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== Reference paper == Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM, “Brainstorm: A User-Friendly Application for MEG/EEG Analysis,” Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Article ID 879716, 13 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/879716 [ [[|html]], [[|pdf]] ] Please cite Brainstorm reference paper in your publications if you have used our software for your analysis: [[CiteBrainstorm|How to cite Brainstorm]]. == Conferences, workshops, seminars... == * '''HBM 2011''': June 26-30, 2011. Quebec City, Canada. * '''BIOMAG 2010''': March 28 - April 1, 2010. Dubrovnik, Croatia. * '''HBM 2010''': June 6 - June 10, 2010. Barcelona, Spain. * '''MEG & language worshop''': Tadel F. October 2009. Neurospin, Paris, France. [[attachment:091009_bst_meglang.ppt|Slides]]. * '''HBM 2009''': Baillet S, Tadel F. June 2009. San Francisco, USA. * '''MATLAB and biotechnologies seminar''': Baillet S, Tadel F. October 2008. Paris, France. * '''HBM 2008''': Baillet S, Tadel F. June 2008. Melbourne, Australia. == Publications citing Brainstorm == '''2011''' * Besserve M, Martinerie J, Garnero L (2011)<<BR>>"Improving quantification of functional networks with EEG inverse problem: evidence from a decoding point of view", ''Neuroimage'', 55(4):1536-47 * Campi C, Pascarella A, Sorrentino A, Piana M (2011)<<BR>>"Highly Automated Dipole EStimation (HADES)",'' Comput Intell Neurosci'', 2011:982185 * Casarotto S, Määttä S, Herukka SK, Pigorini A, Napolitani M, Gosseries O, Niskanen E, Könönen M, Mervaala E, Rosanova M, Soininen H, Massimini M (2011), "Transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked EEG/cortical potentials in physiological and pathological aging", ''Neuroreport'', 22(12):592-7 * Cheng H, Zhang XT, Yan Hao, Bai LJ, Ai L, Wang FB, You YB, Chen P, Wang BG (2011)<<BR>>"Differential temporal neural responses of pain-related regions by acupuncture at acupoint ST36: a magnetoencephalography study", ''Chinese Medical Journal'', 124(8):1229-1234 * Cottereau B, Lorenceau J, Gramfort A, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S (2011)<<BR>>"Phase delays within visual cortex shape the response to steady-state visual stimulation," ''Neuroimage'', 54(3):1919-29 * Gamond L, George N, Lemaréchal JD, Hugueville L, Adam C, Tallon-Baudry C (2011), "Early influence of prior experience on face perception", ''Neuroimage'', 54(2):1415-26 * Khan S, Lefevre J, Ammari H, Baillet S (2011)<<BR>>"Feature detection and tracking in optical flow on non-flat manifolds," ''Pattern Recognition Letters'', 32(15):2047-2052 * Lalancette M, Quraan M, Cheyne D (2011)<<BR>>"Evaluation of multiple-sphere head models for MEG source localization," ''Phys Med Biol'', 56(17):5621-35 * Marti S, Sigman E, Dehaene S (2011)<<BR>>"A shared cortical bottleneck underlying Attentional Blink and Psychological Refractory Period", ''Neuroimage'', In press * Mitchell DJ, Cusack R (2011)<<BR>>"The temporal evolution of electromagnetic markers sensitive to the capacity limits of visual short-term memory", ''Front Hum Neurosci''. 2011 Feb 15;5:18 * Sudre G, Parkkonen L, Bock E, Baillet S, Wang W, Weber DJ (2011)<<BR>>"rtMEG: A Real-Time Software Interface for Magnetoencephalography," ''Comput Intell Neurosci'', vol. 2011 * Zamrini E, Maestu F, Pekkonen E, et al. (2011)<<BR>>"Magnetoencephalography as a Putative Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease," ''International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease'', 2011, Article ID 280289 '''2010''' * Ales J,''' '''Carney T, Klein SA (2010) <<BR>>"The folding fingerprint of visual cortex reveals the timing of human V1 and V2," ''Neuroimage'', 49(3):2494-502 * Bernal S, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Millotte S, Christophe A (2010)<<BR>>"Two-year-olds compute syntactic structure on-line," ''Developmental Science'', 13(1):69–76 * Brown K, Ortigue S, Grafton ST, Carlson JM (2010)<<BR>>"Improving human brain mapping via joint inversion of brain electrodynamics and the BOLD signal," ''Neuroimage'', 49(3):2401–2415 * Campo P, Poch C, Parmentier FB, Moratti S, Elsley JV, Castellanos NP, Ruiz-Vargas JM, del Pozo F, Maestú F (2010)<<BR>>"Oscillatory activity in prefrontal and posterior regions during implicit letter-location binding," ''Neuroimage'', 49(3):2807-15 * Casali AG, Casarotto S, Rosanova M, Mariotti M, Massimini M (2010), "General indices to characterize the electrical response of the cerebral cortex to TMS," ''Neuroimage'','' ''49(2):1459–1468 * Casarotto S, Romero Lauro LJ, Bellina V, Casali AG, Rosanova M (2010)<<BR>>"EEG Responses to TMS Are Sensitive to Changes in the Perturbation Parameters and Repeatable over Time," ''PLoS ONE'', 5(4): e10281 * Darvas F, Scherer R, Ojemann JG, Rao RP, Miller KJ, Sorensen LB (2011)<<BR>>"High gamma mapping using EEG", ''Neuroimage'', 49(1):930-8 * D’Hondt F, Lassonde M, Collignon O, Dubarry A-S, Robert M, Rigoulot S, Honoré J, Lepore F and Sequeira H (2010)<<BR>>"Early brain-body impact of emotional arousal," ''Front. Hum. Neurosci'', 4:33 * He W, Song X, Xu Z, Luo H (2010) <<BR>>"Magnetic Induction Tomography: Simulation Study on the Forward Problem," ''LSMS/ICSEE'' ''2010'', 113-121 * Fort A, Martin R, Jacquet-Andrieu A, Combe-Pangaud C, Foliot G, Daligault S, Delpuech C (2010)<<BR>>"Attentional demand and processing of relevant visual information during simulated driving: A MEG study," ''Brain Res'', 1363:117-27 * Pegado F, Bekinschtein T, Chausson N, Dehaene S, Cohen L, Naccache L (2010)<<BR>> "Probing the lifetimes of auditory novelty detection processes," ''Neuropsychologia'', 48(10):3145-54. * Robitaille N, Marois R, Todd J, Grimault S, Cheyne D, Jolicœur P (2010)<<BR>>"Distinguishing between lateralized and nonlateralized brain activity associated with visual short-term memory: fMRI, MEG, and EEG evidence from the same observers," ''Neuroimage,'' 53(4): 1334-1345 * Tzelepi A, Laskaris N, Amditis A, Kapoula Z (2010)<<BR>>"Cortical activity preceding vertical saccades: A MEG study," ''Brain Res'', 1321:105-16 * Vatta F, Meneghini F, Esposito F, Mininel S, Di Salle F (2010)<<BR>>"Realistic and spherical head modeling for EEG Forward Problem Solution: A Comparative Cortex-Based Analysis," ''Comput Intell Neurosci'', 2010:972060 * Vecchiato G, Astolfi L, Cincotti F, De Vico Fallani F, Sorrentino DM, Mattia D, Salinari S, Bianchi L, Toppi J, Aloise F, Babiloni F (2010)<<BR>>"Patterns of cortical activity during the observation of Public Service Announcements and commercial advertisings," ''Nonlinear Biomed Phys'', 4 Suppl 1:S3 '''2009''' * Amor F, Baillet S, Navarro V, Adam C, Martinerie J, Quyen MLV''' '''(2009)<<BR>>"Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation," ''Neuroimage'', 45(3):950-96 * Attal Y, Bhattacharjee M, Yelnik J, Cottereau B, Lefèvre J, Okada Y, Bardinet E, Chupin M, Baillet S (2009)<<BR>>"Modelling and detecting deep brain activity with MEG and EEG," ''IRBM'', 30(3):133-138 * Bekinschtein T, Dehaene S, Rohaut B, Tadel F, Cohen L, Naccache L (2009)<<BR>>"Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities," ''PNAS'', 106(5):1672-1677. * Bristow D, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Mattout J, Soares C, Gliga T, Baillet S, Mangin JF (2009)<<BR>>"Hearing faces: how the infant brain matches the face it sees with the speech it hears," ''J Cogn Neurosci'', 21(5):905-21 * Carota F, Posada A, Harquel S, Delpuech C, Bertrand O, Sirigu A (2009)<<BR>>"Neural Dynamics of the Intention to Speak," ''Cereb Cortex'', 20(8):1891-7 * Chaumon M, Hasboun D, Baulac M, Adam C, Tallon-Baudry C (2009)<<BR>>"Unconscious contextual memory affects early responses in the anterior temporal lobe," ''Brain Res'',1285:77-87 * Dalal SS, Baillet S, Adam C, Ducorps A, Schwartz D, Jerbi K, Bertrand O, Garnero L, Martinerie J, Lachaux JP (2009)<<BR>>"Simultaneous MEG and intracranial EEG recordings during attentive reading," ''Neuroimage'', 45(4):1289-304 * Daunizeau J, Kiebel SJ, Friston KJ (2009)<<BR>>"Dynamic causal modelling of distributed electromagnetic responses", ''Neuroimage'', 47(2):590-601 * Henson RN, Mattout J, Phillips C, Friston KJ (2009)<<BR>>"Selecting forward models for MEG source-reconstruction using model-evidence,"''' '''''Neuroimage'', 46(1):168–176 * Henson R, Mouchlianitis E, Friston KJ (2009)<<BR>>"MEG and EEG data fusion: Simultaneous localisation of face-evoked responses," ''Neuroimage'','' ''47(2):581–589 * Khemakhem R, Zouch W, Ben Hamida A, Taleb-Ahmed A, Feki L (2009)<<BR>>"EEG Source Localization Using the Inverse Problem Methods", ''IJCSNS'', 9(4):408-415 * !MacLeod RS, Stinstra JG, Lew S, Whitaker RT, Swenson DJ, Cole MJ, Krüger J, Brooks DH, Johnson CR (2009)<<BR>>"Subject-specific, multiscale simulation of electrophysiology: a software pipeline for image-based models and application examples", ''Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci'', 367(1896):2293-310 * Moratti S, Keil A (2009)<<BR>>"Not What You Expect: Experience but not Expectancy Predicts Conditioned Responses in Human Visual and Supplementary Cortex," ''Cereb Cortex'', 19(12):2803-9 * Robitaille N, Grimault S, Jolicœur P (2009)<<BR>>"Bilateral parietal and contralateral responses during maintenance of unilaterally encoded objects in visual short-term memory: Evidence from magnetoencephalography," ''Psychophysiology'', 46(5):1090-1099 * Rosanova M, Casali A, Bellina V, Resta F, Mariotti M, Massimini M (2009)<<BR>>"Natural frequencies of human corticothalamic circuits," ''J Neurosci'', 29(24):7679-85 * Rudrauf D, Lachaux JP, Damasio A, Baillet S, Hugueville L, Martinerie J, Damasio H, Renault B (2009)<<BR>>"Enter feelings: somatosensory responses following early stages of visual induction of emotion," ''Int J Psychophysiol'', 72(1):13-23 '''2008''' * Ammari H (2008), "An Introduction to Mathematics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging," ''Mathématiques et Applications'', Vol. 62 * Bucolo M, Di Grazia F, Fortuna L, Frasca M, Sapuppo F (2008)<<BR>>"An environment for complex behaviour detection in bio-potential experiments", ''Math Biosci Eng'', 5(2):261-76 * George N, Conty L (2008)<<BR>>"Facing the gaze of others," ''Neurophysiol Clin'', 38(3):197-207 * Grova C, Daunizeau J, Kobayashi E, Bagshaw AP, Lina JM, Dubeau F, Gotman J (2008)<<BR>>"Concordance between distributed EEG source localization and simultaneous EEG-fMRI studies of epileptic spikes," ''Neuroimage'', 39(2):755-774 * Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S (2008)<<BR>>"Distinct cerebral pathways for object identity and number in human infants," ''PLoS Biol'', 6(2):e11 * Rudrauf D, David O, Lachaux JP, Kovach CK, Martinerie J, Renault B, Damasio A (2008)<<BR>>"Rapid Interactions between the Ventral Visual Stream and Emotion-Related Structures Rely on a Two-Pathway Architecture," ''J Neurosci'', 28(11):2793-2803 * Senot P, Baillet S, Renault B, Berthoz A (2008)<<BR>>"Cortical dynamics of anticipatory mechanisms in interception: a neuromagnetic study," ''J Cogn Neurosci'', 20(10):1827-38 * Spyrou L, Sanei S (2008)<<BR>>"Source localization of event-related potentials incorporating spatial notch filters," ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng'', 55(9):2232-9 * Van Gaal S, Ridderinkhof R, Fahrenfort JF, Scholte HS, Lamme VAF (2008)<<BR>>"Frontal Cortex Mediates Unconsciously Triggered Inhibitory Control," ''J Neurosci'', 28(32):8053-8062 '''2007''' * Attal Y, Bhattacharjee M, Yelnik J, Cottereau B, Lefèvre J, Okada Y, Bardinet E, Chupin M, Baillet S (2007)<<BR>>"Modeling and detecting deep brain activity with MEG & EEG," ''Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc'', 2007:4937-40. * Conty L, N'Diaye K, Tijus C, George N (2007)<<BR>>"When eye creates the contact! ERP evidence for early dissociation between direct and averted gaze motion processing," ''Neuropsychologia'', 45:3024-3037 * Cottereau B, Jerbi K, Baillet S (2007)<<BR>>"Multiresolution imaging of MEG cortical sources using an explicit piecewise model," ''Neuroimage'', 38(3):439-51 * Del Cul A, Baillet S, Dehaene S (2007)<<BR>>"Brain dynamics underlying the nonlinear threshold for access to consciousnes," ''PLoS Biology'', 5(10):e260 * Dossevi A, Garnero L, Ammari