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The [[https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/page/cena|Chicago Electrical Neuroimaging Analytics (CENA]]) is a suite of tools for adavanced dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses that allows you to automatically detect event-related changes in the global pattern and global field power of your event-related potentials (ERPs). | The [[https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/page/cena|Chicago Electrical Neuroimaging Analytics (CENA]]) is a suite of tools for advanced dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses that allows you to automatically detect event-related changes in the global pattern and global field power of your event-related potentials (ERPs). CENA users are expected to apply CENA functions on ERPs rather than raw EEG. To learn more about how to created ERPs and about raw EEG pre-processing, epoching, and averaging, see [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials/|Brainstorm Tutorial (steps 11-19).]] |
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The first HPMS step uses a root mean square error (RMSE) analysis that decomposes the n-dimensional ERP waveform based on noise levels detectedduring the baseline period into two types of event-relatedbrain states: (i) discrete stable microstates, and (ii) transitionstates between these microstates transitions are not immediate (See S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015; S. Cacioppo et al., 2014 for details). |
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Menu options of the HPMS function (either HPMS single or HPMS multiple) allow users to select two different levels (either a 95% or 99%) of confidence interval (CI) for: | Menu options of the HPMS function (either HPMS single or HPMS multiple) allow users to select two different levels (either a 95% or 99%) of confidence interval (CI) for: |
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A 95% CI is recommended in between-subjects contrasts, while a 99% CI is rec-ommended in within-subjects contrasts (S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015; S. Cacioppo et al., 2014). In addition, the menu options allow users to specify the duration of their baseline (e.g., period prior a stimulus onset) and to tune the size of the RMSE lag for the HPMS at a minimum duration that isappropriate to their study. '''We recommend that the baseline to be time-jittered in your experiment, variable in length, and corrected to ensure the best possible model of noise. (Time-jittering the baseline is typical in fMRI research and is done to ensure the baseline is a reasonablemodel of the background noise level for the signal of interest.)''' Because most ERP research (and most microstate analyses) focuses on post-stimulus event-related brain states, post-stimulus brain microstates (evoked brain microstates) are the primary focus of the present version of CENA. However, if the experimenter were interested in pre-stimulus states, a straightforward modification of the experimental design would be sufficient to permit investigation of these pre-stimulus (e.g., anticipatory) microstates. A typical trial structure is: |
A 95% CI is recommended in between-subjects contrasts, while a 99% CI is recommended in within-subjects contrasts (S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015; S. Cacioppo et al., 2014). In addition, the menu options allow users to specify the duration of their baseline (e.g., period prior a stimulus onset) and to tune the size of the RMSE lag for the HPMS at a minimum duration that isappropriate to their study. '''We recommend that the baseline to be time-jittered in your experiment, variable in length, and corrected to ensure the best possible model of noise. (Time-jittering the baseline is typical in fMRI research and is done to ensure the baseline is a reasonablemodel of the background noise level for the signal of interest.)''' Because most ERP research (and most microstate analyses) focuses on post-stimulus event-related brain states, post-stimulus brain microstates (evoked brain microstates) are the primary focus of the present version of CENA. However, if the experimenter were interested in pre-stimulus states, a straightforward modification of the experimental design would be sufficient to permit investigation of these pre-stimulus (e.g., anticipatory) microstates. If you are interested in evoked brain microstates, here is a typical trial structure we recommend: |
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If one were interested in the event-related anticipatory microstates and wished to use CENA, the trial structure could be modified as follows: (i) jittered, variable-length baseline, (ii) a fixed-interval pre-stimulus period that makes it possible for the subject to anticipate the stimulus onset (and during which evoked anticipatory microstates can be identified and investigated), (iii) stimulus onset, and (iv) post-stimulus period (during which evoked microstates can be identified and investigated). Lag parameter: |
If one were interested in the event-related anticipatory microstates and wished to use CENA, the trial structure could be modified as follows: (i) jittered, variable-length baseline, (ii) a fixed-interval pre-stimulus period that makes it possible for the subject to anticipate the stimulus onset (and during which evoked anticipatory microstates can be identified and investigated), (iii) stimulus onset, and (iv) post-stimulus period (during which evoked microstates can be identified and investigated). '''Root Mean Square Error (RMSE):''' The first HPMS step uses a root mean square error (RMSE) analysis that decomposes the n-dimensional ERP waveform based on noise levels detectedduring the baseline period into two types of event-relatedbrain states: (i) discrete stable microstates, and (ii) transition states between these microstates transitions are not immediate. For more details about the RMSE, see S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015 and S. Cacioppo et al., 2014. '''Lag parameter: ''' |
