subject performed two blocks of 25 trials in which either the left or the right wrist was extended for about 10 seconds. Only data for the left wrist will be analyzed in this tutorial.

Download and installation

The next sections will describe how to link import the subject's anatomy, reviewing raw data, managing event markers, pre-processing, epoching, source estimation and computation of coherence in the sensor and sources domain.

Importing anatomy data



MoinMoin Wiki

As output, we get a set of (head and brain) surface files that will be used for BEM computation.

IMAGE result_tree

By displaying the surfaces, we can note that the cortex, which is related to the gray matter (shown in red) overlaps heavily with the innerskull surface (shown in gray), so it cannot be used it for BEM computation using OpenMEEG. However, as we are dealing with MEG signals, we can still compute the BEM with the overleaping-spheres method, and obtain similar results. We can also notice that the cortex and white surfaces obtained with the method above do not register accurately the cortical surface, they can be used for volume-based source estimation, which is based on a volume grid of source points; but they do not be used for surface-based source estimation. Better surface surfaces can be obtained by doing MRI segmentation with CAT12 or FreeSurfer.

IMAGE overlap cortex and innerskul

Access the recordings

IMAGE functional result_tree

IMAGE helmet and sensors

Reviewing continuous recordings

IMAGE both MEG up, MEG down

Event markers

The colored dots on top of the recordings in the time series figures represent the event markers (or triggers) saved in this dataset. In addition to these events, the start of the either left or right trials is saved in the auxiliary channel named Stim. To add these markers:

IMAGE Menu and Process

New events will appear, from these, we are only interested in the events from U1 to U25 that correspond to the 25 left trials. Thus we will remove the other events, and merge the left trial events.

IMAGE Left (x24)

These events are located at the beginning of the 10 s trials of left wrist movement. In the following steps we will compute the coherence for 1 s epochs for the first 8 s of the trial, thus we need extra events.

IMAGE Menu duplicate, menu offset, process offset

IMAGE Left (x192)

Pre-process recordings

Two of the typical pre-processing steps consist in removing the power lines artifacts (50 Hz or 60Hz) and the frequencies we are not interested in (a low-pass filter to remove the high-frequency noise and a high-pass filter to remove the very slow components of the signals). Let's start with a spectral evaluation of this file.

Power spectrum

Band-pass filter

The filters we selected for reviewing the recordings were for visualization only, they were not applied to the file. In order to apply these filters permanently to the recordings, we need to do the following:

Importing the recordings


Source analysis


Sensor level

Source level


This should be label as advanced.

Additional documentation



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Tutorials/CorticomuscularCoherence (last edited 2021-08-12 20:02:09 by RaymundoCassani)