H (2007)<<BR>>"Geodesic and functional K-means algorithms. A bounding and multistart procedure to recover functional networks from MEG/EEG recordings," ''IJBEM'', 9(4):223-32 * Gramfort A, Cottereau B, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S (2007)<<BR>>"Challenging the estimation of cortical activity from MEG with simulated fMRI-constrained retinotopic maps," ''Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc'', 2007:4945-8 * Henson RN, Mattout J, Singh KD, Barnes GR, Hillebrand A, Friston K (2007)<<BR>>"Population-level inferences for distributed MEG source localization under multiple constraints: Application to face-evoked fields," ''Neuroimage'', 38(3):422-438 * Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, N'Diaye K, Pantazis D, Leahy RM, Garnero L, Baillet S (2007)<<BR>>"Coherent neural representation of hand speed in humans revealed by MEG imaging," ''PNAS'', 104(18):7676-7681 * Stenroos M, Mantynen V, Nenonen J (2007)<<BR>>"A Matlab library for solving quasi-static volume conduction problems using the boundary element method", ''Comput Methods Programs Biomed'', 88(3):256-63 * Nara T, Oohama J, Hashimoto M, Takeda T, Ando S (2007)<<BR>>"Direct reconstruction algorithm of current dipoles for vector magnetoencephalography and electroencephalography," ''Phys Med Biol'', 52(13):3859-79 * Weisend MP, Hanlon FM, Montano R, Ahlfors SP, Leuthold AC, Pantazis D, Mosher JC, Georgopoulos AP, Hamalainen MS, Aine CJ (2007)<<BR>>"Paving the Way for Cross-site Pooling of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Data," ''International Congress Series'', 1300:615--618 '''2006''' * Daunizeau J, Mattout J, Clonda D, Goulard B, Benali H, Lina, JM (2006)<<BR>>"Bayesian spatio-temporal approach for EEG source reconstruction: conciliating ECD and distributed models", ''IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering'', 53(3):503-516 * David O, Kiebel SJ, Harrison LM, Mattout J, Kilner JM, Friston KJ (2006)<<BR>>"Dynamic causal modeling of evoked responses in EEG and MEG," ''Neuroimage'', 30(4):1255-72 * Friston K, Henson K, Phillips C, Mattout J (2006)<<BR>>"Bayesian Estimation of Evoked and Induced Responses,"''' '''''Hum Brain Mapp'', 27(9):722–735 * Grova C, Daunizeau J, Lina JM (2006)<<BR>>"Evaluation of EEG localization methods using realistic simulations of interictal spikes", ''Neuroimage'', 29(3):734-753 '''2005''' * Sergent C, Baillet S, Dehaene S (2005)<<BR>>"Timing of the brain events underlying access to consciousness during the attentional blink," ''Nat Neurosci'', 8(10):1391-1400 * Amor F, Rudrauf D, Navarro V (2005)<<BR>>"Imaging brain synchrony at high spatio-temporal resolution: application to MEG signals during absence seizures," ''Signal Processing'', 85(11):2101-11 * N'diaye K, Pfeuty M, Ragot R (2005)<<BR>>"Parsing the temporal evolution of brain activity in duration discrimination with electro- and magneto-encephalography," ''J Cog Neurosci'', 46-46 Suppl. 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== Reference article == Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)<<BR>>[[|Brainstorm: A User-Friendly Application for MEG/EEG Analysis]]<<BR>> '''Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience''', vol. 2011, ID 879716 See also: [[CiteBrainstorm|How to cite Brainstorm]]. == Publications from Brainstorm users == {{attachment:publications.png}} === Videos === * Tadel F, Baillet S<<BR>>[[|Brainstorm: Imaging neural activity at the speed of brain]], March 2015 * Bae J, Deshmukh A, Song Y, Riera J<<BR>>[[|Brain source imaging in preclinical rat models of focal epilepsy using high-resolution EEG recordings]]<<BR>>'''J Visualized Experiments''', e52700 (2015) * Bathelt J, O'Reilly H, De Haan <<BR>>[[|Cortical Source Analysis of High-Density EEG Recordings in Children]]<<BR>>'''J Visualized Experiments''', 88 (2014) * Balderston NL, Schultz DH, Baillet S, Helmstetter FJ<<BR>>[[|How to Detect Amygdala Activity with Magnetoencephalography using Source Imaging]]<<BR>>'''J Visualized Experiments''', 76 (2013) === 2015 === 1. Ambrosini E, Vallesi A<<BR>>[[|Asymmetry in prefrontal resting-state EEG spectral power underlies individual differences in phasic and sustained cognitive control]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 28 Sep 2015 1. Amico F, Ambrosini E, Guillem F, Mento G, Power D, Pergola G, Vallesi A<<BR>>[[|The virtual tray of objects task as a novel method to electrophysiologically measure visuo-spatial recognition memory]]<<BR>>'''Int J Psychophysiol''', Available online: 10 Nov 2015 1. Amico E, Bodart O, Gosseries O, Heine L, Rosanova M, Van Mierlo P, Martial C, Massimini M, Marinazzo D, Laureys S<<BR>>[[|Structural constraints to information flow within cortical circuits: a TMS/EEG-dMRI study]]<<BR>>'''bioRxiv''', 2015 1. Bajo R, Pusil S, Lopez E, Canuet L, Pereda E, Osipova D, Maestu F, Pekkonen E<<BR>>[['s_disease|Scopolamine effects on functional brain connectivity: a pharmacological model of Alzheimer’s disease]]<<BR>>'''Scientific Reports''', Published: 1 Jul 2015 1. Bertrand JA, McIntosh R, Postuma RB, Kovacevic N, Latreille V, Panisset M, Chouinard S, Gagnon JF<<BR>>[[|Brain connectivity alterations are associated with dementia in Parkinson's disease]]<<BR>>'''Brain Connect''', Available online: 28 Dec 2015 1. Bidelman GM, Dexter L<<BR>>[[|Bilinguals at the ‘‘cocktail party’’: Dissociable neural activityin auditory–linguistic brain regions reveals neurobiological basis for nonnative listeners’ speech-in-noise recognition deficits]]<<BR>>'''Brain and Language''', 143:32–41, April 2015. 1. Bidelman GM, Lee CC<<BR>>[[|Effects of language experience and stimulus context on the neural organization and categorical perception of speech]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 3 Jul 2015 1. Bidelman GM, Howell M<<BR>>[[|Functional changes in inter- and intra-hemispheric cortical processing underlying degraded speech perception]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 16 Sep 2015 1. Billeke P, Armijo A, Castillo D, Lopez T, Zamorano F, Cosmelli D, Aboitiz F<<BR>>[[|Paradoxical expectation: Oscillatory brain activity reveals social interaction impairment in schizophrenia]]<<BR>>'''Biological Psychiatry''', Available online: 19 Feb 2015 1. Bola M, Sabel BA<<BR>>[[|Dynamic reorganization of brain functional networks during cognition]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', 114:398–413, July 2015 1. Boughariou J, Zouch W, Slima MB, Kammoun I, Hamida AB<<BR>>[[|High-resolution imaging-guided electroencephalography source localization: temporal effect regularization incorporation in LORETA inverse solution]]<<BR>>'''J Electron Imaging''', 24(6):061204 1. Cacioppo S, Balogh S, Cacioppo JT<<BR>>[[|Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates]]<<BR>>'''Cortex''', Available online: 2 Jul 2015 1. Cacioppo S, Bangee M, Balogh S, Cardenas-Iniguez C, Qualter P, Cacioppo JT<<BR>> [[|Loneliness and implicit attention to social threat: A high-performance electrical neuroimaging study]]<<BR>>'''Cognitive Neuroscience''', Available online: 14 Aug 2015 1. Cacioppo S, Cacioppo JT<<BR>>[[|Dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses using high-performance electrical neuroimaging, Part II: A step-by-step tutorial]]<<BR>>'''J Neuroscience Methods''', Available online: 10 Sep 2015 1. Calvetti D, Pascarella A, Pitolli F, Somersalo E, Vantaggi B<<BR>>[[|A hierarchical Krylov–Bayes iterative inverse solver for MEG with physiological preconditioning]]<<BR>>'''Inverse Problems''', 31(12), 4 Nov 2015 1. Canales-Johnson A, Silva C, Huepe D, Rivera-Rei A, Noreika V, del Carmen Garcia M, Silva W, Ciraolo C, Vaucheret E, Sedeño L, Couto B, Kargieman L, Baglivo F, Sigman M, Chennu S, Ibáñez A, Rodríguez E, Bekinschtein TA<<BR>>[[|Auditory feedback differentially modulates behavioral and neural markers of objective and subjective performance when tapping to your heartbeat]]<<BR>>'''Cerebral Cortex''', Available online: 21 Apr 2015 1. Canuet L, Pusil S, López ME, Bajo R, Pineda-Pardo JA, Cuesta P, Gálvez G, Gaztelu JM, Lourido D, García-Ribas G, Maestú F<<BR>>[[|Network disruption and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-beta and phospho-tau levels in mild cognitive impairment]]<<BR>>'''J Neuroscience''', 35(28):10325-10330 1. Cecotti H, [[|Single-trial detection with Magnetoencephalography during a Dual Rapid Serial Visual Presentation task]]<<BR>>'''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng''', Available online: 14 Sep 2015 1. Cheaha D, Bumrungsri S, Chatpun S, Kumarnsit E<<BR>>[[|Characterization of in utero valproic acid mouse model of autism by local field potential in the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb]]<<BR>>'''Neuroscience Research''', Available online: 2 May 2015 1. Cheng CH, Chan PYS, Baillet S, Lin SS<<BR>>[[|Age-related reduced somatosensory gating is associated with altered alpha frequency desynchronization]]<<BR>>'''Neural Plasticity''', Available online: 24 Feb 2015 1. Cheng CH, Baillet S, Lin YY<<BR>>[[|Region-specific reduction of auditory sensory gating in older adults]]<<BR>>'''Brain and Cognition''', Available online:24 Oct 2015 1. Chowdhury RA, Zerouali Y, Hedrich T, Heers M, Kobayashi E, Lina JM, Grova C<<BR>>[[|MEG–EEG Information Fusion and Electromagnetic Source Imaging: From Theory to Clinical Application in Epilepsy]]<<BR>>'''Brain Topography''', May 2015 1. Cichy RM, Ramirez FM, Pantazis D, [[|Can visual information encoded in cortical columns be decoded from magnetoencephalography data in humans?]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 8 Jul 2015 1. Cichy RM, Khosla A, Pantazis D, Oliva A<<BR>>[[|Dynamics of scene representations in the human brain revealed by MEG and deep neural networks]]<<BR>>'''biorXiv''', 1. Cortes-Briones JA, Cahill JD, Ranganathan M, Sewell RA, D'Souza DC, Skosnik PD<<BR>>[[|Testing differences in the activity of event-related potential sources: Important implications for clinical researchers]]<<BR>>'''Clinical Neurophysiology''', 126(1):215–218, Jan 2015 1. Costa F, Batatia H, Chaari L, Tourneret JY<<BR>>[[|Sparse EEG source localization using Bernoulli Laplacian priors]]<<BR>>'''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng''', Available online: 25 Jun 2015 1. Couto B, Adolfi F, Velasquez M, Mesow M, Feinstein J, Canales-Johnson A, Mikulan E, Martínez-Pernía D, Bekinschtein T, Sigman M, Manes F, Ibanez A<<BR>>[[|Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes: A preliminary study]]<<BR>>'''Autonomic Neuroscience''', 193:132-7, Dec 2015 1. Das S, Glatard T, MacIntyre LC, Madjar C, Rogers C, Rousseau ME, Rioux P, MacFarlane D, Mohaddes Z, Makowski C, Niso G, Moreau JT, Evans AC<<BR>>[[|The MNI data-sharing and processing ecosystem]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 10 Sep 2015 1. De León SCG, Niso-Galán G, Canuet L, Burriel-Lobo L, Maestú-Unturbec F, Rodríguez-Magariños MG<<BR>>[[|Praxis induced seizures in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy patient: MEG EEG coregistration study]]<<BR>>'''Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports''', Available online: 4 Nov 2015 1. El Zein M, Wyart V, Grezes J<<BR>>[[|Anxiety dissociates the adaptive functions of sensory and motor response enhancements to social threats]]<<BR>>'''eLife''', Published: 29 Dec 2015 1. Faugeras F, Naccache L<<BR>>[[|Dissociating temporal attention from spatial attention and motor response preparation: A high-density EEG study]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', 124(A):947–957 1. Florin E, Baillet S<<BR>>[[|The brain's resting-state activity is shaped by synchronized cross-frequency coupling of oscillatory neural activity]]<<BR>>'''NeuroImage''', Available online: 10 Feb 2015 1. Goodwin BD, Butson CR<<BR>>[[|Subject-specific multiscale modeling to investigate effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation]]<<BR>>'''Neuromodulation''': Technology at the Neural Interface, 2015 1. 