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1. García-Pacios, Javier; Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Solesio, Elena; Moratti, Stephan; Ruíz-Vargas, JoséMaría; López-Frutos, JoséMaría; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Del-Pozo, Francisco; Maestú, Fernando (2012) ''Early Prefrontal Activation As a Mechanism to Prevent Forgetting in the Context of Interference'' '''American Journal of Geriatric Psych, '''in press | |
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1. Kamienkowski, J. E., Ison, M. J., Quiroga, R. Q., & Sigman, M. (2012). ''Fixation-related potentials in visual search: ''''A combined EEG and eye tracking study.'' '''Journal of Vision''', 12(7):4, 1–20. | |
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1. Lina, J.; Chowdhury, R.; Lemay, E.; Kobayashi, E.; Grova, C. (2012), ''Wavelet-based localization of oscillatory sources from magnetoencephalography data'', '''IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering''', available online 1. Michael Niedeggen, Lars Michael, and Guido Hesselmann (2012) ''Closing the Gates to Consciousness: Distractors Activate a Central Inhibition Process'', '''Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience''' 2012 24:6, 1294-1304 |
1. Lina, J.; Chowdhury, R.; Lemay, E.; Kobayashi, E.; Grova, C. (2012), ''Wavelet-based localization of oscillatory sources from magnetoencephalography data'', '''IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering''', available onlineMichael Niedeggen, 1. Lars Michael, and Guido Hesselmann (2012) ''Closing the Gates to Consciousness: Distractors Activate a Central Inhibition Process'', '''Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience''' 2012 24:6, 1294-1304 |
Reference article
To cite in your publications featuring Brainstorm: thank you!
Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011) Brainstorm: A User-Friendly Application for MEG/EEG Analysis, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 2011, Article ID 879716, 13 pages. doi:10.1155/2011/879716 [ html, pdf ]
See also: How to cite Brainstorm.
Meet with members of the Brainstorm team at the following events:
Summer School in Cognitive Science: July 11, 2012, UQAM, Montreal, Canada. Link.
Biomag 2012: August 26-31, 2012. Paris, France. Link
MIT MEG symposium and workshop: April 27-28, 2012, Boston, USA.
April 28 will be dedicated to a Brainstorm training class. Link
Download software training slides: Francois Tadel
Watch lecture from Sylvain Baillet @ the MIT's MEG Symposium
Canada MEG Consortium worshop: Nov 17-19, 2011. Montreal, Canada. Slides.
HBM 2011: June 26-30, 2011. Quebec City, Canada.
Biomag 2010: March 28 - April 1, 2010. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
HBM 2010: June 6 - June 10, 2010. Barcelona, Spain.
MEG & language workshop: Tadel F. October 2009. Neurospin, Paris, France. Slides.
HBM 2009: Baillet S, Tadel F. June 2009. San Francisco, USA.
MATLAB and biotechnologies seminar: Baillet S, Tadel F. October 2008. Paris, France.
HBM 2008: Baillet S, Tadel F. June 2008. Melbourne, Australia.
Publications from Brainstorm Users
Journal articles and book chapters
Ahveninen J, Jääskeläinen IP, Belliveau JW, Hämäläinen M, Lin F-H, Raij T (2012) Dissociable Influences of Auditory Object vs. Spatial Attention on Visual System Oscillatory Activity. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38511. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038511 (analyses performed using Brainstorm among others).
Attal Yohan; Maess Burkhard; Friederici Angela; David Olivier (2012) Head models and dynamic causal modeling of subcortical activity using magnetoencephalographic/electroencephalographic data, Reviews in the Neurosciences (23) 1, pp. 85–95.
Bashar, M. R., Li, Yan, Wen, Peng (2012) Study of EEGs from somatosensory cortex and Alzheimer's disease sources. International Journal of Biological and Life Sciences, 8 (2). pp. 62-66.
L.O. Bauer (2012) A family history of substance dependence obscures the group differences in brain function associated with HIV-1 and ART, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, Available online 29 June 2012, ISSN 0376-8716, 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2012.06.008.