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'''Cosine similarity metric: ''' To confirm whether the microstates identified in the RMSE differ in the configuration of brain activity, CENA employs a multi-dimensional cosine similarity metric based on the cosine distance between template maps for successive evoked brain microstates (S. Cacioppo et al., 2014). Although the cosine similarity metric resolves ambiguities left by the RMSE analysis, the RMSE analysis is a necessary first step to identify candidate brain microstate based on the ERP configuration across n-dimensional sensory space. Specifically, the RMSE analysis identifies significant changes in the stable event-related pattern of EEG activation across the n-dimensional sensor space. However, there are two reasons such a change in the RMSE function may occur (Cacioppo et al., 2014): 1. '''A different stable evoked brain microstate was elicited''', typically interpreted as meaning that one or more of the cortical sourcesunderlying the prior event-related microstate had changed; or 1. '''The same stable evoked brain microstate was maintained but GFP increased (or decreased)''', typically interpreted as meaning that the level of activation of the set of cortical sources underlying theevent-related microstate had increased (or decreased). Once the putative stable microstates have been identified by the RMSE, each topographical map within a microstate can be expressed within a n-dimensional (e.g., 128-dimensional) vector space, the template (i.e.,mean) map for the microstate can be expressed in this microstate, a confidence interval region can be determined around this. If the succeeding evoked brain microstate identified by RMSE is the result of a change in the location of the underlying neural sources of the n-dimensional event-related waveform, the cosine metric between the template map for anevent -related microstate and the template map for the succeedingmicrostate should differ. This is because different configurationsof activity produce different vector angles in n-dimensional vectorspace. However, if the succeeding evoked brain microstate identi-fied by RMSE is the result of a change in the level of neural activation (i.e., GFP) rather than a change in source location, then the represen-tation of these microstates in n-dimensional vector space differ inthe length of the vector but not in the angle of the vector (Cacioppoet al., 2014). Therefore, the RMSE is followed by an analysis based on a cosine similarity metric (for details, see S. Cacioppo et al., 2014). The results of a HPMS single provide two types of outputs: Oneoutput with “preliminary” results (provided users select the option“yes” to the question “plot preliminary results” (supplementary Fig.S2), and one output with final results (Fig. 2). * If the user is interested in changes in GFP, then outputting the preliminary results should be selected. The preliminary out-put includes information about microstates before they are merged using a multi-dimensional cosine similarity metric based on cosine distance function that determines whether template maps for successive brain microstates differ in configuration of brain activity. The final output includes, on the other hand, results after the merging of the brain microstates. A comparison of these outputs permits one to identify which microstates identified by the RMSE analysiswere subsequently determined by the analysis based on the cosinemetric as the same microstate but at a different GFP. Changes in GFP levels within the same microstate are provided in the GFP outputsfor the microstates in the preliminary results that were merged inthe final results. * If one has no interest in GFP, then there isno need to output the preliminary results. The Final outcomes suffice. Both the preliminary and final outputs are organized similarly. They both display two figures and five tables. See S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo (2015) for details, tables, and figures. '''Global Field Power (GFP) metrics: ''' Users interested in changes in magnitude (rather than changes in topography only) will find this GFP information useful. Initially introduced by Lehmann and Skrandies (1980), the GFP is equivalent to the standard deviation of the electrode voltages fora given timeframe (topographic map). As it was done for the RMSE values over the specified baseline interval, a CI is calculated for the GFP values around the mean GFP value over the same specified baseline interval. Meaningful changes in GFP levels are then determined in the same way as for RMSE (See S. Cacioppo et al., 2014 for details). '''Template maps: ''' Finally, the HPMS function allows users to export each template maps and estimate their brain source using Brainstorm tools and head models. For more details about this steps, see [[http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm/Tutorials|Brainstorm tutorial (steps 21-22)]]. {{{ 3. Bootstrapping function }}} The third function of the CENA are between-subjects and within-subjects bootstrappingprocedures. Typically, one assumes that the series of brain microstates evoked across trials or across participants is homogeneous. This assumption may not be justified, however. '''We therefore implemented a bootstrapping procedure to identify heterogeneities in the timing or number of microstates as well as their representative template maps across analysis trials, runs,or participants.''' This data-intensive analytic approach, made possible by the use of high-performance computing, promises to dramatically improve the spatiotemporal information provided by noninvasive electrical neuroimaging. This CENA function can be performed either within-subjectsor across groups of subjects. * Within-subjects bootstrapping: At each iteration, a unique ERP is “bootstrapped” by a process of random selection from the available trials in a given subject’s EEG recording for a given condition, with the selected trials then averaged to generate an ERP for that subject and condition. * Between-subjects bootstrapping: A pre-processing step must be performed in which each subject’s EEG recordings for a given condition are reduced to a within-subject ERP by averaging (see S. Cacioppoet al., 2014 for details). The rest of the between-subjects bootstrapping procedure is the same as the within-subjects procedure but instead of performing a random selection from the set of one subject’s available trials, the bootstrapped ERP is generated by selecting from the set of all subjects ERPs for the given condition. In either case, a random sample of r (without replacement) of the available N possibilities is used to generate the bootstrapped ERP. Following each bootstrap ERP generation phase, the resulting ERP (either within- or between-subjects) is subjected to the microsegmentation routine. These steps are repeated a large number of times (on the order of thousands to quadrillions, See S. Cacioppo et al., 2014 for details). == Download Sample Data Set == == Sample Data Set Material and Methods == '''Participants ''' As described in S. Cacioppo et al. (2014), participants were 22 volunteers (8 females) with a mean age of 23.18 (SD = 3.92) years. All were right-handed and had normal or corrected to-normal visual acuity. None had any prior or current neurological or psychiatric impairment, as ascertained by a detailed anamnesis. Prior to participation, volunteers provided written informed con-\sent that