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'''2011''' * Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)<<BR>>"Brainstorm: A user friendly application for MEG/EEG analysis," ''Comput Intell Neurosci'', vol. 2011, Article ID 879716, 13 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/879716 [ [[|html]], [[|pdf]] ] '''2000-2010''' * Hamalainen MS, Lin FH, Mosher JC (2010)<<BR>>“Anatomically and functionally constrained minimum-norm estimates,” in ''MEG: An Introduction to Methods'', Hansen PC, Kringelbach ML, Salmelin R, Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Lefèvre J, Baillet S (2009)<<BR>>"Optical flow approaches to the identification of brain dynamics", ''Hum Brain Mapp'', 30(6):1887-1897 * Soto JLP, Pantazis D, Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2009)<<BR>>"Detection of Event-Related Modulations of Oscillatory Brain Activity with Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MEG Data," ''Hum Brain Mapp'', 30(6):1922-1934 * Pantazis D, Nichols TE, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2005)<<BR>>"A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data", ''Neuroimage'', 25(2):355-68 * Darvas F, Rautiainen M, Pantazis D, Benali H, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2005)<<BR>>"Investigations of dipole localization accuracy in MEG using the bootstrap", ''Neuroimage'', 25(2):383-394 * Jerbi K, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Nolte G, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2004)<<BR>>“Localization of Realistic Cortical Activity in MEG using Current Multipoles,” ''Neuroimage'', 22(2):779-93 * Ossadtchi A, Baillet A, Mosher JC, Thyerlei D, Sutherling W, Leahy RM (2004)<<BR>>"Automated Interictal Spike Detection and Source Localization in MEG using ICA and Spatio-Temporal Clustering," ''Clinic Neurophy'', 115(3):508-22 * Pantazis D, Nichols TS, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2003)<<BR>>"Spatiotemporal Localization of Significant Activation in MEG using Permutation Tests," ''Inf Process Med Imaging'', 18:512-23 * Jerbi K, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2002)<<BR>>"On MEG Forward Modelling using Multipolar Expansions," ''Phys Med Biol'', 47(4):523-55 * Baillet S, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (2001)<<BR>>"Electromagnetic Brain Mapping," ''IEEE Signal Processing Magazine'', 18(6):14-30 [[|pdf]] * Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2001)<<BR>>"Rapidly recomputable EEG forward models for realistic head shapes," ''Phys Med Biol'', 46(4):1265-1281 [[|pdf]] * Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Huang MX, Leahy RM (2000)<<BR>>"Paired MEG data set source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng'', 47(9):1248-60 [[|pdf]] * Mosher JC, Baillet S, Jerbi K, Leahy RM (2000)<<BR>>"MEG multipolar modeling of distributed sources using RAP-MUSIC," ''Signals, Systems and Computers 2000, Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference'', 1:318-322 [[|pdf]] '''1990-2000''' * Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"EEG Source Localization and Imaging Using Multiple Signal Classification Approaches," ''J Clin Neurophysiol'', 16(3):225-38 * Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Shattuck DW, Baillet S (1999)<<BR>>"MEG Source Imaging using Multipolar Expansions," ''In 16th Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, LCNS'', pp. 15–28[[|pdf]] * Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1999)<<BR>>"EEG and MEG: forward solutions for inverse methods," ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng'', 46(3):245-59 [[|pdf]] * Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"Source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng'', 47(9):1248-60 [[|pdf]] * Huang MX, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG'',''" ''Phys Med Biol'', 44:423-440 [[|pdf]] * Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1998)<<BR>>"Recursive MUSIC: A framework for EEG and MEG source localization'',''" ''IEEE Trans Biomed Eng'', 45(11):1342 -54 [[|pdf]] * Leahy RM, Mosher JC, Spencer ME, Huang MX, Lewine JD (1998)<<BR>>"A study of dipole localization accuracy for MEG and EEG using a human skull phantom. 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=== 2011 === * Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)<<BR>>"Brainstorm: A user friendly application for MEG/EEG analysis," Comput Intell Neurosci, vol. 2011, Article ID 879716, 13 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/879716'' [ [[|html]], [[|pdf]] ] '' === 2000-2010 === * Hamalainen MS, Lin FH, Mosher JC (2010)<<BR>>“Anatomically and functionally constrained minimum-norm estimates,” in MEG: An Introduction to Methods, Hansen PC, Kringelbach ML, Salmelin R, Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press. * Lefèvre J, Baillet S (2009)<<BR>>"Optical flow approaches to the identification of brain dynamics", Hum Brain Mapp, 30(6):1887-1897 * Soto JLP, Pantazis D, Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2009)<<BR>>"Detection of Event-Related Modulations of Oscillatory Brain Activity with Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MEG Data," Hum Brain Mapp, 30(6):1922-1934 * Pantazis D, Nichols TE, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2005)<<BR>>"A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data", Neuroimage, 25(2):355-68 * Darvas F, Rautiainen M, Pantazis D, Benali H, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2005)<<BR>>"Investigations of dipole localization accuracy in MEG using the bootstrap", Neuroimage, 25(2):383-394 * Jerbi K, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Nolte G, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2004)<<BR>>“Localization of Realistic Cortical Activity in MEG using Current Multipoles,” Neuroimage, 22(2):779-93 * Ossadtchi A, Baillet A, Mosher JC, Thyerlei D, Sutherling W, Leahy RM (2004)<<BR>>"Automated Interictal Spike Detection and Source Localization in MEG using ICA and Spatio-Temporal Clustering," Clinic Neurophy, 115(3):508-22 * Pantazis D, Nichols TS, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2003)<<BR>>"Spatiotemporal Localization of Significant Activation in MEG using Permutation Tests," Inf Process Med Imaging, 18:512-23 * Jerbi K, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2002)<<BR>>"On MEG Forward Modelling using Multipolar Expansions," Phys Med Biol, 47(4):523-55 * Baillet S, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (2001)<<BR>>"Electromagnetic Brain Mapping," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 18(6):14-30'' [[|pdf]] '' * Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2001)<<BR>>"Rapidly recomputable EEG forward models for realistic head shapes," Phys Med Biol, 46(4):1265-1281'' [[|pdf]] '' * Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Huang MX, Leahy RM (2000)<<BR>>"Paired MEG data set source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 47(9):1248-60'' [[|pdf]] '' * Mosher JC, Baillet S, Jerbi K, Leahy RM (2000)<<BR>>"MEG multipolar modeling of distributed sources using RAP-MUSIC," Signals, Systems and Computers 2000, Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference, 1:318-322'' [[|pdf]] '' === 1990-2000 === * Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"EEG Source Localization and Imaging Using Multiple Signal Classification Approaches," J Clin Neurophysiol, 16(3):225-38 * Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Shattuck DW, Baillet S (1999)<<BR>>"MEG Source Imaging using Multipolar Expansions," In 16th Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, LCNS, pp. 15–28''[[|pdf]] '' * Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1999)<<BR>>"EEG and MEG: forward solutions for inverse methods," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 46(3):245-59'' [[|pdf]] '' * Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"Source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 47(9):1248-60'' [[|pdf]] '' * ''Huang MX, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)<<BR>>"A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG'',''" ''Phys Med Biol'', 44:423-440 [[|pdf]] '' * Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1998)<<BR>>"Recursive MUSIC: A framework for EEG and MEG source localization," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 45(11):1342 -54'' [[|pdf]] '' * Leahy RM, Mosher JC, Spencer ME, Huang MX, Lewine JD (1998)<<BR>>"A study of dipole localization accuracy for MEG and EEG using a human skull phantom. 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* 50 successful open source projects that are changing medicine, #22, [[|link]]. | * Brainstorm has been cited as one of the 50 successful open-source projects that are changing medicine [#22] (2011)'' [[|link]]. '' * Computer world: Open source medicine puts health above profits (2012). [[|Link]] |
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List of references that are cited in the Brainstorm paper: [1] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Electromagnetic brain mapping," ''IEEE Signal processing magazine'', vol. 18, pp. 14-30, 2001. [2] M Huang, J Mosher, and R Leahy, "A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG," ''Phys. Med. Biol.'', vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 423–440, 1999. [3] F Darvas, JJ Ermer, JC Mosher, and Leahy RM, "Generic head models for atlas-based EEG source analysis," ''Human Brain Mapping'', vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 129-143, 2006. [4] JC Mosher, RM Leahy and P Lewis , "Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatiotemporal MEG data, "''IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.'', vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 541-557, June 1992. [5] JW Phillips, RM Leahy, JC Mosher, "MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources," ''IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging'', vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 338-348, June 1997. [6] S Baillet and L Garnero, "A Bayesian approach to introducing anatomo-functional priors in the EEG /MEG inverse problem," ''IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng''., vol. 44, pp. 374-385, 1997. [7] D Schmidt, J George and C Wood, "Bayesian inference applied to the electromagnetic inverse problem," ''Human Brain Mapping'', vol. 7, pp. 195-212, 1999. [8] GL Barkley and C Baumgartner, "MEG and EEG in epilepsy," ''Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology'', vol. 20, no. 3, p. 163, 2003. [9] A Arieli, A Sterkin, A Grinvald, and A Aertsen, "Dynamics of ongoing activity: explanation of the large variability in evoked cortical responses," ''Science'', vol. 273, no. 5283, p. 1868, 1996. [10] C Tallon-Baudry and O Bertrand, "Oscillatory gamma activity in humans and its role in object representation," ''Trends Cogn Sci'', vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 151-162, 1999. [11] G Pfurtscheller and FH Lopes da Silva, "Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles," ''Clinical Neurophysiology'', vol. 110, no. 11, pp. 1842-1857, 1999. [12] P Tass, MG Rosenblum, J Weule, J Kurths, A Pikovsky, J Volkmann, A Schnitzler, and HJ Freund, "Detection of n: m phase locking from noisy data: application to magnetoencephalography," ''Physical Review Letters'', vol. 81, no. 15, pp. 3291-3294, 1998. [13] CWJ Granger, BN Huangb, and CW Yang, "A bivariate causality between stock prices and exchange rates: evidence from recent Asianflu," ''Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance'', vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 337-354, 2000. [14] W Hesse, E Moller, M Arnold, and B Schack, "The use of time-variant EEG Granger causality for inspecting directed interdependencies of neural assemblies," ''Journal of Neuroscience Methods'', vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 27-44, 2003. [15] HB Hui, D Pantazis, SL Bressler, and RM Leahy, "Identifying true cortical interactions in MEG using the nulling beamformer," ''NeuroImage'', 2009. [16] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "Canonical Correlation Analysis Applied to Functional Connectivity in MEG," ''IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)'', April 2010. [17] D Pantazis, TE Nichols, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 25, pp. 355-368, April 2005. [18] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm beta release: a Matlab software package for MEG signal processing and source localization and visualization," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 11, p. 915, 2000. [19] JC Mosher, S Baillet, F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm Electromagnetic Imaging Software," ''IJBEM'', vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 189-190, 2005. [20] A Tzelepi, N Laskaris, A Amditis, and Z Kapoula, "Cortical activity preceding vertical saccades: A MEG study," ''Brain Research'', 2010. [21] F Amor, S Baillet, V Navarro, C Adam, J Martinerie, and MLV Quyen, "Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 950-962, April 2009. [22] T Bekinschtein, S Dehaene, B Rohaut, F Tadel, L Cohen, and L Naccache, "Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities," ''PNAS'', vol. 106, pp. 1672-1677, February 2009. [23] F Carota, A Posada, S Harquel, C Delpuech, O Bertrand, and A Sirigu, "Neural Dynamics of the Intention to Speak," ''Cerebral Cortex'', 2009. [24] M Chaumon, D Hasboun, M Baulac, C Adam, and C Tallon-Baudry, "Unconscious contextual memory affects early responses in the anterior temporal lobe," ''Brain research'', 2009. [25] S Moratti and A Keil, "Not What You Expect: Experience but not Expectancy Predicts Conditioned Responses in Human Visual and Supplementary Cortex," ''Cerebral Cortex'', 2009. [26] D Pantazis, GV Simpson, DL Weber, CL Dale, TE Nichols, and RM Leahy, "A novel ANCOVA design for analysis of MEG data with application to a visual attention study," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 164–174, 2009. [27] P Hansen, M Kringelbach, and R Salmelin (eds.), ''Meg: An Introduction to Methods''.: Oxford University Press, 2010. [28] R Salmelin and S Baillet, "Electromagnetic brain imaging," ''Human Brain Mapping'', vol. 30, pp. 1753-1757, 2009. |