Bonnefond, M.; Noveck, I.; Baillet, S.; Cheylus, A.; Delpuech, C.; Bertrand, O.; Fourneret, P. & Van der Henst, J.-B., (2012) What MEG can reveal about inference making: The case of if...then sentences, Human Brain Mapping, available online
Alex Clarke, Kirsten I. Taylor, Barry Devereux, Billi Randall, and Lorraine K. Tyler (2012) From Perception to Conception: How Meaningful Objects Are Processed over Time, Cereb. Cortex, first published online January 23, 2012 doi:10.1093/cercor/bhs002
Filippo Cona, Melissa Zavaglia, Marcello Massimini, Mario Rosanova and Mauro Ursino (2012) Computational Study of Rhythm Propagation Induced by TMS Stimuli in Different Brain Regions, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 399/2012, 389-403, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-27534-0_26 (data analysis performed with Brainstorm and SPM5)
Dumas G, Chavez M, Nadel J, Martinerie J (2012) Anatomical Connectivity Influences both Intra- and Inter-Brain Synchronizations. PLoS ONE 7(5): e36414. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036414
García-Pacios, Javier; Gutiérrez, Ricardo; Solesio, Elena; Moratti, Stephan; Ruíz-Vargas, JoséMaría; López-Frutos, JoséMaría; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Del-Pozo, Francisco; Maestú, Fernando (2012) Early Prefrontal Activation As a Mechanism to Prevent Forgetting in the Context of Interference American Journal of Geriatric Psych, in press
Ibanez A, Cetkovich M, Petroni A, Urquina H, Baez S, et al. (2012) The Neural Basis of Decision-Making and Reward Processing in Adults with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). PLoS ONE 7(5): e37306. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037306
Johnson JS, Kundu B, Casali AG, Postle BR., (2012) Task-dependent changes in cortical excitability and effective connectivity: A combined TMS-EEG study. J Neurophysiol. Feb 8. [Epub ahead of print] (data analysis performed with Brainstorm and SPM5)
Kamienkowski, J. E., Ison, M. J., Quiroga, R. Q., & Sigman, M. (2012). Fixation-related potentials in visual search: 'A combined EEG and eye tracking study. Journal of Vision, 12(7):4, 1–20.
Kaszuba, K., Kostek, B. (2012) Employing a Biofeedback Method Based on Hemispheric Synchronization in Effective Learning, Human–Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications, 99: pp 295-306
Lina, J.; Chowdhury, R.; Lemay, E.; Kobayashi, E.; Grova, C. (2012), Wavelet-based localization of oscillatory sources from magnetoencephalography data, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, available onlineMichael Niedeggen,
Lars Michael, and Guido Hesselmann (2012) Closing the Gates to Consciousness: Distractors Activate a Central Inhibition Process, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2012 24:6, 1294-1304
Yasuki Noguchi, Takemasa Yokoyama, Megumi Suzuki, Shinichi Kita, and Ryusuke Kakigi (2012) Temporal Dynamics of Neural Activity at the Moment of Emergence of Conscious Percept, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, in press
Francesca Pittau, François Dubeau, and Jean Gotman (2012) Contribution of EEG/fMRI to the definition of the epileptic focus, Neurology May 8, 2012 78:1479-1487; published ahead of print April 25, 2012,
Mario Rosanova, Olivia Gosseries, Silvia Casarotto, Mélanie Boly, Adenauer G. Casali, Marie-Aurélie Bruno, Maurizio Mariotti, Pierre Boveroux, Giulio Tononi, Steven Laureys, and Marcello Massimini (2012) Recovery of cortical effective connectivity and recovery of consciousness in vegetative patients, Brain, published online January 5, 2012 (data analysis performed with Brainstorm and SPM5)
Fabrizio De Vico Fallani, Alessandro Chessa, Miguel Valencia, Mario Chavez, Laura Astolfi, Febo Cincotti, Donatella Mattia, Fabio Babiloni, (2012) Community structure in large-scale cortical networks during motor acts, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 45, Issue 5, May 2012, Pages 603-610, ISSN 0960-0779, 10.1016/j.chaos.2012.02.006.
