Size: 3754
Size: 9545
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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You can follow this tutorial after processing the recordings for the 19 subjects (6 runs per subject) as illustrated in the [[Tutorials/VisualSingle|single subject tutorial]]. Otherwise, we provide a Brainstorm protocol that includes all the imported data, downsampled at 275Hz. | First, make sure you have enough space on your hard drive, at least '''100Gb''': * The Brainstorm database with all the data imported, downloaded from this website: '''50Gb''' * The database after processing: '''100Gb''' You can follow this tutorial after processing the recordings for the 19 subjects (6 runs per subject) as illustrated in the [[Tutorials/VisualSingle|single subject tutorial]]. Otherwise, we provide a Brainstorm protocol that includes all the imported data, downsampled at 275Hz: |
Line 22: | Line 27: |
* The individual anatomy imported from FreeSurfer or Brainstorm for each subject (19 subjects). * |
* The individual anatomy imported from FreeSurfer or BrainSuite for each subject (19 subjects). * The sensor level averages (MEG+EEG) for each run (downsampled to 275Hz or not). * The forward model, noise covariance and inverse models for each subject and each run. <<BR>><<BR>> {{attachment:db_tutorialgroup.gif||height="346",width="422"}} * This protocol TutorialGroup is produced from the single subject protocol TutorialVisual with the script: '''brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_visual_copy.m''' <<BR>><<BR>><<HTML(<div style="border:1px solid black; background-color:#EEEEFF; width:680px; height:250px; overflow:scroll; padding:10px; font-family: Consolas,Menlo,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; white-space: pre;">)>><<EmbedContent("")>><<HTML(</div >)>> * If you are not using the package, make sure you exclude the bad subjects from the analysis: sub001, sub005, sub016. You would also need to add some selection processes to select only the averages (and not the continuous recordings or the trials). |
Line 26: | Line 34: |
=== Subject coregistration === |
=== Coregistration of the acquisition runs === |
Line 34: | Line 41: |
This doesn't mean that we can estimate the sources only once per subject. We have computed different SSP projectors and different bad channels for the each acquisition run. To be able to use this information efficiently we should estimate the sources for the trial averages for each run, then average the sources across runs. | This doesn't mean that we can estimate the sources only once per subject. We have computed different SSP projectors and different bad channels for the each acquisition run. To be able to use this information efficiently we should estimate the sources for the trial averages for each run separately, then average the sources across runs. |
Line 36: | Line 43: |
The forward model is the same for all the runs of each subject, therefore it can be computed for the first run and copied to all the other runs. | The forward model is the same for all the runs within one subject, therefore it can be computed for the first run and copied to all the other runs. |
Line 39: | Line 46: |
The objectives for this tutorial are to reproduce the analysis presented in .... | The objectives for this tutorial are to reproduce the analysis presented in the following documents: |
Line 41: | Line 48: |
* 1 * 2 * 3 |
* Wakeman DG, Henson RN, [[|A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset]]<<BR>>Scientific Data (2015) * Wakeman DG, Henson RN, [[|Functional and structural connctivity in face processing: MEG, EEG, fMRI, MRI and DWI data]], Biomag 2016 * SPM12 manual, chapter 41: [[|Multimodal, Multisubject data fusion]] |
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== Bad subjects == == Subject and group averages == |
== Subject averages == We will start by computing the subject-level averages for all the data types we have: sensor-level recordings, source maps and time-frequency results. We will use a weighted average to group the results we have for each run (weighted by the number of good trials). We want to compute the averages for each experimental condition separately (famous, unfamiliar, scrambled). Since the files are already selected in the interface, we will also compute a grand average across subject. In this context, we will consider that each subject has the same weight in the group average (option "weighted" not selected). Note that it is not accurate to average MEG recordings across subjects, but we can do it just to get a general idea ([[|more information]]). === Sensor averages === * Drag