had been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Chicago. '''Experimental design''' The experimental design was a 2 (Task instructions: passive viewing vs active visual search) × 2 (Counterbalanced Order) between-subjects factorial design. The sample data set here inclides on the data from the passive viewing condition because this replicates the instruc-tional condition in the checkerboard reversal task (Schneider et al.,1993). In this condition, participants were instructed to passivelyview the center of a reversing checkerboard. '''Procedure''' Checkerboards had a spatial frequency of 1 cycle/deg, covered 5.4 × 5.57◦ of visual angle and were reversed every 500 ms (dura-tion confirmed by photocell measurements; E-prime PsychologySoftware Tools Inc., Pittsburgh, USA). A red cross of 1◦of visual angle was placed in the top center of the monitor and the participants were instructed to fixate this cross throughout visual stimulation. Stimuli were displayed in black and white on a monitor screen, with refresh rate of 60 Hz. Visual stimuli were presented on a PC computer using EGI-E-prime Psychology Software Tools Inc., Pittsburgh, USA under Windows XP, which provides control of display durations and accurate recordings of reaction times. Participants were comfortably seated 100 cm away from a PC computer screenin which stimuli were presented centrally. The task consisted of 250 checkerboard reversals. '''EEG Data Collection''' Continuous surface EEG was recorded from high-density EGI system (128 channels). The EEG was digitized at 250 Hz (corresponding to a sample period of 4 ms), with a band-width of 0.01–200 Hz, with the vertex electrode (Cz) serving as an on-line recording reference. Data were collected in two sessions with briefintervening rest periods for the participant. Impendances were kept below 100 k throughout. '''EEG Epoching and Averaging''' Electrophysiological data were first pre-processed at the individual level. All trials were visually inspected for oculomotor (saccades and blinks), muscles, and other artifacts. Channels with corrupted signals were interpolated. Surviving epochs of EEG were averaged for each participant to calculate one ERP for each participant. Data were band-pass filtered between 1 and 30 Hz with a roll-off slope of 12 dB/Octave. A grand average ERP corresponding to an average of all the individual ERPs was also performed using Brainstorm Averaging function. '''CENA on ERPs''' A HPMS single was then performed with the RMSE and the GFP microsegmentation algorithms onto the ERP grand average. ''HPMS Single Parameters'' * Baseline: -160 to -4 ms. * Lag, L: A lag of 8 ms was used for this basic visual task. * CI : * a 99% CI was used to construct thresholds for the RMSE and GFP analyses, and * a 95% CI was used for cosine metric analyses. '''CENA Results''' After the baseline, the following evoked brain states occured: * a first discrete evoked brain microstate occured from 92 to 100 ms, * a second microstate from 116 to 132 ms, * a third microstate from 144 to 164 ms, * a fourth microstate from 180 to 208 ms, and * a fifth microstatefrom 224 to 436 ms. Please note that the latest version of CENA now considers every time frame as inclusive. A 128-dimensional cosine similarity metric analysis was performed next to determine whether each successive microstaterepresented a significant change from the preceding microstatein the overall configuration of electrical activity across the sen-sor space. The cosine distance between each contiguous pair ofmicrostates fell outside the 95% CI for the earlier of the twomicrostates, indicating five discrete event-related microstates.Specifically, the cosine distance between microstates 1 and 2 was1.82, which fell well outside the 95% CI for microstate 1 of ±.011.Similarly, the 95% CI and cosine distance between each of the suc-ceeding microstates was (i.e., microstates 2 and 3, microstates 3 and4, microstates 4 and 5) fell outside the 95% CI of the earlier of the twomicrostates (cosine distances = .114, 1.76, and 1.24, respectively;CIs = ±.003, ±.113, and ±.449, respectively).The between-subjects bootstrapping results for the RMSE anal-ysis are summarized in Fig. 14 (Panels B and C). The analyses,which are summarized in Fig. 14, indicated more robust micro-segmentation for early than late microstates, as would be expected.Specifically, in the first 2 microstates the bootstrapping indicated98–100% homogeneity whereas in the last 2 microstates thebootstrapping indicated homogeneity had dropped to 50–60%.Interestingly, the bootstrapping also indicated that five microstateswere identified in only 26.8% of the runs. Although this was themodal solution, four microstates were identified in 20.3% of theruns, six microstates were identified in 23.1% of the runs, and sevenmicrostates were identified in 14.4% of the runs. (The remaining15.4% of the runs identified various numbers of microstates rangingfrom two to ten.) Together, these results suggest that all partici-pants may not be showing the same microstate structure duringthe reverse checkerboard task, and specifically that any such indi-vidual differences in the neural responses to this task are especiallylikely to be emerging after the second microstate (i.e., after 132 ms).Inspection of the GFP function and CI (Fig. 15) indicates three dis-tinct epochs during which time GFP changed. GFP increased frombasal levels beginning at 48 ms post-stimulus, peaking at 96 ms,falling to a trough at 108 ms, increasing to a second peak at 128 ms,falling to a trough at 188 ms, rising to a third (but lower) peakat 236 ms where it remained fairly stable through the rest of therecording period.Between-subjects bootstrapping was then performed to investi-gate how robust were these changes in GFP across subjects. The GFPanalysis was performed on the same bootstrapped ERPs used in theRMSE analyses. The results are displayed in Panel B of Fig. 15, andthe summary statistics are provided in Panel C and the caption ofFig. 