Useful, mostly technical, background reading: [1] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Electromagnetic brain mapping," IEEE Signal processing magazine, vol. 18, pp. 14-30, 2001. [2] M Huang, J Mosher, and R Leahy, "A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG," Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 423–440, 1999. [3] F Darvas, JJ Ermer, JC Mosher, and Leahy RM, "Generic head models for atlas-based EEG source analysis," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 129-143, 2006. [4] JC Mosher, RM Leahy and P Lewis , "Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatiotemporal MEG data, "IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 541-557, June 1992. [5] JW Phillips, RM Leahy, JC Mosher, "MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 338-348, June 1997. [6] S Baillet and L Garnero, "A Bayesian approach to introducing anatomo-functional priors in the EEG /MEG inverse problem," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 44, pp. 374-385, 1997. [7] D Schmidt, J George and C Wood, "Bayesian inference applied to the electromagnetic inverse problem," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 7, pp. 195-212, 1999. [8] GL Barkley and C Baumgartner, "MEG and EEG in epilepsy," Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 163, 2003. [9] A Arieli, A Sterkin, A Grinvald, and A Aertsen, "Dynamics of ongoing activity: explanation of the large variability in evoked cortical responses," Science, vol. 273, no. 5283, p. 1868, 1996. [10] C Tallon-Baudry and O Bertrand, "Oscillatory gamma activity in humans and its role in object representation," Trends Cogn Sci, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 151-162, 1999. [11] G Pfurtscheller and FH Lopes da Silva, "Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles," Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 110, no. 11, pp. 1842-1857, 1999. [12] P Tass, MG Rosenblum, J Weule, J Kurths, A Pikovsky, J Volkmann, A Schnitzler, and HJ Freund, "Detection of n: m phase locking from noisy data: application to magnetoencephalography," Physical Review Letters, vol. 81, no. 15, pp. 3291-3294, 1998. [13] CWJ Granger, BN Huangb, and CW Yang, "A bivariate causality between stock prices and exchange rates: evidence from recent Asianflu," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 337-354, 2000. [14] W Hesse, E Moller, M Arnold, and B Schack, "The use of time-variant EEG Granger causality for inspecting directed interdependencies of neural assemblies," Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 27-44, 2003. [15] HB Hui, D Pantazis, SL Bressler, and RM Leahy, "Identifying true cortical interactions in MEG using the nulling beamformer," NeuroImage, 2009. [16] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "Canonical Correlation Analysis Applied to Functional Connectivity in MEG," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2010. [17] D Pantazis, TE Nichols, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data," Neuroimage, vol. 25, pp. 355-368, April 2005. [18] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm beta release: a Matlab software package for MEG signal processing and source localization and visualization," Neuroimage, vol. 11, p. 915, 2000. [19] JC Mosher, S Baillet, F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm Electromagnetic Imaging Software," IJBEM, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 189-190, 2005. [20] A Tzelepi, N Laskaris, A Amditis, and Z Kapoula, "Cortical activity preceding vertical saccades: A MEG study," Brain Research, 2010. [21] F Amor, S Baillet, V Navarro, C Adam, J Martinerie, and MLV Quyen, "Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation," Neuroimage, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 950-962, April 2009. [22] T Bekinschtein, S Dehaene, B Rohaut, F Tadel, L Cohen, and L Naccache, "Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities," PNAS, vol. 106, pp. 1672-1677, February 2009. [23] F Carota, A Posada, S Harquel, C Delpuech, O Bertrand, and A Sirigu, "Neural Dynamics of the Intention to Speak," Cerebral Cortex, 2009. [24] M Chaumon, D Hasboun, M Baulac, C Adam, and C Tallon-Baudry, "Unconscious contextual memory affects early responses in the anterior temporal lobe," Brain research, 2009. [25] S Moratti and A Keil, "Not What You Expect: Experience but not Expectancy Predicts Conditioned Responses in Human Visual and Supplementary Cortex," Cerebral Cortex, 2009. [26] D Pantazis, GV Simpson, DL Weber, CL Dale, TE Nichols, and RM Leahy, "A novel ANCOVA design for analysis of MEG data with application to a visual attention study," Neuroimage, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 164–174, 2009. [27] P Hansen, M Kringelbach, and R Salmelin (eds.), Meg: An Introduction to Methods.: Oxford University Press, 2010. [28] R Salmelin and S Baillet, "Electromagnetic brain imaging," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 30, pp. 1753-1757, 2009. |
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[31] DW Shattuck and RM Leahy, "BrainSuite: An Automated Cortical Surface Identification Tool," ''Medical Image Analysis'', vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 129-142, 2002, [32] Y Cointepas, Manginm JF, L Garnero, JB Poline, and H Benali, "BrainVISA: Software platform for visualization and analysis of multi-modality brain data," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 13, no. 6, p. S98, 2001, |
[31] DW Shattuck and RM Leahy, "BrainSuite: An Automated Cortical Surface Identification Tool," Medical Image Analysis, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 129-142, 2002, [32] Y Cointepas, Manginm JF, L Garnero, JB Poline, and H Benali, "BrainVISA: Software platform for visualization and analysis of multi-modality brain data," Neuroimage, vol. 13, no. 6, p. S98, 2001, |
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[35] A Delorme and S Makeig, "EEGLAB: an open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics," ''J Neurosci Methods'', vol. 134, pp. 9-21, 2004, | [35] A Delorme and S Makeig, "EEGLAB: an open source toolbox for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics," J Neurosci Methods, vol. 134, pp. 9-21, 2004, |
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[37] DL Collins, AP Zijdenbos, V Kollokian, JG Sled, NJ Kabani, CJ Holmes, and AC Evans, "Design and construction of a realistic digital brain phantom," ''IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging'', vol. 17, no. 3, p. 463, 1998. [38] RM Leahy, JC Mosher, ME Spencer, MX Huang, and JD Lewine, "A study of dipole localization accuracy for MEG and EEG using a human skull phantom," ''Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology'', vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 159-173, 1998. [39] F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Mapping human brain function with MEG and EEG: methods and validation," ''NeuroImage'', vol. 23, pp. 289-299, 2004. [40] P Berg and M Scherg, "A fast method for forward computation of multiple-shell spherical head models," ''Electroencephalogr Clin. Neurophysiol'', vol. 90, pp. 58–64, 1994. |
[37] DL Collins, AP Zijdenbos, V Kollokian, JG Sled, NJ Kabani, CJ Holmes, and AC Evans, "Design and construction of a realistic digital brain phantom," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 17, no. 3, p. 463, 1998. [38] RM Leahy, JC Mosher, ME Spencer, MX Huang, and JD Lewine, "A study of dipole localization accuracy for MEG and EEG using a human skull phantom," Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology, vol. 107, no. 2, pp. 159-173, 1998. [39] F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Mapping human brain function with MEG and EEG: methods and validation," NeuroImage, vol. 23, pp. 289-299, 2004. [40] P Berg and M Scherg, "A fast method for forward computation of multiple-shell spherical head models," Electroencephalogr Clin. Neurophysiol, vol. 90, pp. 58–64, 1994. |
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[42] MS Hämäläinen and RJ Ilmoniemi, "Interpreting magnetic fields of the brain: minimum norm estimates," ''Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing'', vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 35-42, 1994. [43] AM Dale, AK Liu, BR Fischl, RL Buckner, JW Belliveau, JD Lewine, and E Halgren, "Dynamic Statistical Parametric Mapping: Combining fMRI and MEG for High-Resolution Imaging of Cortical Activity," ''Neuron'', vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 55-67, 2000. [44] RD Pascual-Marqui, "Standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA): technical details," ''Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol'', vol. 24, no. Suppl D, pp. 5-12, 2002. [45] BD Van Veen and KM Buckley, "Beamforming: A versatile approach to spatial filtering," ''IEEE assp magazine'', vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 4-24, 1988. [46] RO Schmidt, "Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation," ''IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.'', vol. AP-34, pp. 276–280, March 1986, Reprint of the original 1979 paper from the RADC Spectrum Estimation Workshop. [47] N Tzourio-Mazoyer, Landeaum B, D Papathanassiou, F Crivello, O Etard, N Delcroix, B Mazoyer, and M Joliot, "Automated anatomical labeling of activations in SPM using a macroscopic anatomical parcellation of the MNI MRI single-subject brain," ''Neuroimage'', vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 273-289, January 2002. [48] C Tallon-Baudry, O Bertrand, C Wienbruch, B Ross, and C Pantev, "Combined EEG and MEG recordings of visual 40 Hz responses to illusory triangles in human," ''Neuroreport'', vol. 8, no. 5, p. 1103, 1997. [49] MS Worden, JJ Foxe, N Wang, and GV Simpson, "Anticipatory biasing of visuospatial attention indexed by retinotopically specific alpha-band electroencephalography increases over occipital cortex," ''Journal of Neuroscience'', vol. 20, no. 6, p. 63, 2000. [50] W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, T Pachinger, and B Ripper, "Brain oscillations and human memory: EEG correlates in the upper alpha and theta band," ''Neuroscience letters'', vol. 238, no. 1-2, pp. 9-12, 1997. [51] O Jensen and CD Tesche, "Frontal theta activity in humans increases with memory load in a working memory task," ''European Journal of Neuroscience'', vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1395-1399, 2002. [52] W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, H Russegger, T Pachinger, and J Schwaiger, "Induced alpha band power changes in the human EEG and attention," ''Neuroscience Letters'', vol. 244, no. 2, pp. 73-76, 1998. [53] CS Herrmann, M Grigutsch, and NA Busch, "EEG oscillations and wavelet analysis," ''Event-Related Potentials-A Methods Handbook'', pp. 229-259, 2005. |