and drop all the subjects in Process1. Select button '''[Process recordings]'''. * Select process '''Average > Average files''': '''By trial group (subject average)'''<<BR>>Arithmetic average, '''Weighted''' * Add process '''Average > Average files''': '''By trial group (grand average)'''<<BR>>Arithmetic average, '''__Not__ weighted''' <<BR>><<BR>> {{attachment:average_process_data.gif||height="500",width="492"}} * In output, you get three group averages in the "Group analysis/Inter-subject" folder (top), and three subject averages per subject in the "intra-subject" folders (bottom). {{attachment:average_files_data.gif||height="273",width="653"}} === Source averages === * Keep all the subjects selected in Process1. Select button '''[Process sources]'''. * Run process '''Average > Average files''': '''By trial group (subject average)'''<<BR>>Arithmetic average, '''Weighted'''<<BR>><<BR>> {{attachment:average_process_sources.gif||height="512",width="426"}} * This time, we cannot compute a group average directly because the source spaces used to estimate the brain activity do not match between subjects. We will have to go through an additional step of projection on a template anatomy. We will also wait to have normalized the source maps before displaying them.<<BR>><<BR>> {{attachment:average_files_sources.gif}} === Time-frequency averages === * Keep all the subjects selected in Process1. Select button '''[Process time-freq]'''. * Select process '''Average > Average files''': '''By trial group (subject average)'''<<BR>>Arithmetic average, '''Weighted''', '''Match signals''' * Add process '''Average > Average files''': '''By trial group (grand average)'''<<BR>>Arithmetic average, '''__Not__ weighted''', '''Match signals''' <<BR>><<BR>> {{attachment:average_process_tf.gif||height="520",width="501"}} * We can average the time-frequency files across subjects (it is as valid as averaging the MEG or EEG signals across subjects). But we need to select this option "match signals between files using their names" to account for the variable number of bad channels we may have across runs or subjects. === Results === sub001 sub002 sub003 sub004 sub005 sub006 sub007 sub008 sub009 sub010 sub011 sub012 sub013 sub014 sub015 sub016 sub017 sub018 sub019 == Group averages == == Scripting == The following script from the Brainstorm distribution reproduces the analysis presented in this tutorial page: '''brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_visual_''''''group.m''' <<HTML(<div style="border:1px solid black; background-color:#EEEEFF; width:720px; height:500px; overflow:scroll; padding:10px; font-family: Consolas,Menlo,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; white-space: pre;">)>><<EmbedContent("")>><<HTML(</div >)>> |
MEG visual tutorial: Group analysis
Authors: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock.
The aim of this tutorial is to reproduce in the Brainstorm environment the analysis described in the SPM tutorial "Multimodal, Multisubject data fusion". The data processed here consists in simultaneous MEG/EEG recordings of 19 subjects performing simple visual task on a large number of famous, unfamiliar and scrambled faces. This tutorial follows another page that explains how to process one single subject in details.
This dataset was obtained from the OpenfMRI project (, accession #ds117. It is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License. Please cite the following reference if you use these data:
Wakeman DG, Henson RN, A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset, Scientific Data (2015)
Any questions, please contact:
Download and installation
First, make sure you have enough space on your hard drive, at least 100Gb:
The Brainstorm database with all the data imported, downloaded from this website: 50Gb
The database after processing: 100Gb
You can follow this tutorial after processing the recordings for the 19 subjects (6 runs per subject) as illustrated in the single subject tutorial. Otherwise, we provide a Brainstorm protocol that includes all the imported data, downsampled at 275Hz:
Go to the Download page, download the file
- Unzip this file in your Brainstorm database folder (brainstorm_db).
In Brainstorm, menu File > Load protocol > Load from folder > Select brainstorm_db/TutorialGroup
The database you need in order to follow this tutorial should contain the following:
The individual anatomy imported from FreeSurfer or BrainSuite for each subject (19 subjects).
- The sensor level averages (MEG+EEG) for each run (downsampled to 275Hz or not).
The forward model, noise covariance and inverse models for each subject and each run.