15. The results paralleled those for RMSE, with the overall anal-ysis showing reasonably robust results with increasing variabilityduring the latter segments of the post-stimulus period. == References == Cacioppo, S., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2015). Dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses using high-performance electrical neuroimaging, Part II: A step-by-step tutorial. ''Journal of Neuroscience Methods, '' 256, ''184-197. ''doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.09.004 [[https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/sites/caciopponeurolab.uchicago.edu/files/uploads/CC_JNM_2015_CENA%20Tutorial_0.pdf|PDF]] Cacioppo, S., Weiss, R. M. Runesha, H. B., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2014). Dynamic Spatiotemporal Brain Analyses using High-Performance Electrical NeuroImaging: Theoretical Framework and Validation. ''Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 238, ''11-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.09.009.''' [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165027014003343#|PDF]]''' == License == By using/downloading CENA (the PROGRAM) you agree to the following terms of use. For all inquiries regarding commercial use, please contact [[mailto:info-uchicagotech@uchicago.edu|info-uchicagotech@uchicago.edu.]] '''THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO - SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT - FOR ACADEMIC NON-COMMERCIAL RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY''' This Agreement is made between the University of Chicago with a principal address at 5801 South Ellis Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 (UCHICAGO) and the LICENSEE and is effective at the date the downloading is completed (EFFECTIVE DATE). WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to license the PROGRAM, as defined hereinafter, and UCHICAGO wishes to have this PROGRAM utilized in the public interest, subject only to the royalty-free, nonexclusive, nontransferable license rights of the United States Government pursuant to 48 CFR 52.227-14; and WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to license the PROGRAM and UCHICAGO desires to grant a license on the following terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and covenants made herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: '''1. DEFINITIONS''' 1.1 Chicago Patent means the patents and patent applications related to PROGRAM including all divisionals, continuations, foreign counterparts, continuations-in-part and its foreign counterparts, and any valid patents which may issue from such patent applications and any reissues, substitutions, or extensions of or to any such patents or patent applications. 1.2. PROGRAM shall mean copyright (whether registered or unregistered) in the object code and source code known as CENA and related documentation, including but not limited to manuals, explanatory materials, or other documentation, as they exist on the EFFECTIVE DATE and can be downloaded from [[https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/page/chicago-electrical-neuroimaging-analytics-cena|https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/page/cena]] on the EFFECTIVE DATE. '''2. LICENSE ''' 2.1 Grant. Subject to the terms of this Agreement, UCHICAGO hereby grants to LICENSEE, solely for academic non-commercial research purposes: 2.1.1 a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to download, execute and display the PROGRAM; and 2.1.2 a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to practice Chicago Patents solely for internal research use only. The LICENSEE may apply the PROGRAM in a pipeline to data owned by users other than the LICENSEE and provide these users the results of the PROGRAM provided LICENSEE does so for academic non- commercial purposes only. For clarification purposes, academic sponsored research is not a commercial use under the terms of this Agreement. These grants permit LICENSEE to use a one (1) copy of the Program FOR INTERNAL RESEARCH USE ONLY on a single computer. 2.2 No Sublicensing or Additional Rights. LICENSEE shall not sublicense or distribute the PROGRAM, in whole or in part, without prior written permission from UCHICAGO. LICENSEE shall ensure that all of its users agree to the terms of this Agreement. LICENSEE further agrees that it shall not put the PROGRAM on a network, server, or other similar technology that may be accessed by anyone other than the LICENSEE and its employees and users who have agreed to the terms of this agreement. No rights in and to the PROGRAM or CHICAGO PATENTS other than those provided in this Section 2, expressed or implied, are conveyed by UCHICAGO. 2.3 License Limitations. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to confer any rights upon LICENSEE by implication, estoppel, or otherwise to any computer software, trademark, intellectual property, or patent rights of UCHICAGO, or of any other entity, except as expressly granted herein. LICENSEE agrees that the PROGRAM, in whole or part, shall not be used for any commercial purpose, including without limitation, as the basis of a commercial software or hardware product or to provide services. LICENSEE further agrees that the PROGRAM shall not be copied or otherwise adapted in order to circumvent the need for obtaining a license for use of the PROGRAM. Unless described herein, this Agreement does not include the ability to perform the following functions: copy, modify, rent, disassemble, reverse engineer, create derivative works, or transfer the PROGRAM, or any copy, modification, or merged portion, in whole or part, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement. If LICENSEE transfers possession of any copy of the Program to any other party, this license is automatically terminated. 2.4 Under no circumstances may LICENSEE use the PROGRAM as a decision-making tool regarding diagnosis or treatment decisions for patients. 2.5 UCHICAGO reserves the worldwide right to practice inventions claimed in the PROGRAM and CHICAGO PATENTS for all educational and research purposes it may choose at its own discretion and without any payment thereafter. UCHICAGO shall have the right to grant further licenses to third parties to practice the inventions claimed in the PROGRAM and/or CHICAGO PATENTS. '''3. OWNERSHIP OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY''' 3.1 LICENSEE acknowledges that title and ownership rights to the PROGRAM and CHICAGO PATENTS shall remain with UCHICAGO. LICENSEE will not contest, nor assist any other party in contesting, UCHICAGO’s ownership of the PROGRAM or CHICAGO PATENTS, and will not contest to the validity thereof. 3.2 The PROGRAM (including any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the PROGRAM) is owned by UCHICAGO and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. The PROGRAM is marked with the following UCHICAGO copyright notice. LICENSEE shall retain such notice on all copies. Copyright 2014-2015 University of Chicago. 