[42] MS Hämäläinen and RJ Ilmoniemi, "Interpreting magnetic fields of the brain: minimum norm estimates," Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 35-42, 1994. [43] AM Dale, AK Liu, BR Fischl, RL Buckner, JW Belliveau, JD Lewine, and E Halgren, "Dynamic Statistical Parametric Mapping: Combining fMRI and MEG for High-Resolution Imaging of Cortical Activity," Neuron, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 55-67, 2000. [44] RD Pascual-Marqui, "Standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA): technical details," Methods Find Exp Clin Pharmacol, vol. 24, no. Suppl D, pp. 5-12, 2002. [45] BD Van Veen and KM Buckley, "Beamforming: A versatile approach to spatial filtering," IEEE assp magazine, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 4-24, 1988. [46] RO Schmidt, "Multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-34, pp. 276–280, March 1986, Reprint of the original 1979 paper from the RADC Spectrum Estimation Workshop. [47] N Tzourio-Mazoyer, Landeaum B, D Papathanassiou, F Crivello, O Etard, N Delcroix, B Mazoyer, and M Joliot, "Automated anatomical labeling of activations in SPM using a macroscopic anatomical parcellation of the MNI MRI single-subject brain," Neuroimage, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 273-289, January 2002. [48] C Tallon-Baudry, O Bertrand, C Wienbruch, B Ross, and C Pantev, "Combined EEG and MEG recordings of visual 40 Hz responses to illusory triangles in human," Neuroreport, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 1103, 1997. [49] MS Worden, JJ Foxe, N Wang, and GV Simpson, "Anticipatory biasing of visuospatial attention indexed by retinotopically specific alpha-band electroencephalography increases over occipital cortex," Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 20, no. 6, p. 63, 2000. [50] W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, T Pachinger, and B Ripper, "Brain oscillations and human memory: EEG correlates in the upper alpha and theta band," Neuroscience letters, vol. 238, no. 1-2, pp. 9-12, 1997. [51] O Jensen and CD Tesche, "Frontal theta activity in humans increases with memory load in a working memory task," European Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 1395-1399, 2002. [52] W Klimesch, M Doppelmayr, H Russegger, T Pachinger, and J Schwaiger, "Induced alpha band power changes in the human EEG and attention," Neuroscience Letters, vol. 244, no. 2, pp. 73-76, 1998. [53] CS Herrmann, M Grigutsch, and NA Busch, "EEG oscillations and wavelet analysis," Event-Related Potentials-A Methods Handbook, pp. 229-259, 2005. |
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[55] WD Penny, AP Holmes, and KJ Friston, "Random effects analysis," ''Human brain function'', vol. 2, pp. 843-850, 2004. [56] D Pantazis and RM Leahy, ''Meg: An Introduction to Methods; Chapter 10: Statistical Inference in MEG Distributed Source Imaging''.: Oxford Univ Pr, 2010. [57] JA Mumford and T Nichols, "Modeling and inference of multisubject fMRI data," ''IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine'', pp. 42–51, March/April 2006. [58] Y Benjamini and Y Hochberg, "Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing," ''Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)'', vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 289-300, 1995. [59] T Nichols and S Hayasaka, "Controlling the familywise error rate in functional neuroimaging: a comparative review," ''Statistical methods in medical research'', vol. 12, no. 5, p. 419, 2003. |
[55] WD Penny, AP Holmes, and KJ Friston, "Random effects analysis," Human brain function, vol. 2, pp. 843-850, 2004. [56] D Pantazis and RM Leahy, Meg: An Introduction to Methods; Chapter 10: Statistical Inference in MEG Distributed Source Imaging.: Oxford Univ Pr, 2010. [57] JA Mumford and T Nichols, "Modeling and inference of multisubject fMRI data," IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, pp. 42–51, March/April 2006. [58] Y Benjamini and Y Hochberg, "Controlling the false discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 289-300, 1995. [59] T Nichols and S Hayasaka, "Controlling the familywise error rate in functional neuroimaging: a comparative review," Statistical methods in medical research, vol. 12, no. 5, p. 419, 2003. |
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[61] D Shepard, "A two-dimensional interpolation function for irregularly-spaced data," ''Proceedings of the ACM National Conference'', pp. 517–524, 1968. [62] A Joshi, DW Shattuck, PM Thompson and RM Leahy, "Simultaneous Surface and Volumetric Brain Registration Using Harmonic Mappings," ''IEEE Trans. Med. Imag,'' vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1657-1669, 2007. [63] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, L Garnero, and RM Leahy, "Detection of Event-Related Modulations of Oscillatory Brain Activity with Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MEG Data," ''Human Brain Mapping'', vol. 30, pp. 1922-1934, 2009. [64] J Lefèvre and S Baillet, "Optical flow approaches to the identification of brain dynamics," ''Human Brain Mapping'', vol. 30, pp. 1887-1897, 2009. |
[61] D Shepard, "A two-dimensional interpolation function for irregularly-spaced data," Proceedings of the ACM National Conference, pp. 517–524, 1968. [62] A Joshi, DW Shattuck, PM Thompson and RM Leahy, "Simultaneous Surface and Volumetric Brain Registration Using Harmonic Mappings," IEEE Trans. Med. Imag, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 1657-1669, 2007. [63] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, L Garnero, and RM Leahy, "Detection of Event-Related Modulations of Oscillatory Brain Activity with Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MEG Data," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 30, pp. 1922-1934, 2009. [64] J Lefèvre and S Baillet, "Optical flow approaches to the identification of brain dynamics," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 30, pp. 1887-1897, 2009. |
Reference article
Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)
Brainstorm: A User-Friendly Application for MEG/EEG Analysis
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, ID 879716
See also: How to cite Brainstorm.
Publications from Brainstorm users
Tadel F, Baillet S
Brainstorm: Imaging neural activity at the speed of brain, March 2015Bae J, Deshmukh A, Song Y, Riera J
Brain source imaging in preclinical rat models of focal epilepsy using high-resolution EEG recordings
J Visualized Experiments, e52700 (2015)Bathelt J, O'Reilly H, De Haan
Cortical Source Analysis of High-Density EEG Recordings in Children
J Visualized Experiments, 88 (2014)Balderston NL, Schultz DH, Baillet S, Helmstetter FJ
How to Detect Amygdala Activity with Magnetoencephalography using Source Imaging
J Visualized Experiments, 76 (2013)
Ambrosini E, Vallesi A
Asymmetry in prefrontal resting-state EEG spectral power underlies individual differences in phasic and sustained cognitive control
NeuroImage, Available online: 28 Sep 2015Amico F, Ambrosini E, Guillem F, Mento G, Power D, Pergola G, Vallesi A
The virtual tray of objects task as a novel method to electrophysiologically measure visuo-spatial recognition memory
Int J Psychophysiol, Available online: 10 Nov 2015Amico E, Bodart O, Gosseries O, Heine L, Rosanova M, Van Mierlo P, Martial C, Massimini M, Marinazzo D, Laureys S
Structural constraints to information flow within cortical circuits: a TMS/EEG-dMRI study
bioRxiv, 2015Bajo R, Pusil S, Lopez E, Canuet L, Pereda E, Osipova D, Maestu F, Pekkonen E
Scopolamine effects on functional brain connectivity: a pharmacological model of Alzheimer’s disease
Scientific Reports, Published: 1 Jul 2015Bertrand JA, McIntosh R, Postuma RB, Kovacevic N, Latreille V, Panisset M, Chouinard S, Gagnon JF
Brain connectivity alterations are associated with dementia in Parkinson's disease
Brain Connect, Available online: 28 Dec 2015Bidelman GM, Dexter L
Bilinguals at the ‘‘cocktail party’’: Dissociable neural activityin auditory–linguistic brain regions reveals neurobiological basis for nonnative listeners’ speech-in-noise recognition deficits
Brain and Language, 143:32–41, April 2015.Bidelman GM, Lee CC
Effects of language experience and stimulus context on the neural organization and categorical perception of speech
NeuroImage, Available online: 3 Jul 2015Bidelman GM, Howell M
Functional changes in inter- and intra-hemispheric cortical processing underlying degraded speech perception
NeuroImage, Available online: 16 Sep 2015Billeke P, Armijo A, Castillo D, Lopez T, Zamorano F, Cosmelli D, Aboitiz F
Paradoxical expectation: Oscillatory brain activity reveals social interaction impairment in schizophrenia
Biological Psychiatry, Available online: 19 Feb 2015Bola M, Sabel BA
Dynamic reorganization of brain functional networks during cognition
NeuroImage, 114:398–413, July 2015Boughariou J, Zouch W, Slima MB, Kammoun I, Hamida AB
High-resolution imaging-guided electroencephalography source localization: temporal effect regularization incorporation in LORETA inverse solution
J Electron Imaging, 24(6):061204Cacioppo S, Balogh S, Cacioppo JT
Implicit attention to negative social, in contrast to nonsocial, words in the stroop task differs between individuals high and low in loneliness: Evidence from event-related brain microstates
Cortex, Available online: 2 Jul 2015Cacioppo S, Bangee M, Balogh S, Cardenas-Iniguez C, Qualter P, Cacioppo JT
Loneliness and implicit attention to social threat: A high-performance electrical neuroimaging study
Cognitive Neuroscience, Available online: 14 Aug 2015Cacioppo S, Cacioppo JT
Dynamic spatiotemporal brain analyses using high-performance electrical neuroimaging, Part II: A step-by-step tutorial
J Neuroscience Methods, Available online: 10 Sep 2015Calvetti D, Pascarella A, Pitolli F, Somersalo E, Vantaggi B
A hierarchical Krylov–Bayes iterative inverse solver for MEG with physiological preconditioning
Inverse Problems, 31(12), 4 Nov 2015Canales-Johnson A, Silva C, Huepe D, Rivera-Rei A, Noreika V, del Carmen Garcia M, Silva W, Ciraolo C, Vaucheret E, Sedeño L, Couto B, Kargieman L, Baglivo F, Sigman M, Chennu S, Ibáñez A, Rodríguez E, Bekinschtein TA
Auditory feedback differentially modulates behavioral and neural markers of objective and subjective performance when tapping to your heartbeat
Cerebral Cortex, Available online: 21 Apr 2015Canuet L, Pusil S, López ME, Bajo R, Pineda-Pardo JA, Cuesta P, Gálvez G, Gaztelu JM, Lourido D, García-Ribas G, Maestú F
Network disruption and cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-beta and phospho-tau levels in mild cognitive impairment
J Neuroscience, 35(28):10325-10330Cecotti H, Single-trial detection with Magnetoencephalography during a Dual Rapid Serial Visual Presentation task
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Available online: 14 Sep 2015Cheaha D, Bumrungsri S, Chatpun S, Kumarnsit E
Characterization of in utero valproic acid mouse model of autism by local field potential in the hippocampus and the olfactory bulb
Neuroscience Research, Available online: 2 May 2015Cheng CH, Chan PYS, Baillet S, Lin SS
Age-related reduced somatosensory gating is associated with altered alpha frequency desynchronization
Neural Plasticity, Available online: 24 Feb 2015Cheng CH, Baillet S, Lin YY
Region-specific reduction of auditory sensory gating in older adults
Brain and Cognition, Available online:24 Oct 2015Chowdhury RA, Zerouali Y, Hedrich T, Heers M, Kobayashi E, Lina JM, Grova C
MEG–EEG Information Fusion and Electromagnetic Source Imaging: From Theory to Clinical Application in Epilepsy
Brain Topography, May 2015Cichy RM, Ramirez FM, Pantazis D, Can visual information encoded in cortical columns be decoded from magnetoencephalography data in humans?
