hi Francois,
I'm replicating some results from a previous analysis in Fieldtrip in Brainstorm,
I did a multitaper time-frequency analysis and I have some doubts about the settings in Brainstorm,
I previously computed power in Fieldtrip by setting:
cfg.foi = 30:2.5:120; as frequencies of interest
cfg.toi = -1.05:0.05:2; as times of interest
cfg.t_ftimwin = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).* 0.4; as fixed time windows of 400 ms
cfg.tapsmofrq = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).* 20; 20 Hz as fixed frequency smoothing
Is not clear for me how I should translate this into BS,
Time step should be 5 ms?
Time resolution should be 400 ms, for me?
I'm not sure about the explanation:
tapsmofrq = frequencies / modulation_factor
But since I decide to have a constant smoothing factor this should be 20 Hz, right? or 0.05?
I was also wondering if there any way to set a pad parameter,
In Fieldtrip I did cfg.pad = 'nextpow2' to get integers in my power time series, it could nice to do it in BS as well,
One last question, I'm replicating my results but I already know I have some effects between 70-95 Hz, could I simply do 1 big calculation between 70 and 95 Hz without affecting the results I got before?
Thanks for any hint,