3.3 LICENSEE shall not use any trademark or trade name of UCHICAGO, or any variation, adaptation, or abbreviation, of such marks or trade names, or any names of officers, faculty, students, employees, or agents of UCHICAGO except as states above for attribution purposes. '''4. INDEMNIFICATION ''' LICENSEE shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless UCHICAGO, and its respective affiliates, trustees, directors, officers, faculty, students, employees, fellows, agents, associated investigators and agents, and their respective successors, heirs and assigns, (Indemnitees), against any liability, damage, loss, or expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees and expenses) incurred by or imposed upon any of the Indemnitees in connection with any claims, suits, actions, demands or judgments arising out of any theory of liability (including, without limitation, actions in the form of tort, warranty, or strict liability and regardless of whether such action has any factual basis) pursuant to any right or license granted under this Agreement. '''5. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES''' 5.1 THE PROGRAM IS DELIVERED AS IS. UCHICAGO MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND CONCERNING THE PROGRAM OR THE COPYRIGHT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR THE ABSENCE OF LATENT OR OTHER DEFECTS, WHETHER OR NOT DISCOVERABLE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH THE LICENSEE. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, LICENSEE ASSUMES THE RISK AND LIABILITY FOR THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY REPAIR, SERVICE, OR CORRECTION. UCHICAGO DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO THE INVENTION(S) CLAIMED IN THE CHICAGO PATENTS OR WITH RESPECT TO THE CHICAGO PATENTS THEMSELVES OR AS TO PROGRAM CONFORMITY WITH WHATEVER USER MANUALS OR OTHER LITERATURE MAY BE ISSUED FROM TIME TO TIME, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES ABOUT (I) THE VALIDITY, SCOPE OR ENFORCEABILITY OF ANY OF THE LICENSED PATENTS; (II) THE ACCURACY, SAFETY OR USEFULNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OF ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY UCHICAGO TO LICENSEE, WITH RESPECT TO THE INVENTION(S) CLAIMED IN THE CHICAGO PATENTS OR WITH RESPECT TO THE CHICAGO PATENTS THEMSELVES AND ANY PRODUCTS DEVELOPED FROM OR COVERED BY THEM AS TO PROGRAM CONFORMITY WITH WHATEVER USER MANUALS OR OTHER LITERATURE MAY BE ISSUED FROM TIME TO TIME; (III) WHETHER THE PRACTICE OF ANY CLAIM CONTAINED IN ANY OF THE LICENSED PATENTS WILL OR MIGHT INFRINGE A PATENT OR OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT OWNED OR LICENSED BY A THIRD PARTY; (IV) THE PATENTABILITY OF ANY INVENTION CLAIMED IN THE CHICAGO PATENTS; OR (V) THE ACCURACY, SAFETY, OR USEFULNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE OF ANY PRODUCT OR PROCESS MADE OR CARRIED OUT IN ACCORDANCE WITH OR THROUGH THE USE OF THE CHICAGO PATENTS. UCHICAGO EXTENDS NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND AS TO PROGRAM CONFORMITY WITH WHATEVER USER MANUALS OR OTHER LITERATURE MAY BE ISSUED FROM TIME TO TIME. 5.2 Liability. IN NO EVENT SHALL UCHICAGO OR ITS RESPECTIVE DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AFFILIATED INVESTIGATORS, AFFILIATES, TRUSTEES, FELLOWS, AND AGENTS BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ECONOMIC DAMAGES OR INJURY TO PROPERTY AND LOST PROFITS, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER UCHICAGO SHALL BE ADVISED, SHALL HAVE OTHER REASON TO KNOW, OR IN FACT SHALL KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY OF THE FOREGOING. 5.3 Assumption of Risk. Except as expressly provided herein, the risk as to the performance, safety, and efficacy of PROGRAM is assumed by LICENSEE, provided that such assumption of the risk shall not apply to the intentional misconduct or gross negligence by UCHICAGO. LICENSEE shall not, make any agreements, statements, representations or warranties or accept any liabilities or responsibilities whatsoever with regard to any person or entity which are inconsistent with this Section 5.3. '''6. ASSIGNMENT''' This Agreement is personal to LICENSEE and any rights or obligations assigned by LICENSEE without the prior written consent of UCHICAGO shall be null and void. '''7. MISCELLANEOUS''' 7.1 Export Control. LICENSEE gives assurance that it will comply with all United States export control laws and regulations controlling the export of the PROGRAM, including, without limitation, all Export Administration Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce. Among other things, these laws and regulations prohibit, or require a license for, the export of certain types of software to specified countries. 7.2 Termination. LICENSEE shall have the right to terminate this Agreement for any reason upon prior written notice to UCHICAGO. If LICENSEE breaches any provision hereunder, and fails to cure such breach within thirty (30) days, UCHICAGO may terminate this Agreement immediately. Upon termination, LICENSEE shall provide UCHICAGO with written assurance that the original and all copies of the PROGRAM have been destroyed, except that, upon prior written authorization from UCHICAGO, LICENSEE may retain a copy for archive purposes. 7.3 Survival. The following provisions shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement: Articles 1, 3, 4, 5 and Sections 2.2, 2.3, 7.3, and 7.4. 7.4 Notice. Any notices under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall specifically refer to this Agreement, and shall be sent by hand, recognized national overnight courier, confirmed facsimile transmission, confirmed electronic mail, or registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested. All notices under this Agreement shall be deemed effective upon receipt. 7.5 Amendment and Waiver; Entire Agreement. This Agreement may be amended, supplemented, or otherwise modified only by means of a written instrument signed by all parties. Any waiver of any rights or failure to act in a specific instance shall relate only to such instance and shall not be construed as an agreement to waive any rights or fail to act in any other instance, whether or not similar. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement among the parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes prior agreements or understandings between the parties relating to its subject matter. 7.6 Binding Effect; Headings. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective permitted successors and assigns. All headings are for convenience only and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of this Agreement. 7.7 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed, governed, interpreted and applied in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Illinois, without regard to conflict of laws principles. 7.8 Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held illegal, unenforceable, or in conflict with any laws of any federal, provincial, state or local government that may exercise jurisdiction over this Agreement, the validity of the remaining portions or provisions shall not be affected hereby. |
The Chicago Electrical Neuroimaging Analytics (CENA):
Microsegmentation Suite Tutorial
Author: Stephanie Cacioppo, Ph.D.