NeuroImage, Available online: 8 Jul 2015Cichy RM, Khosla A, Pantazis D, Oliva A
Dynamics of scene representations in the human brain revealed by MEG and deep neural networks
biorXiv, JA, Cahill JD, Ranganathan M, Sewell RA, D'Souza DC, Skosnik PD
Testing differences in the activity of event-related potential sources: Important implications for clinical researchers
Clinical Neurophysiology, 126(1):215–218, Jan 2015Costa F, Batatia H, Chaari L, Tourneret JY
Sparse EEG source localization using Bernoulli Laplacian priors
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Available online: 25 Jun 2015Couto B, Adolfi F, Velasquez M, Mesow M, Feinstein J, Canales-Johnson A, Mikulan E, Martínez-Pernía D, Bekinschtein T, Sigman M, Manes F, Ibanez A
Heart evoked potential triggers brain responses to natural affective scenes: A preliminary study
Autonomic Neuroscience, 193:132-7, Dec 2015Das S, Glatard T, MacIntyre LC, Madjar C, Rogers C, Rousseau ME, Rioux P, MacFarlane D, Mohaddes Z, Makowski C, Niso G, Moreau JT, Evans AC
The MNI data-sharing and processing ecosystem
NeuroImage, Available online: 10 Sep 2015De León SCG, Niso-Galán G, Canuet L, Burriel-Lobo L, Maestú-Unturbec F, Rodríguez-Magariños MG
Praxis induced seizures in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy patient: MEG EEG coregistration study
Epilepsy & Behavior Case Reports, Available online: 4 Nov 2015El Zein M, Wyart V, Grezes J
Anxiety dissociates the adaptive functions of sensory and motor response enhancements to social threats
eLife, Published: 29 Dec 2015Faugeras F, Naccache L
Dissociating temporal attention from spatial attention and motor response preparation: A high-density EEG study
NeuroImage, 124(A):947–957Florin E, Baillet S
The brain's resting-state activity is shaped by synchronized cross-frequency coupling of oscillatory neural activity
NeuroImage, Available online: 10 Feb 2015Goodwin BD, Butson CR
Subject-specific multiscale modeling to investigate effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation
Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Interface, 2015Gonzalez-Gadea ML, Chennu S, Bekinschtein TA, Rattazzi A, Beraudi A, Tripicchio P, Moyano B, Soffita Y, Steinberg L, Adolfi F, Sigman M, Marino J, Manes F, Ibanez A
Predictive coding in autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
J Neurophysiol, 114(5):2625-36, Nov 2015Gopalakrishnan R, Burgess RC, Plow EB, Floden D, Machado AG
A Magnetoencephalography study of multi-modal processing of pain anticipation in primary sensory cortices
Neuroscience, Available online: 23 Jul 2015Habib MA, Ibrahim F, Mohktar MS, Kamaruzzaman SB, Rahmat K, Lim KS
Ictal EEG source imaging for presurgical evaluation of refractory focal epilepsy
World Neurosurgery, Available online: 5 Nov 2015Harrington MG
Multimodal approach to testing the acute effects of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
NIH Clinical trialsHassan M, Benquet P, Berrou C, Dufor O, Wendling F
Dynamic reorganization of functional brain networks during picture naming
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EEGNET: An open source tool for analyzing and visualizing M/EEG connectome
PLoS One, Published: 17 Sept 2015Hatz F, Hardmeier M, Bousleiman H, Ruegg S, Schindler C, Fuhr P
Reliability of fully automated versus visually controlled pre- and post-processing of resting-state EEG
Clinical Neurophysiology, 126(2):268-274, Feb 2015Heers M, Chowdhury RA, Hedrich T, Dubeau F, Hall JA, Lina JM, Grova C, Kobayashi E
Localization Accuracy of Distributed Inverse Solutions for Electric and Magnetic Source Imaging of Interictal Epileptic Discharges in Patients with Focal Epilepsy
Brain Topography, Available online: 22 Jan 2015Hsiao FJ, Yu HY, Chen WT, Kwan SY, Chen C, Yen DJ, Yiu CH, Shih YH, Lin YY
Increased intrinsic connectivity of the default mode network in temporal lobe epilepsy: Evidence from resting-state MEG recordings
PLOS ONE, Available online: 2 Jun 2015Horr NK, Braun C, Zander T, Volz KG
Timing matters! The neural signature of intuitive judgments differs according to the way information is presented
Consciousness and Cognition, 38:71–87, 15 Dec 2015Jiang J, Zhang Q, Van Gaal S
Conflict awareness dissociates theta-band neural dynamics of the medial frontal and lateral frontal cortex during trial-by-trial cognitive control
NeuroImage, Available online: 6 May 2015Lebar N, Bernier PM, Guillaume A, Mouchnino L, Blouin J
Neural correlates for task-relevant facilitation of visual inputs during visually-guided hand movements
NeuroImage, Available online: 17 Jul 2015Li L, Pagnotta MF, Arakaki X, Tran T
Brain activation profiles in mTBI: Evidence from combined resting-state EEG and MEG activity
IEEE EMBC, 2015:6963-6966Lie OV, Papanastassiou AM, Cavazos JE, Szabo AC
Influence of intracranial electrode density and spatial configuration on interictal spike localization: A case study
J Clin Neurophysiol, 32(5):e30-40Marti S, King JR, Dehaene S
Time-resolved decoding of two processing chains during dual-task interference
Neuron, Available online: 25 Nov 2015Medani T, Lautru D, Schwartz D, Ren Z, Sou G
FEM Method for the EEG Forward Problem and Improvement Based on Modification of the Saint Venant’s Method
PIER, 153:11-22Moratti S, Strange B, Rubio G
Emotional arousal modulation of right temporoparietal cortex in depression depends on parental depression status in women: First evidence
Journal of Affective Disorders, Available online: 6 Mar 2015Munding D, Dubarry AS, Alario FX
On the cortical dynamics of word production : a review of the MEG evidence
Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, Available online: 24 Sep 2015Niso G,Rogers C,Moreau JT,Chen LY,MadjarC,Das S,Bock E,Tadel F,Evans A,Jolicoeur P,Baillet S
OMEGA: The Open MEG Archive
NeuroImage, Available online: 18 Apr 2015O'Reilly C, Godbout J, Carrier J, Lina JM
Combining time-frequency and spatial information for the detection of sleep spindles
Front Hum Neurosci, Available online: 27 Jan 2015Papadaniil CD, Kosmidou VE, Tsolaki AC, Hadjileontiadis LJ, Tsolaki M, Kompatsiaris I
Age effect in human brain responses to emotion arousing images: The EEG 3D-vector field tomography modeling approach
IEEE Autonomous Mental Development, Available online: 30 Mar 2015Rasheed W, Tang TB, Hamid NH
Default mode functional connectivity estimation and visualization framework for MEG data
IEEE EMBS, 2015:1116-1119Schirner M, Rothmeier S, Jirsa VK, McIntosh AR, Ritter P
An automated pipeline for constructing personalized virtual brains from multimodal neuroimaging data
NeuroImage, 117:343–357, Aug 2015Seeber M, Scherer R, Wagner J, Solis-Escalante T, Muller-Putz GR
High and low gamma EEG oscillations in central sensorimotor areas are conversely modulated during the human gait cycle
NeuroImage, Available online: 24 Mar 2015Sekihara K, Nagarajan SS
Electromagnetic Brain Imaging: A Bayesian Perspective
Springer, 2015Seo NJ, Lakshminarayanan K, Bonilha L, Lauer AW
Effect of imperceptible vibratory noise applied to wrist skin on fingertip touch evoked potentials–an EEG study
Physiological Reports, Published: 24-Nov-2015Strauss M, Sitt JD, King JR, Elbaz M, Azizi L, Buiatti M, Naccache L, Van Wassenhove V, Dehaene S
Disruption of hierarchical predictive coding during sleep
PNAS, Available online: 3 Mar 2015Stroganova TA, Butorina AV, Sysoeva OV, Prokofyev AO, Nikolaeva AY, Tsetlin MM, Orekhova EV
Altered modulation of gamma oscillation frequency by speed of visual motion in children with autism spectrum disorders
J Neurodev Disord 2015, 7(1):21Stropahl M, Plotz K, Schönfeld R, Lenarz T, Sandmann P, Yovel G, De Vos M, Debener S
Cross-modal reorganization in cochlear implant users: Auditory cortex contributes to visual face processing
NeuroImage, Available online: 26 Jul 2015Thibault RT, Lifshitz M, Raz A
Body position alters human resting-state: Insights from multi-postural magnetoencephalography
Brain Imaging Behav, Available online: 26 Sep 2015Tokariev A, Vanhatalo S, Palva JM
Analysis of infant cortical synchrony is constrained by the number of recording electrodes and the recording montage
Clinical Neurophysiology, Available online: 4 Jun 2015Wamain Y, Pluciennicka E, Kalénine S
A saw is first identified as an object used on wood: ERP evidence for temporal differences between thematic and functional similarity relations
Neuropsychologia, Available online: 26 Feb 2015Yokota Y, Naruse Y
Phase coherence of auditory steady-state response reflects the amount of cognitive workload in a modified N-back task
Neuroscience Research, Available online: 3 Jul 2015Zarghami T, Mir HS, Al-Nashash H
Transfer-function-based calibration of sparse EEG systems for brain source localization
IEEE Sensors Journal, Published: March 2015Zhang L, Gan JQ, Wang H
Mathematically gifted adolescents mobilize enhanced workspace configuration of theta cortical network during deductive reasoning
Neuroscience, Available online: 13-Jan-2015Zhang L, Gan JQ, Wang H
Localization of neural efficiency of the mathematically gifted brain through a feature subset selection method
Cognitive Neurodynamics, May 2015
Alkawadri R, Gaspard N, Goncharova II, Spencer DD, Gerrard JL, Zaveri H, Duckrow RB, Blumenfeld H, Hirsch LJ
The spatial and signal characteristics of physiologic high frequency oscillations
Epilepsia, 2014 Dec, 55(12):1986-95Amoruso L, Sedeño L, Huepe D, Tomio A, Kamienkowsky J, Hurtado E, Cardona JF, Alvarez González MA, Reiznik A, Sigman M, Manes F, Ibáñez A
Time to Tango: Expertise and contextual anticipation during action observation
NeuroImage, Published online: 12 May 2014Aissani C, Martinerie J, Yahia-Cherif L, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J
Beta, but not gamma, band oscillations index visual form-motion integration
PLoS One, Published online: 29 Apr 2014Baldauf D, Desimone R
Neural mechanisms of object-based attention
Science, Published online: 10 Apr 2014.Balderston NL, Schultz DH, Baillet S, Helmstetter FJ
Rapid Amygdala Responses during Trace Fear Conditioning without Awareness
PLOS ONE, Published online: 13 May 2014Basirat A, Dehaene S, Dehaene-Lambertz G
A hierarchy of cortical responses to sequence violations in three-month-old infants
Cognition, 5 May 2014, 132(2):137-150.Bathelt J, O'Reilly H, De Haan M
Cortical Source Analysis of High-Density EEG Recordings in Children
J Visualized Experiments, 88Becker H, Albera L, Comon P, Haardt M, Birot G, Wendling F, Gavaret M, Benar CG, Merlet I
EEG extended source localization: Tensor-based vs. conventional methods
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Functional cortical network in alpha band correlates with social bargaining
PLOS One, Published online:6 Oct 2014Billeke P, Zamorano F, Lopez T, Rodriguez C, Cosmelli D, Aboitiz F
Someone has to give in: theta oscillations correlate with adaptive behavior in social bargaining
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Opposed optimal strategies of weighting somatosensory inputs for planning reaching movements towards visual and proprioceptive targets
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Neural Population Models for Neuroimaging
Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer, 2014Bola M, Sabel B
Rapid, transient, and frequency-specific topological reorganization of cognitive networks