Yong Zhang, Boyuan Yan, Mingchao Wang, Jingzhen Hu, Haokai Lu, Peng Li (2012), Linking brain behavior to underlying cellular mechanisms via large-scale brain modeling and simulation, Neurocomputing, Available online 3 July 2012, 10.1016/j.neucom.2012.05.020.
2011 Aissani C, Cottereau B, Dumas G, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. (2011) Magnetoencephalographic signatures of visual form and motion binding. Besserve M, Martinerie J, Garnero L, Improving quantification of functional networks with EEG inverse problem: evidence from a decoding point of view", Campi C, Pascarella A, Sorrentino A, Piana M Casarotto S, Määttä S, Herukka SK, Pigorini A, Napolitani M, Gosseries O, Niskanen E, Könönen M, Mervaala E, Rosanova M, Soininen H, Massimini M, "Transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked EEG/cortical potentials in physiological and pathological aging", Neuroreport, 22(12):592-7 Cheng H, Zhang XT, Yan Hao, Bai LJ, Ai L, Wang FB, You YB, Chen P, Wang BG Cona F, Zavaglia M, Massimini M, Rosanova M, Ursino M., A neural mass model of interconnected regions simulates rhythm propagation observed via TMS-EEG. Cottereau B, Lorenceau J, Gramfort A, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S Darvas F, Scherer R, Ojemann JG, Rao RP, Miller KJ, Sorensen LB Dehaene, Stanislas, Conscious and Nonconscious Processes:Distinct Forms of Evidence Accumulation? Furl N, Kumar S, Alter K, Durrant S, Shawe-Taylor J, Griffiths TD Gamond L, George N, Lemaréchal JD, Hugueville L, Adam C, Tallon-Baudry C, "Early influence of prior experience on face perception", Neuroimage, 54(2):1415-26 Hagler, D. J. and Dale, A. M., Improved method for retinotopy constrained source estimation of visual-evoked responses. Jerbi K, Vidal JR, Mattout J, et al. Khan S, Lefevre J, Ammari H, Baillet S Lalancette M, Quraan M, Cheyne D Katia Lehongre, Franck Ramus, Nadège Villiermet, Denis Schwartz, Anne-Lise Giraud, Altered Low-Gamma Sampling in Auditory Cortex Accounts for the Three Main Facets of Dyslexia, L. Lorenzo-López, R. Gutiérrez, S. Moratti, F. Maestú, F. Cadaveira, E. Amenedo, Age-related occipito-temporal hypoactivation during visual search: Relationships between mN2pc sources and performance, Neuropsychologia, Volume 49, Issue 5, April 2011, Pages 858–865 Marti S, Sigman E, Dehaene S Sébastien Marti, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene, A shared cortical bottleneck underlying Attentional Blink and Psychological Refractory Period, Mitchell DJ, Cusack R Michael Niedeggen, Lars Michael, Guido Hesselmann, Closing the Gates to Consciousness: Distractors Activate a Central Inhibition Process , Simpson GV, Weber DL, Dale CL, Pantazis D, Bressler SL, Leahy RM, Luks TL, "Dynamic Activation of Frontal, Parietal, and Sensory Regions Underlying Anticipatory Visual Spatial Attention," J Neurosci, 31(39):13880-13889 Sockeel S, Schwartz D, Martinerie J, Benali H, Garnero L, "Detection of functional networks in EEG using spatial independent component analysis," IRBM, 32(1):Pages 35-41 Solesio-Jofre E, Lorenzo-López L, Gutiérrez R, López-Frutos JM, Ruiz-Vargas JM, Maestú F, "Age effects on retroactive interference during working memory maintenance", Biol Psychol, 88(1):72-82 Sudre G, Parkkonen L, Bock E, Baillet S, Wang W, Weber DJ Tallon-Baudry C , Meyniel F , Bourgeois-Gironde S , 2011 Fast and Automatic Activation of an Abstract Representation of Money in the Human Ventral Visual Pathway. Vistoli D, Brunet-Gouet E, Lemoalle A, Hardy-Baylé MC, Passerieux C Vistoli D, Passerieux C, Houze B, Hardy-Baylé MC, Brunet-Gouet E, "Neural basis of semantic priming in schizophrenia during a lexical decision task: a magneto-encephalography study," Schizophr Res, 130(1-3):114-22 Damien Vistoli, Eric