The University of Chicago Pritzker Medical School
The Chicago Electrical Neuroimaging Analytics (CENA) is a suite of tools for advanced dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses that allows you to automatically detect event-related changes in the global pattern and global field power of your event-related potentials (ERPs).
CENA users are expected to apply CENA functions on ERPs rather than raw EEG. To learn more about how to created ERPs and about raw EEG pre-processing, epoching, and averaging, see Brainstorm Tutorial (steps 11-19).
CENA functions
Cena functions include:
- Difference wave function;
- High-performance microsegmentation suite (HPMS) which consists of three specific analytic tools:
- a root mean square error (RMSE) metric for identifying stable states and transition states across discrete event-related brain micro states;
- a similarity metric based on cosine distance in n dimensional sensor space to determine whether template maps for successive brain microstates differ in configuration of brain activity;
- a global field power (GFP) metrics for identifying changes in the overall level of activation of the brain.
- Bootstrapping function for assessing the extent to which the solutions identified in the HPMS are robust.
Description of the toolbox functions
1. Difference wave function
The CENA function constructs a “difference waveform” that putatively represents physiological processes that are different between two conditions. The CENA difference wave function offers users the possibility to create a difference waveform configuration between two n-dimensional ERPs by subtracting the ERP waveform elicited by one condition (e.g., ERP_A) from the ERP waveform elicited by another condition (ERP_B). The output of this difference waveform function is computed as ERP_A – ERP_B, which results in a T x n matrix with T as the number of timeframes and n as the number of electrodes. When processing two ERPs via the Brainstorm routine window at the bottom of the Brainstorm interface, ERP_A will be the ERP at the top of the list and ERP_B will be the ERP second in the list.
2. High-Performance Microsegmentation Suite (HPMS)
CENA toolbox currently allows users to perform two types of HPMS:
- HPMS for one condition (HPMS single) or
- HPMS to com-pare two or more conditions (HPMS multiple).
Menu options of the HPMS function (either HPMS single or HPMS multiple) allow users to select two different levels (either a 95% or 99%) of confidence interval (CI) for:
- (i) thresholding RMSE peaks and valleys, and
- (ii) performing a cosine metric analysis to determine whether time-adjacent microstates differed in configuration.
A 95% CI is recommended in between-subjects contrasts, while a 99% CI is recommended in within-subjects contrasts (S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015; S. Cacioppo et al., 2014).
In addition, the menu options allow users to specify the duration of their baseline (e.g., period prior a stimulus onset) and to tune the size of the RMSE lag for the HPMS at a minimum duration that isappropriate to their study.
We recommend that the baseline to be time-jittered in your experiment, variable in length, and corrected to ensure the best possible model of noise. (Time-jittering the baseline is typical in fMRI research and is done to ensure the baseline is a reasonablemodel of the background noise level for the signal of interest.)
Because most ERP research (and most microstate analyses) focuses on post-stimulus event-related brain states, post-stimulus brain microstates (evoked brain microstates) are the primary focus of the present version of CENA. However, if the experimenter were interested in pre-stimulus states, a straightforward modification of the experimental design would be sufficient to permit investigation of these pre-stimulus (e.g., anticipatory) microstates.
If you are interested in evoked brain microstates, here is a typical trial structure we recommend:
- (i) jittered, variable-length baseline,
- (ii) stimulus onset, and
- (iii) post-stimulus period during which evoked brain microstates are identified and investigated.
If one were interested in the event-related anticipatory microstates and wished to use CENA, the trial structure could be modified as follows: (i) jittered, variable-length baseline, (ii) a fixed-interval pre-stimulus period that makes it possible for the subject to anticipate the stimulus onset (and during which evoked anticipatory microstates can be identified and investigated), (iii) stimulus onset, and (iv) post-stimulus period (during which evoked microstates can be identified and investigated).
Root Mean Square Error (RMSE):
The first HPMS step uses a root mean square error (RMSE) analysis that decomposes the n-dimensional ERP waveform based on noise levels detectedduring the baseline period into two types of event-relatedbrain states: (i) discrete stable microstates, and (ii) transition states between these microstates transitions are not immediate. For more details about the RMSE, see S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo, 2015 and S. Cacioppo et al., 2014.
Lag parameter:
The Lag parameter in CENA corresponds to the the minimum duration for a putative microstate.
Setting up a lag allows you to set the distance between topographical maps that areto be compared. L is the minimum duration for a putative evokedbrain microstate, which means the time interval between topo-graphical maps (i.e., map x and mapˆx) that are to be compared.
Because a brain microstate must have a minimum duration of a few consecutive time points to be meaningful of a functional brain processing, we recommend an L lag of approximately 8 ms (for basic visual tasks, such as a passive reversal checkerboard) and at least 12 ms for more complex cognitive task.
Cosine similarity metric:
To confirm whether the microstates identified in the RMSE differ in the configuration of brain activity, CENA employs a multi-dimensional cosine similarity metric based on the cosine distance between template maps for successive evoked brain microstates (S. Cacioppo et al., 2014).
Although the cosine similarity metric resolves ambiguities left by the RMSE analysis, the RMSE analysis is a necessary first step to identify candidate brain microstate based on the ERP configuration across n-dimensional sensory space. Specifically, the RMSE analysis identifies significant changes in the stable event-related pattern of EEG activation across the n-dimensional sensor space. However, there are two reasons such a change in the RMSE function may occur (Cacioppo et al., 2014):
A different stable evoked brain microstate was elicited, typically interpreted as meaning that one or more of the cortical sourcesunderlying the prior event-related microstate had changed; or
The same stable evoked brain microstate was maintained but GFP increased (or decreased), typically interpreted as meaning that the level of activation of the set of cortical sources underlying theevent-related microstate had increased (or decreased).