This protocol TutorialGroup is produced from the single subject protocol TutorialVisual with the script: brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_visual_copy.m
1 function tutorial_visual_copy(ProtocolNameSingle, ProtocolNameGroup, reports_dir) 2 % TUTORIAL_VISUAL_COPY: Copy the subject averages for the Brainstorm/SPM group tutorial into a new protocol (BIDS VERSION) 3 % 4 % ONLINE TUTORIALS: 5 % - 6 % - 7 % 8 % INPUTS: 9 % - ProtocolNameSingle : Name of the protocol created with all the data imported (TutorialVisual) 10 % - ProtocolNameGroup : Name of the protocol with just the averages, downsampled to 275Hz (TutorialGroup) 11 % - reports_dir : If defined, exports all the reports as HTML to this folder 12 13 % @============================================================================= 14 % This function is part of the Brainstorm software: 15 % 16 % 17 % Copyright (c) University of Southern California & McGill University 18 % This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License 19 % as published by the Free Software Foundation. Further details on the GPLv3 20 % license can be found at 21 % 22 % FOR RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS," AND THE 23 % UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AND ITS COLLABORATORS DO NOT MAKE ANY 24 % WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF 25 % MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NOR DO THEY ASSUME ANY 26 % LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. 27 % 28 % For more information type "brainstorm license" at command prompt. 29 % =============================================================================@ 30 % 31 % Author: Francois Tadel, Elizabeth Bock, 2016-2018 32 33 % ===== CHECK PROTOCOLS ===== 34 % Start brainstorm without the GUI 35 if ~brainstorm('status') 36 brainstorm nogui 37 end 38 % Output folder for reports 39 if (nargin < 3) || isempty(reports_dir) || ~isdir(reports_dir) 40 reports_dir = []; 41 end 42 % You have to specify the folder in which the tutorial dataset is unzipped 43 if (nargin < 2) || isempty(ProtocolNameSingle) || isempty(ProtocolNameGroup) 44 ProtocolNameSingle = 'TutorialVisual'; 45 ProtocolNameGroup = 'TutorialGroup'; 46 end 47 48 % Output protocol: Delete existing protocol 49 gui_brainstorm('DeleteProtocol', ProtocolNameGroup); 50 % Output protocol: Create new protocol 51 iProtocolGroup = gui_brainstorm('CreateProtocol', ProtocolNameGroup, 0, 0); 52 % Output protocol: Get protocol information 53 ProtocolInfoGroup = bst_get('ProtocolInfo'); 54 55 % Input protocol: Check that it exists 56 iProtocolSingle = bst_get('Protocol', ProtocolNameSingle); 57 if isempty(iProtocolSingle) 58 error(['Unknown protocol: ' ProtocolNameSingle]); 59 end 60 % Select input protocol 61 gui_brainstorm('SetCurrentProtocol', iProtocolSingle); 62 % Input protocol: Get protocol information 63 ProtocolInfoSingle = bst_get('ProtocolInfo'); 64 65 66 % ===== COPY ONLY GOOD SUBJECTS ===== 67 % Start a new report (one report per subject) 68 bst_report('Start'); 69 % Loop on subjects 70 for iSubj = 1:16 71 % Subject folders 72 SubjectName = sprintf('sub-%02d', iSubj); 73 AnatSrc = bst_fullfile(ProtocolInfoSingle.SUBJECTS, SubjectName); 74 DataSrc = bst_fullfile(ProtocolInfoSingle.STUDIES, SubjectName); 75 AnatDest = bst_fullfile(ProtocolInfoGroup.SUBJECTS, SubjectName); 76 DataDest = bst_fullfile(ProtocolInfoGroup.STUDIES, SubjectName); 77 % If subject folder doesn't exist: skip 78 if ~file_exist(AnatSrc) || ~file_exist(DataSrc) 79 disp(['Subject "' SubjectName '" does not exist or is incomplete.']); 80 continue; 81 end 82 % Copy anatomy files 83 mkdir(AnatDest); 84 disp(['Copying: ' AnatSrc ' to ' AnatDest '...']); 85 file_copy(bst_fullfile(AnatSrc, '*.mat'), AnatDest); 86 % Copy analysis folders 87 mkdir(bst_fullfile(DataDest, '@default_study')); 88 mkdir(bst_fullfile(DataDest, '@intra')); 89 disp(['Copying: ' DataSrc ' to ' DataDest '...']); 90 file_copy(bst_fullfile(DataSrc, '@default_study', '*.mat'), bst_fullfile(DataDest, '@default_study')); 91 file_copy(bst_fullfile(DataSrc, '@intra', '*.mat'), bst_fullfile(DataDest, '@intra')); 92 % Loop on runs 