Brunet-Gouet, Emilie Baup-Bobin, Marie-Christine Hardy-Bayle, Christine Passerieux, Anatomical and temporal architecture of theory of mind: A MEG insight into the early stages, Catherine Wacongne, Etienne Labyt, Virginie van Wassenhove, Tristan Bekinschtein, Lionel Naccache, and Stanislas Dehaene, Evidence for a hierarchy of predictions and prediction errors in human cortexZamrini E, Maestu F, Pekkonen E, et al. Zerouali Y, Herry C, Jemel B, Lina J-M., Localization of synchronous cortical neural sources, Zvyagintsev M, Nikolaev AR, Sachs O, Mathiak K 2010 Ales J, Bashar MR, Li Y, Wen P Bernal S, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Millotte S, Christophe A Brown K, Ortigue S, Grafton ST, Carlson JM Campo P, Poch C, Parmentier FB, Moratti S, Elsley JV, Castellanos NP, Ruiz-Vargas JM, del Pozo F, Maestú F Casali AG, Casarotto S, Rosanova M, Mariotti M, Massimini M, "General indices to characterize the electrical response of the cerebral cortex to TMS," Neuroimage, 49(2):1459–1468 Casarotto S, Romero Lauro LJ, Bellina V, Casali AG, Rosanova M D’Hondt F, Lassonde M, Collignon O, Dubarry A-S, Robert M, Rigoulot S, Honoré J, Lepore F and Sequeira H De Vico Fallani F, Maglione A, Babiloni F, Mattia D, Astolfi L, Vecchiato G, De Rinaldis A, Salinari S, Pachou E, Micheloyannis S, "Cortical network analysis in patients affected by schizophrenia," Brain Topogr, 23(2):214-20 Hansen P, Kringelbach H, Salmelin R (eds.), "Meg: An Introduction to Methods.", Oxford University Press, 2010 He W, Song X, Xu Z, Luo H Fort A, Martin R, Jacquet-Andrieu A, Combe-Pangaud C, Foliot G, Daligault S, Delpuech C Meneghini F, Vatta F, Esposito F, Mininel S, Di Salle F Pegado F, Bekinschtein T, Chausson N, Dehaene S, Cohen L, Naccache L Poch C, Campo P, Parmentier FB, Ruiz-Vargas JM, Elsley JV, Castellanos NP, Maestú F, del Pozo F, "Explicit processing of verbal and spatial features during letter-location binding modulates oscillatory activity of a fronto-parietal network", Neuropsychologia, 48(13):3846-54 Robitaille N, Marois R, Todd J, Grimault S, Cheyne D, Jolicœur P Tzelepi A, Laskaris N, Amditis A, Kapoula Z Vatta F, Meneghini F, Esposito F, Mininel S, Di Salle F, "Realistic and spherical head modeling for EEG Forward Problem Solution: A Comparative Cortex-Based Analysis," Comput Intell Neurosci, 2010:972060 Vecchiato G, Astolfi L, Cincotti F, De Vico Fallani F, Sorrentino DM, Mattia D, Salinari S, Bianchi L, Toppi J, Aloise F, Babiloni F 2009 Amor F, Baillet S, Navarro V, Adam C, Martinerie J, Quyen MLV Attal Y, Bhattacharjee M, Yelnik J, Cottereau B, Lefèvre J, Okada Y, Bardinet E, Chupin M, Baillet S Bekinschtein T, Dehaene S, Rohaut B, Tadel F, Cohen L, Naccache L Bristow D, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Mattout J, Soares C, Gliga T, Baillet S, Mangin JF Carota F, Posada A, Harquel S, Delpuech C, Bertrand O, Sirigu A Chaumon M, Hasboun D, Baulac M, Adam C, Tallon-Baudry C Dalal SS, Baillet S, Adam C, Ducorps A, Schwartz D, Jerbi K, Bertrand O, Garnero L, Martinerie J, Lachaux JP Darvas F, Ojemann JG, Sorensen LB Daunizeau J, Kiebel SJ, Friston KJ Henson RN, Mattout J, Phillips C, Friston KJ Henson R, Mouchlianitis E, Friston KJ Khemakhem R, Zouch W, Ben Hamida A, Taleb-Ahmed A, Feki L Liang WK, Wang MS MacLeod RS, Stinstra JG, Lew S, Whitaker RT, Swenson DJ, Cole MJ, Krüger J, Brooks DH, Johnson CR Moratti S, Keil A Robitaille N, Grimault S, Jolicœur P Rosanova M, Casali A, Bellina V, Resta F, Mariotti M, Massimini M Rudrauf D, Lachaux JP, Damasio A, Baillet S, Hugueville L, Martinerie J, Damasio H, Renault B 2008 Ammari H, "An Introduction to Mathematics of Emerging Biomedical Imaging," Mathématiques et Applications, Vol. 62 Bucolo M, Di Grazia F, Fortuna L, Frasca M, Sapuppo F