Once the putative stable microstates have been identified by the RMSE, each topographical map within a microstate can be expressed within a n-dimensional (e.g., 128-dimensional) vector space, the template (i.e.,mean) map for the microstate can be expressed in this microstate, a confidence interval region can be determined around this.
If the succeeding evoked brain microstate identified by RMSE is the result of a change in the location of the underlying neural sources of the n-dimensional event-related waveform, the cosine metric between the template map for anevent -related microstate and the template map for the succeedingmicrostate should differ. This is because different configurationsof activity produce different vector angles in n-dimensional vectorspace. However, if the succeeding evoked brain microstate identi-fied by RMSE is the result of a change in the level of neural activation (i.e., GFP) rather than a change in source location, then the represen-tation of these microstates in n-dimensional vector space differ inthe length of the vector but not in the angle of the vector (Cacioppoet al., 2014).
Therefore, the RMSE is followed by an analysis based on a cosine similarity metric (for details, see S. Cacioppo et al., 2014). The results of a HPMS single provide two types of outputs: Oneoutput with “preliminary” results (provided users select the option“yes” to the question “plot preliminary results” (supplementary Fig.S2), and one output with final results (Fig. 2).
- If the user is interested in changes in GFP, then outputting the preliminary results should be selected. The preliminary out-put includes information about microstates before they are merged using a multi-dimensional cosine similarity metric based on cosine distance function that determines whether template maps for successive brain microstates differ in configuration of brain activity. The final output includes, on the other hand, results after the merging of the brain microstates. A comparison of these outputs permits one to identify which microstates identified by the RMSE analysiswere subsequently determined by the analysis based on the cosinemetric as the same microstate but at a different GFP. Changes in GFP levels within the same microstate are provided in the GFP outputsfor the microstates in the preliminary results that were merged inthe final results.
- If one has no interest in GFP, then there isno need to output the preliminary results. The Final outcomes suffice.
Both the preliminary and final outputs are organized similarly. They both display two figures and five tables. See S. Cacioppo & Cacioppo (2015) for details, tables, and figures.
Global Field Power (GFP) metrics:
Users interested in changes in magnitude (rather than changes in topography only) will find this GFP information useful. Initially introduced by Lehmann and Skrandies (1980), the GFP is equivalent to the standard deviation of the electrode voltages fora given timeframe (topographic map). As it was done for the RMSE values over the specified baseline interval, a CI is calculated for the GFP values around the mean GFP value over the same specified baseline interval. Meaningful changes in GFP levels are then determined in the same way as for RMSE (See S. Cacioppo et al., 2014 for details).
Template maps:
Finally, the HPMS function allows users to export each template maps and estimate their brain source using Brainstorm tools and head models. For more details about this steps, see Brainstorm tutorial (steps 21-22).
3. Bootstrapping function
The third function of the CENA are between-subjects and within-subjects bootstrappingprocedures. Typically, one assumes that the series of brain microstates evoked across trials or across participants is homogeneous. This assumption may not be justified, however.
We therefore implemented a bootstrapping procedure to identify heterogeneities in the timing or number of microstates as well as their representative template maps across analysis trials, runs,or participants.
This data-intensive analytic approach, made possible by the use of high-performance computing, promises to dramatically improve the spatiotemporal information provided by noninvasive electrical neuroimaging.
This CENA function can be performed either within-subjectsor across groups of subjects.
- Within-subjects bootstrapping:
At each iteration, a unique ERP is “bootstrapped” by a process of random selection from the available trials in a given subject’s EEG recording for a given condition, with the selected trials then averaged to generate an ERP for that subject and condition.
- Between-subjects bootstrapping:
A pre-processing step must be performed in which each subject’s EEG recordings for a given condition are reduced to a within-subject ERP by averaging (see S. Cacioppoet al., 2014 for details). The rest of the between-subjects bootstrapping procedure is the same as the within-subjects procedure but instead of performing a random selection from the set of one subject’s available trials, the bootstrapped ERP is generated by selecting from the set of all subjects ERPs for the given condition.
In either case, a random sample of r (without replacement) of the available N possibilities is used to generate the bootstrapped ERP. Following each bootstrap ERP generation phase, the resulting ERP (either within- or between-subjects) is subjected to the microsegmentation routine. These steps are repeated a large number of times (on the order of thousands to quadrillions, See S. Cacioppo et al., 2014 for details).
Download Sample Data Set
Sample Data Set Material and Methods
As described in S. Cacioppo et al. (2014), participants were 22 volunteers (8 females) with a mean age of 23.18 (SD = 3.92) years. All were right-handed and had normal or corrected to-normal visual acuity. None had any prior or current neurological or psychiatric impairment, as ascertained by a detailed anamnesis. Prior to participation, volunteers provided written informed con-\sent that had been approved by the Institutional Review Board of the University of Chicago.
Experimental design
The experimental design was a 2 (Task instructions: passive viewing vs active visual search) × 2 (Counterbalanced Order) between-subjects factorial design. The sample data set here inclides on the data from the passive viewing condition because this replicates the instruc-tional condition in the checkerboard reversal task (Schneider et al.,1993). In this condition, participants were instructed to passivelyview the center of a reversing checkerboard.