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The mirror illusion induces high gamma oscillations in the absence of movement
NeuroImage, Published online: 19 Sep 2014Cheng CH, Baillet S, Hsiao FJ, Lin YY
Effects of aging on the neuromagnetic mismatch detection to speech sounds
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Effects of time lag and frequency matching on phase-based connectivity
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Analyzing neural time series data: Theory and practice
MIT Press, 2014Cichy RM, Pantazis D, Oliva A
Resolving human object recognition in space and time
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Neuroplasticity of imagined wrist actions after spinal cord injury: a pilot study
Experimental Brain Research, October 2014Dubarry AS, Badier JM, Trébuchon-Da Fonseca A, Gavaret M, Carron R, Bartolomei F, Liégeois-Chauvel C, Régis J, Chauvel P, Alario FX, Bénar C
Simultaneous recording of MEG, EEG and intracerebral EEG during visual stimulation: From feasibility to single-trial analysis
NeuroImage, Published online: 23 May 2014Dumas G, Soussignan R, Hugueville L, Martinerie J, Nadel J
Revisiting mu suppression in autism spectrum disorder
Brain Research, Published online: 19 August 2014El Zein M, Gamond L, Conty L, Grezes J
Selective attention effects on early integration of social signals: Same timing, modulated neural sources
NeuroImage, Published online: 1 Nov 2014Escobar MJ, Huepe D, Decety J, Sedeño L, Messow MK, Baez S, Rivera-Rei A, Canales-Johnson A, Morales JP, Gómez DM, Schröeder J, Manes F, López V, Ibánez A
Brain signatures of moral sensitivity in adolescents with early social deprivation
Scientific Reports, 2014 Jun 19;4:5354Ferdowsi S, Sanei S, Abolghasemi V
A predictive modeling approach to analyze data in EEG–fMRI experiments
Int J Neural Syst, Available online: 3 Aug 2014Fesi JD, Mendola JD
Individual peak gamma frequency predicts switch rate in perceptual rivalry
Human Brain Mapping, Published online: 30 Sep 2014Foti D, Weinberg A, Bernat EM, Proudfit GH
Anterior cingulate activity to monetary loss and basal ganglia activity to monetary gain uniquely contribute to the feedback negativity
Clinical Neurophysiology, Published online: 5 Oct 2014Frey J, Gervais R, Fleck S, Lotte F, Hachet M
Teegi: Tangible EEG Interface
UIST conference 2014Galan F, Baker MR, Alter K, Baker ST
Degraded EEG decoding of wrist movements in absence of kinaesthetic feedback
Human Brain Mapping, Published online: 12 Oct 2014Gale JT, Gonzalez-Martinez J
Examining Decision-making in Epilepsy Patients: Using SEEG to Unravel Pathophysiological Mechanisms in Psychiatry
Cleveland Clinic, Psychiatry Insights 2014Galvao-Carmona A, González-Rosa JJ, Hidalgo-Muñoz AR, Páramo D, Benítez ML, Izquierdo G3, Vázquez-Marrufo M
Disentangling the attention network test: behavioral, event related potentials, and neural source analyses
Front Hum Neurosci, 8:813Giacometti P, Perdue KL, Diamond SG
Algorithm to find high density EEG scalp coordinates and analysis of their correspondence to structural and functional regions of the brain
J Neuroscience Methods, Published online: 24 Apr 2014Giacometti P, Diamond SG
Correspondence of electroencephalography and near-infrared spectroscopy sensitivities to the cerebral cortex using a high-density layout
Neurophotonics, 1(2), 025001 (Sep 02, 2014)Gonzalez-Rosa JJ, Natali F, Tettamanti A, Cursi M, Velikova S, Comi G, Gatti R, Leocani L
Action observation and motor imagery in performance of complex movements: Evidence from EEG and kinematics analysis
Behav Brain Res, Available online: 19 Dec 2014Graziano M, Parra LC, Sigman M
Neural correlates of perceived confidence in a partial report paradigm
J Cogn Neurosci, Available online: 12 Nov 2014Grosse-Wentrup M, Schölkopf B
A brain–computer interface based on self-regulation of gamma-oscillations in the superior parietal cortex
J Neural Eng, 11:5Heers M, Hedrich T, An D, Dubeau F, Gotman J, Grova C, Kobayashi E (2014)
Spatial correlation of hemodynamic changes related to interictal epileptic discharges with electric and magnetic source imaging
Human Brain Mapping, Published online: 24 Feb 2014.Hochman EY, Vaidya AR, Fellows LK
Evidence for a role for the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex in disengaging from an incorrect action
PLOS ONE, Published online: 26 Jun 2014Horr NK, Braun C, Volz KG
Feeling before knowing why: The role of the orbitofrontal cortex in intuitive judgments - an MEG study
Cogn Affect Behav Neurosci, 14:1271-1285Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Wang YJ, Yan SH, Lin YY
Altered source-based EEG coherence of resting-state sensorimotor network in early-stage Alzheimer's disease compared to mild cognitive impairment
Neurosci Lett, 2014 Jan 13, 558:47-52Hsiao FJ, Chen WT, Wang PN, Cheng CH, Lin YY
Temporo-frontal functional connectivity during auditory change detection is altered in Alzheimer's disease
Human Brain Mapping, Published online: 27 Jun 2014Hsiao FJ, Hsieh FY, Chen WT, Chu DC, Lin YY
Altered Resting-State Cortical EEG Oscillations in Patients With Severe Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis
Clin EEG Neurosci, Published online: 2 Dec 2014Huang S, Chang WT, Belliveau JW, Hämäläinen M, Ahveninen J
Lateralized parietotemporal oscillatory phase synchronization during auditory selective attention
Neuroimage, 2013 Oct 31, pii: S1053-8119(13)01066-5Huang Y, Parra LC, Haufe S
ICBM-NY—A highly detailed volume conductor model for EEG source localization and TCS targeting
NeuroImage, Published online: 17 Dec 2015Iasemidis LD, Vlachos I, Krishnan B, Alexopoulos A
System and method for identifying a focal area of abnormal network interactions in the brain
US Patent #20140276187Isik L, Meyers EM, Leibo JZ, Poggio T
The dynamics of invariant object recognition in the human visual system
J Neurophysiol, 111(1):91-102Johnson MA, Thompson S, Gonzalez-Martinez J, Park HJ, Bulacio J, Najm I, Kahn K, Kerr M, Sarma SV, Gale JT
Performing behavioral tasks in subjects with intracranial electrodes
J Visualized Experiments, 92Jones SE, Beall EB, Najm I, Sakaie KE, Phillips MD, Zhang M, Gonzalez-Martinez JA
Low consistency of four brain connectivity measures derived from intracranial electrode measurements
Front Neurol, Published online: 19 Dec 2014Kabdebon C, Leroy F, Simonnet H, Perrot M, Dubois J, Dehaene-Lambertz G
Anatomical correlations of the international 10–20 sensor placement system in infants
NeuroImage, Published online: 23 May 2014Khan S, Lefevre J, Baillet S, Michmizos KP, Ganesan S, Kitzbichler MG, Zetino M, Hamalainen MS, Papadelis C, Kenet T
Encoding cortical dynamics in sparse features
Front Hum Neurosci, Available online: 2014 May 23Korats G, Ranta R, Le Cam S, Louis-Dorr V
Dipolar estimates of the cortical map
IEEE EMBC 2014:1123-1126Krishnan B, Vlachos I, Wang ZI, Mosher J, Najm I, Burgess R, Iasemidis L, Alexopoulos AV
Epileptic focus localization based on resting state interictal MEG recordings is feasible irrespective of the presence or absence of spikes
Clinical Neurophysiology, Published online: 11 Aug 2014LaPlante RA, Douw L, Tang W, Stufflebeam SM
The Connectome Visualization Utility: Software for Visualization of Human Brain Networks
PloS one, Published online: 01 Dec 2014Lenartowicz A, Simpson GV, Haber CM, Cohen MS
Neurophysiological Signals of Ignoring and Attending Are Separable and Related to Performance during Sustained Intersensory Attention
J Cogn Neurosci, Published online: 25 Mar 2014Machado A, Marcotte O, Lina J, Kobayashi E, Grova C
Optimal optode montage on electroencephalography/functional near-infrared spectroscopy caps dedicated to study epileptic discharges
J Biomedical Optics, 19(2):026010Machado AG, Gopalakrishnan R, Plow EB, Burgess RC, Mosher JC
A magnetoencephalography study of visual processing of pain anticipation
J Neurophysiol, 2014 Jul 15, 112(2):276-86Mento G, Tarantino V, Vallesi A, Silvia P
Spatiotemporal Neurodynamics Underlying Internally and Externally Driven Temporal Prediction: A High Spatial Resolution ERP Study
J Cognitive Neuroscience, Published online: 9 Sep 2014Meyer T, Peters J, Zander TO, Scholkopf B, Grosse-Wentrup M
Predicting motor learning performance from Electroencephalographic data
J NeuroEng Rehab, 2014, 11:24Momin R, Mir HS, Al-Nashash H
Brain Source Localization in the Presence of Leadfield Perturbations
IEEE EMBC, 2014:4551-4554Mousas A, Simos PG, Rezaie R, Papanicolaou AC
Estimation of Regional Activation Maps and Interdependencies from Minimum Norm Estimates of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Data
Neuromethods, 91: 267–289, Published online: 17 May 2014Odabaee M, Tokariev A, Layeghy A, Mesbah M, Colditz PB, Ramon C, Vanhatalo S
Neonatal EEG at scalp is focal and implies high skull conductivity in realistic neonatal head models
NeuroImage, Published online: 13 Apr 2014Ofner P, Muller-Putz GR
Using a Non-Invasive Decoding Method to Classify Rhythmic Movement Imaginations of the Arm in Two Planes
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, Available online: 4 Dec 2014Papadelis C, Ahtam B, Nazarova M, Nimec D, Snyder B, Grant PE, Okada Y
Cortical somatosensory reorganization in children with spastic cerebral palsy: a multimodal neuroimaging study
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Spontaneous fluctuations in neural responses to heartbeats predict visual detection
Nature Neuroscience, Published online: 09 Mar 2014Pegado F, Comerlato E, Ventura F, Jobert A, Nakamura K, Buiatti M, Ventura P, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Kolinsky R, Morais J, Braga LW, Cohen L, Dehaene S
Timing the impact of literacy on visual processing
PNAS, Available online: 23 Oct 2014Pihko E, Nevalainen P, Vaalto S, Laaksonen K, Mäenpää H, Valanne L, Lauronen
Reactivity of sensorimotor oscillations is altered in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy: A magnetoencephalographic study
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"Hearing faces: how the infant brain matches the face it sees with the speech it hears,"
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Brain Res,1285:77-87Dalal SS, Baillet S, Adam C, Ducorps A, Schwartz D, Jerbi K, Bertrand O, Garnero L, Martinerie J, Lachaux JP
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"Bi-phase locking - a tool for probing non-linear interaction in the human brain,"
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"Dynamic causal modelling of distributed electromagnetic responses"
Neuroimage, 47(2):590-601Henson RN, Mattout J, Phillips C, Friston KJ
"Selecting forward models for MEG source-reconstruction using model-evidence,"
Neuroimage, 46(1):168–176Henson R, Mouchlianitis E, Friston KJ
"MEG and EEG data fusion: Simultaneous localisation of face-evoked responses,"
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J Neurosci, 29(24):7679-85Rudrauf D, Lachaux JP, Damasio A, Baillet S, Hugueville L, Martinerie J, Damasio H, Renault B
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PLOS Biol, 6(2):e11Rudrauf D, David O, Lachaux JP, Kovach CK, Martinerie J, Renault B, Damasio A
"Rapid Interactions between the Ventral Visual Stream and Emotion-Related Structures Rely on a Two-Pathway Architecture,"