George N, Conty L Grova C, Daunizeau J, Kobayashi E, Bagshaw AP, Lina JM, Dubeau F, Gotman J Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S Rudrauf D, David O, Lachaux JP, Kovach CK, Martinerie J, Renault B, Damasio A Senot P, Baillet S, Renault B, Berthoz A Spyrou L, Sanei S Stoitsis J, Giannakakis GA, Papageorgiou C, Nikita KS, Rabavilas A, Anagnostopoulos D, "Evidence of a posterior cingulate involvement (Brodmann area 31) in dyslexia: a study based on source localization algorithm of event-related potentials," Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 32(3):733-8 Van Gaal S, Ridderinkhof R, Fahrenfort JF, Scholte HS, Lamme VAF 2007 Attal Y, Bhattacharjee M, Yelnik J, Cottereau B, Lefèvre J, Okada Y, Bardinet E, Chupin M, Baillet S Conty L, N'Diaye K, Tijus C, George N Cottereau B, Jerbi K, Baillet S Del Cul A, Baillet S, Dehaene S Dossevi A, Garnero L, Ammari H Gramfort A, Cottereau B, Clerc M, Thirion B, Baillet S Henson RN, Mattout J, Singh KD, Barnes GR, Hillebrand A, Friston K Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, N'Diaye K, Pantazis D, Leahy RM, Garnero L, Baillet S Stenroos M, Mantynen V, Nenonen J Nara T, Oohama J, Hashimoto M, Takeda T, Ando S Weisend MP, Hanlon FM, Montano R, Ahlfors SP, Leuthold AC, Pantazis D, Mosher JC, Georgopoulos AP, Hamalainen MS, Aine CJ 2006 Daunizeau J, Mattout J, Clonda D, Goulard B, Benali H, Lina, JM David O, Kiebel SJ, Harrison LM, Mattout J, Kilner JM, Friston KJ Friston K, Henson K, Phillips C, Mattout J Grova C, Daunizeau J, Lina JM Le Van Quyen M, Amor F, Rudrauf D 2005 Sergent C, Baillet S, Dehaene S Amor F, Rudrauf D, Navarro V N'diaye K, Pfeuty M, Ragot R 2004 N'Diaye K, Ragot R, Garnero L
2011 Tadel F, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Pantazis D, Leahy RM (2011) 2000-2010 Hamalainen MS, Lin FH, Mosher JC (2010) Lefèvre J, Baillet S (2009) Soto JLP, Pantazis D, Jerbi K, Lachaux JP, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2009) Pantazis D, Nichols TE, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2005) Darvas F, Rautiainen M, Pantazis D, Benali H, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2005) Jerbi K, Baillet S, Mosher JC, Nolte G, Garnero L, Leahy RM (2004) Ossadtchi A, Baillet A, Mosher JC, Thyerlei D, Sutherling W, Leahy RM (2004) Pantazis D, Nichols TS, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2003) Jerbi K, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2002) Baillet S, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (2001) Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (2001) Ermer JJ, Mosher JC, Huang MX, Leahy RM (2000) Mosher JC, Baillet S, Jerbi K, Leahy RM (2000) 1990-2000 Mosher JC, Baillet S, Leahy RM (1999) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Shattuck DW, Baillet S (1999) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1999) Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999) Huang MX, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1999) Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1998) Leahy RM, Mosher JC, Spencer ME, Huang MX, Lewine JD (1998) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Huang MX, Spencer ME (1997) Phillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC, Timsari B (1997) Phillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1997) Phillips JW, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1996) Phillips J, Leahy RM, Mosher JC (1996) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1995) Lewis PS, Mosher JC, Leahy RM (1995) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1993) Mosher JC, Leahy RM, Lewis P (1992) Mosher JC, Spencer ME, Leahy RM, Lewis PS (1992)