Checkerboards had a spatial frequency of 1 cycle/deg, covered 5.4 × 5.57◦ of visual angle and were reversed every 500 ms (dura-tion confirmed by photocell measurements; E-prime PsychologySoftware Tools Inc., Pittsburgh, USA). A red cross of 1◦of visual angle was placed in the top center of the monitor and the participants were instructed to fixate this cross throughout visual stimulation. Stimuli were displayed in black and white on a monitor screen, with refresh rate of 60 Hz. Visual stimuli were presented on a PC computer using EGI-E-prime Psychology Software Tools Inc., Pittsburgh, USA under Windows XP, which provides control of display durations and accurate recordings of reaction times. Participants were comfortably seated 100 cm away from a PC computer screenin which stimuli were presented centrally. The task consisted of 250 checkerboard reversals.
EEG Data Collection
Continuous surface EEG was recorded from high-density EGI system (128 channels). The EEG was digitized at 250 Hz (corresponding to a sample period of 4 ms), with a band-width of 0.01–200 Hz, with the vertex electrode (Cz) serving as an on-line recording reference. Data were collected in two sessions with briefintervening rest periods for the participant. Impendances were kept below 100 k throughout.
EEG Epoching and Averaging
Electrophysiological data were first pre-processed at the individual level. All trials were visually inspected for oculomotor (saccades and blinks), muscles, and other artifacts. Channels with corrupted signals were interpolated. Surviving epochs of EEG were averaged for each participant to calculate one ERP for each participant. Data were band-pass filtered between 1 and 30 Hz with a roll-off slope of 12 dB/Octave. A grand average ERP corresponding to an average of all the individual ERPs was also performed using Brainstorm Averaging function.
A HPMS single was then performed with the RMSE and the GFP microsegmentation algorithms onto the ERP grand average.
HPMS Single Parameters
- Baseline: -160 to -4 ms.
- Lag, L: A lag of 8 ms was used for this basic visual task.
- CI :
- a 99% CI was used to construct thresholds for the RMSE and GFP analyses, and
- a 95% CI was used for cosine metric analyses.
CENA Results
After the baseline, the following evoked brain states occured:
- a first discrete evoked brain microstate occured from 92 to 100 ms,
- a second microstate from 116 to 132 ms,
- a third microstate from 144 to 164 ms,
- a fourth microstate from 180 to 208 ms, and
- a fifth microstatefrom 224 to 436 ms.
Please note that the latest version of CENA now considers every time frame as inclusive.
A 128-dimensional cosine similarity metric analysis was performed next to determine whether each successive microstaterepresented a significant change from the preceding microstatein the overall configuration of electrical activity across the sen-sor space. The cosine distance between each contiguous pair ofmicrostates fell outside the 95% CI for the earlier of the twomicrostates, indicating five discrete event-related microstates.Specifically, the cosine distance between microstates 1 and 2 was1.82, which fell well outside the 95% CI for microstate 1 of ±.011.Similarly, the 95% CI and cosine distance between each of the suc-ceeding microstates was (i.e., microstates 2 and 3, microstates 3 and4, microstates 4 and 5) fell outside the 95% CI of the earlier of the twomicrostates (cosine distances = .114, 1.76, and 1.24, respectively;CIs = ±.003, ±.113, and ±.449, respectively).The between-subjects bootstrapping results for the RMSE anal-ysis are summarized in Fig. 14 (Panels B and C). The analyses,which are summarized in Fig. 14, indicated more robust micro-segmentation for early than late microstates, as would be expected.Specifically, in the first 2 microstates the bootstrapping indicated98–100% homogeneity whereas in the last 2 microstates thebootstrapping indicated homogeneity had dropped to 50–60%.Interestingly, the bootstrapping also indicated that five microstateswere identified in only 26.8% of the runs. Although this was themodal solution, four microstates were identified in 20.3% of theruns, six microstates were identified in 23.1% of the runs, and sevenmicrostates were identified in 14.4% of the runs. (The remaining15.4% of the runs identified various numbers of microstates rangingfrom two to ten.) Together, these results suggest that all partici-pants may not be showing the same microstate structure duringthe reverse checkerboard task, and specifically that any such indi-vidual differences in the neural responses to this task are especiallylikely to be emerging after the second microstate (i.e., after 132 ms).Inspection of the GFP function and CI (Fig. 15) indicates three dis-tinct epochs during which time GFP changed. GFP increased frombasal levels beginning at 48 ms post-stimulus, peaking at 96 ms,falling to a trough at 108 ms, increasing to a second peak at 128 ms,falling to a trough at 188 ms, rising to a third (but lower) peakat 236 ms where it remained fairly stable through the rest of therecording period.Between-subjects bootstrapping was then performed to investi-gate how robust were these changes in GFP across subjects. The GFPanalysis was performed on the same bootstrapped ERPs used in theRMSE analyses. The results are displayed in Panel B of Fig. 15, andthe summary statistics are provided in Panel C and the caption ofFig. 15. The results paralleled those for RMSE, with the overall anal-ysis showing reasonably robust results with increasing variabilityduring the latter segments of the post-stimulus period.
Cacioppo, S., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2015). Dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses using high-performance electrical neuroimaging, Part II: A step-by-step tutorial. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 256, 184-197. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2015.09.004 PDF
Cacioppo, S., Weiss, R. M. Runesha, H. B., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2014). Dynamic Spatiotemporal Brain Analyses using High-Performance Electrical NeuroImaging: Theoretical Framework and Validation. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 238, 11-34. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2014.09.009. PDF
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1.2. PROGRAM shall mean copyright (whether registered or unregistered) in the object code and source code known as CENA and related documentation, including but not limited to manuals, explanatory materials, or other documentation, as they exist on the EFFECTIVE DATE and can be downloaded from https://hpenlaboratory.uchicago.edu/page/cena on the EFFECTIVE DATE.
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