93 for iRun = 1:6 94 % Run folders 95 RunName = sprintf('sub-%02d_ses-meg_task-facerecognition_run-%02d_proc-sss_meg_notch', iSubj, iRun); 96 RunSrc = bst_fullfile(DataSrc, RunName); 97 RunDest = bst_fullfile(DataDest, RunName); 98 % If run folder doesn't exist: skip 99 if ~file_exist(RunSrc) 100 disp(['Run "' SubjectName '/' RunName '" does not exist or is incomplete.']); 101 continue; 102 end 103 % Copy files 104 mkdir(RunDest); 105 disp(['Copying: ' RunSrc ' to ' RunDest '...']); 106 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'brainstormstudy.mat'), RunDest); 107 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'channel_*.mat'), RunDest); 108 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, '*_average_*.mat'), RunDest); 109 if ~isempty(dir(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'headmodel_*.mat'))) 110 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'headmodel_*.mat'), RunDest); 111 end 112 if ~isempty(dir(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'noisecov_full.mat'))) 113 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'noisecov_full.mat'), RunDest); 114 end 115 if ~isempty(dir(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'results_*.mat'))) 116 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'results_*.mat'), RunDest); 117 end 118 if ~isempty(dir(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'timefreq_*.mat'))) 119 file_copy(bst_fullfile(RunSrc, 'timefreq_*.mat'), RunDest); 120 end 121 end 122 end 123 124 % ===== RELOAD ===== 125 % Reload output protocol 126 db_reload_database(iProtocolGroup); 127 % Select output protocol 128 gui_brainstorm('SetCurrentProtocol', iProtocolGroup); 129 130 % ===== DOWNSAMPLE TO 275HZ ===== 131 % Process: Select data files in: */* 132 sDataAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], []); 133 % Process: Resample: 275Hz 134 sDataAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_resample', sDataAll, [], ... 135 'freq', 275, ... 136 'overwrite', 1); 137 % Process: Select time-frequency files in: */* 138 sTimefreqAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_timefreq', [], []); 139 % Process: Resample: 275Hz 140 if ~isempty(sTimefreqAll) 141 sTimefreqAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_resample', sTimefreqAll, [], ... 142 'freq', 275, ... 143 'overwrite', 1); 144 end 145 146 % ===== RENAME: DATA ===== 147 % Process: Select data files in: */* 148 sDataAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_data', [], []); 149 % Rename data files 150 for i = 1:length(sDataAll) 151 % Remove all the processing tags 152 iTag = strfind(sDataAll(i).Comment, ' |'); 153 if isempty(iTag) 154 continue; 155 end 156 newComment = sDataAll(i).Comment(1:iTag-1); 157 % Process: Set comment: AA 158 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_set_comment', sDataAll(i), [], ... 159 'tag', newComment, ... 160 'isindex', 0); 161 end 162 163 % ===== RENAME: TIME-FREQ ===== 164 % Process: Select time-frequency files in: */* 165 sTimefreqAll = bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_select_files_timefreq', [], []); 166 % Rename timefreq files 167 %AllConditions = {'Famous', 'Scrambled', 'Unfamiliar'}; 168 for i = 1:length(sTimefreqAll) 169 % Remove all the processing tags 170 iTag = strfind(sTimefreqAll(i).Comment, ' |'); 171 if isempty(iTag) 172 continue; 173 end 174 newComment = sTimefreqAll(i).Comment(1:iTag-1); 175 %newComment = ['Avg: ', AllConditions{sTimefreqAll(i).iItem}, ', Power, 6-60Hz']; 176 % Process: Set comment 177 bst_process('CallProcess', 'process_set_comment', sTimefreqAll(i), [], ... 178 'tag', newComment, ... 179 'isindex', 0); 180 end 181 182 % Save report 183 ReportFile = bst_report('Save', []); 184 if ~isempty(reports_dir) && ~isempty(ReportFile) 185 bst_report('Export', ReportFile, bst_fullfile(reports_dir, ['report_' ProtocolNameGroup '_copy.html'])); 186 end 187 188 189 190 191If you are not using the package, make sure you exclude the bad subjects from the analysis: sub001, sub005, sub016. You would also need to add some selection processes to select only the averages (and not the continuous recordings or the trials).