J Neurosci, 28(11):2793-2803Senot P, Baillet S, Renault B, Berthoz A
"Cortical dynamics of anticipatory mechanisms in interception: a neuromagnetic study,"
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IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 55(9):2232-9Stoitsis J, Giannakakis GA, Papageorgiou C, Nikita KS, Rabavilas A, Anagnostopoulos D, "Evidence of a posterior cingulate involvement (Brodmann area 31) in dyslexia: a study based on source localization algorithm of event-related potentials,"
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Attal Y, Bhattacharjee M, Yelnik J, Cottereau B, Lefèvre J, Okada Y, Bardinet E, Chupin M, Baillet S
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"When eye creates the contact! ERP evidence for early dissociation between direct and averted gaze motion processing,"
Neuropsychologia, 45:3024-3037Cottereau B, Jerbi K, Baillet S
"Multiresolution imaging of MEG cortical sources using an explicit piecewise model,"
Neuroimage, 38(3):439-51Del Cul A, Baillet S, Dehaene S
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PLOS Biology, 5(10):e260Dossevi A, Garnero L, Ammari H
"Geodesic and functional K-means algorithms. A bounding and multistart procedure to recover functional networks from MEG/EEG recordings,"
IJBEM, 9(4):223-32Gramfort A, Cottereau B, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S
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"What is common to brain activity evoked by the perception of visual and auditory filled durations? A study with MEG and EEG co-recordings," Cogn Brain Res, 21(2):250-268
Publications on Brainstorm's code
Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011)
"Brainstorm: A user friendly application for MEG/EEG analysis," Comput Intell Neurosci, vol. 2011, Article ID 879716, 13 pages, 2011. doi:10.1155/2011/879716 [ html, pdf ]
Hamalainen MS, Lin FH, Mosher JC (2010)
“Anatomically and functionally constrained minimum-norm estimates,” in MEG: An Introduction to Methods, Hansen PC, Kringelbach ML, Salmelin R, Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Lefèvre J, Baillet S (2009)
"Optical flow approaches to the identification of brain dynamics", Hum Brain Mapp, 30(6):1887-1897Soto JLP, Pantazis D, Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2009)
"Detection of Event-Related Modulations of Oscillatory Brain Activity with Multivariate Statistical Analysis of MEG Data," Hum Brain Mapp, 30(6):1922-1934Pantazis D, Nichols TE, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2005)
"A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data", Neuroimage, 25(2):355-68Darvas F, Rautiainen M, Pantazis D, Benali H, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2005)
"Investigations of dipole localization accuracy in MEG using the bootstrap", Neuroimage, 25(2):383-394Jerbi K, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Nolte G, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2004)
“Localization of Realistic Cortical Activity in MEG using Current Multipoles,” Neuroimage, 22(2):779-93Ossadtchi A, Baillet A, Mosher JC, Thyerlei D, Sutherling W, Leahy RM (2004)
"Automated Interictal Spike Detection and Source Localization in MEG using ICA and Spatio-Temporal Clustering," Clinic Neurophy, 115(3):508-22Pantazis D, Nichols TS, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2003)
"Spatiotemporal Localization of Significant Activation in MEG using Permutation Tests," Inf Process Med Imaging, 18:512-23Jerbi K, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2002)
"On MEG Forward Modelling using Multipolar Expansions," Phys Med Biol, 47(4):523-55Baillet S, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (2001)
"Electromagnetic Brain Mapping," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 18(6):14-30 pdfErmer JJ, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2001)
"Rapidly recomputable EEG forward models for realistic head shapes," Phys Med Biol, 46(4):1265-1281 pdfErmer JJ, Mosher JC, Huang MX, Leahy RM (2000)
"Paired MEG data set source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 47(9):1248-60 pdfMosher JC, Baillet S, Jerbi K, Leahy RM (2000)
"MEG multipolar modeling of distributed sources using RAP-MUSIC," Signals, Systems and Computers 2000, Conference Record of the Thirty-Fourth Asilomar Conference, 1:318-322 pdf
Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (1999)
"EEG Source Localization and Imaging Using Multiple Signal Classification Approaches," J Clin Neurophysiol, 16(3):225-38Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Shattuck DW, Baillet S (1999)
"MEG Source Imaging using Multipolar Expansions," In 16th Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, LCNS, pp. 15–28pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1999)
"EEG and MEG: forward solutions for inverse methods," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 46(3):245-59 pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)
"Source localization using recursively applied and projected (RAP) MUSIC," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 47(9):1248-60 pdfHuang MX, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999)
"A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG," Phys Med Biol, 44:423-440 pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM (1998)
"Recursive MUSIC: A framework for EEG and MEG source localization," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 45(11):1342 -54 pdfLeahy RM, Mosher JC, Spencer ME, Huang MX, Lewine JD (1998)
"A study of dipole localization accuracy for MEG and EEG using a human skull phantom. Electroencephalography," Clin Neurophysiol, 107(2):159-73 pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM, Huang MX, Spencer ME (1997)
"Modeling versus Accuracy in EEG and MEG data," NFSI '97 in Biomedizinische Technik, 42(1):5-8 pdfPhillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC, Timsari B (1997)
"Imaging neural activity using MEG and EEG," IEEE Eng Med Biol Mag, 16(3):34-42 pdfPhillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1997)
"MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources," IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 16(3):338-48pdfPhillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1996)
"Dynamic Bayesian imaging using the magnetoencephalogram," Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 18th Annual International Conference of the IEEE, 2: 817-18pdfPhillips J, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1996)
"Dynamic MEG Imaging of Focal Neuronal Sources," Proc IEEE Nucl Sci Symp and Medical Imag Conf, 1928-32. pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1995)
"Matrix kernels for MEG and EEG source localization and imaging," Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-95, 5:2943-6pdfLewis PS, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1995)
"Neuromagnetic source reconstruction," Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-95, 5:2911-4pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1993)
"Biomagnetic localization from transient quasi-static events," Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP-93, 1:91-4 pdfMosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis P (1992)
"Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatiotemporal MEG data," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng, 541-57 pdfMosher JC, Spencer ME, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1992)
"Error bounds for MEG and EEG source localization," Signals, Systems and Computers, 1992, Conference Record of The Twenty-Sixth Asilomar Conference, 150-5 pdf
Brainstorm has been cited as one of the 50 successful open-source projects that are changing medicine [#22] (2011) link.
Computer world: Open source medicine puts health above profits (2012). Link
Useful, mostly technical, background reading:
[1] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Electromagnetic brain mapping," IEEE Signal processing magazine, vol. 18, pp. 14-30, 2001.
[2] M Huang, J Mosher, and R Leahy, "A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG," Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 423–440, 1999.
[3] F Darvas, JJ Ermer, JC Mosher, and Leahy RM, "Generic head models for atlas-based EEG source analysis," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 129-143, 2006.
[4] JC Mosher, RM Leahy and P Lewis , "Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatiotemporal MEG data, "IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 541-557, June 1992.
[5] JW Phillips, RM Leahy, JC Mosher, "MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 338-348, June 1997.
[6] S Baillet and L Garnero, "A Bayesian approach to introducing anatomo-functional priors in the EEG /MEG inverse problem," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 44, pp. 374-385, 1997.
[7] D Schmidt, J George and C Wood, "Bayesian inference applied to the electromagnetic inverse problem," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 7, pp. 195-212, 1999.
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[15] HB Hui, D Pantazis, SL Bressler, and RM Leahy, "Identifying true cortical interactions in MEG using the nulling beamformer," NeuroImage, 2009.
[16] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "Canonical Correlation Analysis Applied to Functional Connectivity in MEG," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2010.
[17] D Pantazis, TE Nichols, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data," Neuroimage, vol. 25, pp. 355-368, April 2005.
[18] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm beta release: a Matlab software package for MEG signal processing and source localization and visualization," Neuroimage, vol. 11, p. 915, 2000.
[19] JC Mosher, S Baillet, F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm Electromagnetic Imaging Software," IJBEM, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 189-190, 2005.
[20] A Tzelepi, N Laskaris, A Amditis, and Z Kapoula, "Cortical activity preceding vertical saccades: A MEG study," Brain Research, 2010.
[21] F Amor, S Baillet, V Navarro, C Adam, J Martinerie, and MLV Quyen, "Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation," Neuroimage, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 950-962, April 2009.
[22] T Bekinschtein, S Dehaene, B Rohaut, F Tadel, L Cohen, and L Naccache, "Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities," PNAS, vol. 106, pp. 1672-1677, February 2009.
[23] F Carota, A Posada, S Harquel, C Delpuech, O Bertrand, and A Sirigu, "Neural Dynamics of the Intention to Speak," Cerebral Cortex, 2009.
[24] M Chaumon, D Hasboun, M Baulac, C Adam, and C Tallon-Baudry, "Unconscious contextual memory affects early responses in the anterior temporal lobe," Brain research, 2009.
[25] S Moratti and A Keil, "Not What You Expect: Experience but not Expectancy Predicts Conditioned Responses in Human Visual and Supplementary Cortex," Cerebral Cortex, 2009.
[26] D Pantazis, GV Simpson, DL Weber, CL Dale, TE Nichols, and RM Leahy, "A novel ANCOVA design for analysis of MEG data with application to a visual attention study," Neuroimage, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 164–174, 2009.
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