





Brainstorm is a collaborative, open-source application dedicated to the analysis of brain recordings:
MEG, EEG, fNIRS, ECoG, depth electrodes and multiunit electrophysiology.

Our objective is to share a comprehensive set of user-friendly tools with the scientific community using MEG/EEG as an experimental technique. For clinician-scientists and researchers, the main advantage of Brainstorm is its easy and intuitive graphic interface, which does not require any programming knowledge. We are also putting the emphasis on practical aspects of data analysis (e.g., with scripting for batch analysis and intuitive design of analysis pipelines) to promote reproducibility and productivity in MEG/EEG research. Finally, although Brainstorm is developed with Matlab (and Java), it does not require users to own a Matlab license: an executable, platform-independent (Windows, MacOS, Linux) version is made available in the downloadable package. To get an overview of the interface, you can watch this introduction video.

Since the project started by the end of the 1990's, our server has registered more than 38,000 users, contributing thousands of scientific publications.

We are happy to provide comprehensive documentation via online tutorials and data, and support through a user forum to help you learn how to use Brainstorm. We also deliver in-person and online courses: consult our training pages for upcoming opportunities to learn to use Brainstorm better and faster.

Finally, browse the What's new page for staying on top of Brainstorm news and updates and http://www.facebook.com/brainstormsoftware Like us on Facebook to stay in touch. We hope you enjoy using Brainstorm as much as we enjoy developing and sharing these tools with the community!


This software was generated primarily with support from the National Institutes of Health under grants R01-EB026299, 2R01-EB009048, R01-EB009048, R01-EB002010 and R01-EB000473.

Primary support was provided by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, France) for the Cognitive Neuroscience & Brain Imaging Laboratory (La Salpetriere Hospital and Pierre & Marie Curie University, Paris, France), and by the Montreal Neurological Institute to the MEG Program at McGill University.

Additional support was also from two grants from the French National Research Agency (ANR) to the Cognitive Neuroscience Unit (PI: Ghislaine Dehaene; Inserm/CEA, Neurospin, France) and to the ViMAGINE project (PI: Sylvain Baillet; ANR-08-BLAN-0250), and by the Epilepsy Center in the Cleveland Clinic Neurological Institute.

How to cite Brainstorm

Please cite the following reference in your publications if you have used our software for your data analyses: How to cite Brainstorm. It is also good offline reading to get an overview of the main features of the application.

Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)
Brainstorm: A User-Friendly Application for MEG/EEG Analysis
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, ID 879716

What you can do with Brainstorm

MEG/EEG recordings

Powerful and versatile visualization

MRI visualization and coregistration

Database: Keep your data organized

Graphical batching tools

Head modeling

Source modeling

Source display and analysis

Time-frequency decompositions

Functional connectivity

Machine learning

Group analysis

Documentation and support

Supported file formats

EEG / Electrophysiology

  • ADInstruments LabChart (.adicht)

  • ANT ASA (.msm/.msr)
  • ANT EEProbe (.cnt, .avr)
  • Axion AxIS (.raw)
  • BCI2000 (.dat)
  • BDF / BDF+ (Biosemi 24bit binary)
  • BESA exports (.avr, .mul)
  • BIDS-formatted datasets
  • BIOPAC AcqKnowledge (.acq)

  • Blackrock NeuroPort (.nev, .nsX)

  • BrainVision BrainAmp (.eeg)

  • BrainVision Analyzer (.txt)

  • Cartool binary files (.ep, .eph)
  • CED Spike2 (.smr, .smrx, .son)
  • Compumedics ProFusion Sleep (.rda)

  • Curry 6-7 (.dat/.dap/rs3)
  • Curry 8 (.cdt/.dpa)
  • Deltamed Coherence-Neurofile export (.txt/.bin)
  • EDF / EDF+ (European Data Format)
  • EEGLab sets (.set)
  • ERPLab results (.erp)
  • EGI NetStation epoch-marked file (.raw/.epoc)

  • EGI-Philips (.mff)
  • EmotivPRO (.edf)
  • FieldTrip structures (.mat)

  • g.tec / g.Recorder (.mat, .hdf5)
  • Intan (.rhd, .rhs)
  • MANSCAN Microamp (.mbi/.mb2)
  • Matlab matrix (.mat)
  • MEGA NeurOne (.bin)

  • Micromed (.trc)
  • Muse (.csv)
  • Neuralynx (.ncs)
  • Neurodata Without Borders (.nwb)
  • Neuroelectrics (.easy, .nedf)
  • NeurOne (.bin)

  • Neuroscan (.cnt, .eeg, .avg, .dat)
  • NeuroScope (.eeg, .dat)

  • Nicolet (.e)
  • Nihon Kohden (.EEG)
  • Open Ephys flat binary (*.dat)
  • Plexon (.plx, .pl2)
  • Ripple Trellis (.nev, .nsX)
  • The Virtual Brain (.h5)
  • Tucker Davis Technologies (.tdt)
  • Wearable Sensing (.csv)
  • Any type of ASCII (text) files

Data structures of similar applications

  • FieldTrip

  • MNE-Python
  • SPM12

Dipole models

  • Elekta Neuromag XFit (.bdip)
  • CTF's DipoleFit (.dip)

Surface atlases

  • BrainSuite (.dfs)

  • FreeSurfer (.annot, .label)

  • Gifti texture (.gii)
  • SUMA atlas (.dset)


  • CTF (.ds folders)
  • Elekta Neuromag FIFF (.fif)
  • BTi / 4D Neuroimaging
  • KRISS MEG (.kdf)
  • BabyMEG system (.fif)
  • Ricoh MEG (.sqd, .con, .raw, .ave)
  • Yokogawa / KIT (.sqd, .con, .raw, .ave)
  • York Instruments MEGSCAN (.meghdf5)
  • MEG-BIDS formatted databases


  • Brainsight NIRS (.nirs)
  • SNIRF (.snirf)

Other recordings

  • EyeLink eye tracker (.edf)

  • Tobii Pro Glasses (.tsv)

Sensors locations

  • ANT Xensor (.elc)
  • BESA (.sfp, .elp, .eps/.ela)
  • BrainVision CapTrak (.bvct)

  • BrainVision electrode file (.bvef)

  • Cartool (.xyz, .els)
  • Curry (.res, .rs3)
  • EEGLab (.ced, .xyz, .set)
  • EETrak (.elc)
  • EGI (.sfp)
  • EMSE (.elp)
  • Localite (.csv)
  • Neuroscan (.dat, .tri, .asc)
  • Polhemus (.pos .pol .elp .txt)
  • SimNIBS (.csv)
  • ASCII arrays

MRI volumes

  • Analyze (.img/.hdr)
  • BrainVISA GIS (.ima/.dim)
  • CTF (.mri)
  • DICOM (using SPM converter)
  • MINC (.mnc)
  • MGH (.mgh, .mgz)
  • Neuromag (.fif)
  • Nifti-1 (.nii, .nii.gz)

Surface meshes

  • ASCII (.tri)
  • BrainVISA (.mesh)
  • BrainSuite (.dsgl, .dfs)

  • Curry BEM surfaces (.db*, .s0*)
  • FreeSurfer (lh.*, rh.*)

  • FSL: VTK (.vtk)
  • FSL: Geomview (.off)
  • MNI obj (.obj)
  • Neuromag (.fif)
  • SimNIBS/Gmsh (.msh)
  • 3D masks or atlases from MRI files

Introduction (last edited 2024-07-14 06:10:19 by TakfarinasMedani)