Overview of the analysis
Coregistration of the acquisition runs
For each subject, all the runs have been registered to a common head position with MaxFilter. To verify this, select all the channel files within one subject, right-click > Display sensors > MEG (all). The surfaces representing the MEG helmet are perfectly overlapping for all the runs. When the runs are not aligned, it looks like this.
This means that we can safely average or compare the MEG sensor values across runs within one subject. However, it is not reliable to average MEG recordings across subjects, because of the anatomical differences between subjects.
This doesn't mean that we can estimate the sources only once per subject. We have computed different SSP projectors and different bad channels for the each acquisition run. To be able to use this information efficiently we should estimate the sources for the trial averages for each run separately, then average the sources across runs.
The forward model is the same for all the runs within one subject, therefore it can be computed for the first run and copied to all the other runs.
The objectives for this tutorial are to reproduce the analysis presented in the following documents:
Wakeman DG, Henson RN, A multi-subject, multi-modal human neuroimaging dataset
Scientific Data (2015)Wakeman DG, Henson RN, Functional and structural connctivity in face processing: MEG, EEG, fMRI, MRI and DWI data, Biomag 2016
SPM12 manual, chapter 41: Multimodal, Multisubject data fusion
The methodology that we will follow for computing the averages and the other statistics are described in the tutorial "Workflows".
Subject averages
We will start by computing the subject-level averages for all the data types we have: sensor-level recordings, source maps and time-frequency results. We will use a weighted average to group the results we have for each run (weighted by the number of good trials). We want to compute the averages for each experimental condition separately (famous, unfamiliar, scrambled).
Since the files are already selected in the interface, we will also compute a grand average across subject. In this context, we will consider that each subject has the same weight in the group average (option "weighted" not selected). Note that it is not accurate to average MEG recordings across subjects, but we can do it just to get a general idea (more information).
Sensor averages
Drag and drop all the subjects in Process1. Select button [Process recordings].
Select process Average > Average files: By trial group (subject average)
Arithmetic average, WeightedAdd process Average > Average files: By trial group (grand average)
Arithmetic average, Not weighted
In output, you get three group averages in the "Group analysis/Inter-subject" folder (top), and three subject averages per subject in the "intra-subject" folders (bottom).
Source averages
Keep all the subjects selected in Process1. Select button [Process sources].
Run process Average > Average files: By trial group (subject average)
Arithmetic average, Weighted
This time, we cannot compute a group average directly because the source spaces used to estimate the brain activity do not match between subjects. We will have to go through an additional step of projection on a template anatomy. We will also wait to have normalized the source maps before displaying them.
Time-frequency averages
Keep all the subjects selected in Process1. Select button [Process time-freq].
Select process Average > Average files: By trial group (subject average)
Arithmetic average, Weighted, Match signalsAdd process Average > Average files: By trial group (grand average)
Arithmetic average, Not weighted, Match signals
- We can average the time-frequency files across subjects (it is as valid as averaging the MEG or EEG signals across subjects). But we need to select this option "match signals between files using their names" to account for the variable number of bad channels we may have across runs or subjects.
Group averages
The following script from the Brainstorm distribution reproduces the analysis presented in this tutorial page: brainstorm3/toolbox/script/tutorial_visual_group.m