Brainstorm has been cited as one of the 50 successful open-source projects that are changing medicine [#22] (2011) link. Computer world: Open source medicine puts health above profits (2012). Link
Useful, mostly technical, background reading: [1] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Electromagnetic brain mapping," IEEE Signal processing magazine, vol. 18, pp. 14-30, 2001. [2] M Huang, J Mosher, and R Leahy, "A sensor-weighted overlapping-sphere head model and exhaustive head model comparison for MEG," Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 423–440, 1999. [3] F Darvas, JJ Ermer, JC Mosher, and Leahy RM, "Generic head models for atlas-based EEG source analysis," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 129-143, 2006. [4] JC Mosher, RM Leahy and P Lewis , "Multiple dipole modeling and localization from spatiotemporal MEG data, "IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 541-557, June 1992. [5] JW Phillips, RM Leahy, JC Mosher, "MEG-based imaging of focal neuronal current sources," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 338-348, June 1997. [6] S Baillet and L Garnero, "A Bayesian approach to introducing anatomo-functional priors in the EEG /MEG inverse problem," IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. 44, pp. 374-385, 1997. [7] D Schmidt, J George and C Wood, "Bayesian inference applied to the electromagnetic inverse problem," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 7, pp. 195-212, 1999. [8] GL Barkley and C Baumgartner, "MEG and EEG in epilepsy," Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 163, 2003. [9] A Arieli, A Sterkin, A Grinvald, and A Aertsen, "Dynamics of ongoing activity: explanation of the large variability in evoked cortical responses," Science, vol. 273, no. 5283, p. 1868, 1996. [10] C Tallon-Baudry and O Bertrand, "Oscillatory gamma activity in humans and its role in object representation," Trends Cogn Sci, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 151-162, 1999. [11] G Pfurtscheller and FH Lopes da Silva, "Event-related EEG/MEG synchronization and desynchronization: basic principles," Clinical Neurophysiology, vol. 110, no. 11, pp. 1842-1857, 1999. [12] P Tass, MG Rosenblum, J Weule, J Kurths, A Pikovsky, J Volkmann, A Schnitzler, and HJ Freund, "Detection of n: m phase locking from noisy data: application to magnetoencephalography," Physical Review Letters, vol. 81, no. 15, pp. 3291-3294, 1998. [13] CWJ Granger, BN Huangb, and CW Yang, "A bivariate causality between stock prices and exchange rates: evidence from recent Asianflu," Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 337-354, 2000. [14] W Hesse, E Moller, M Arnold, and B Schack, "The use of time-variant EEG Granger causality for inspecting directed interdependencies of neural assemblies," Journal of Neuroscience Methods, vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 27-44, 2003. [15] HB Hui, D Pantazis, SL Bressler, and RM Leahy, "Identifying true cortical interactions in MEG using the nulling beamformer," NeuroImage, 2009. [16] JLP Soto, D Pantazis, K Jerbi, JP Lachaux, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "Canonical Correlation Analysis Applied to Functional Connectivity in MEG," IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), April 2010. [17] D Pantazis, TE Nichols, S Baillet, and RM Leahy, "A Comparison of Random Field Theory and Permutation Methods for the Statistical Analysis of MEG data," Neuroimage, vol. 25, pp. 355-368, April 2005. [18] S Baillet, JC Mosher, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm beta release: a Matlab software package for MEG signal processing and source localization and visualization," Neuroimage, vol. 11, p. 915, 2000. [19] JC Mosher, S Baillet, F Darvas, D Pantazis, E Kucukaltun-Yildirim, and RM Leahy, "Brainstorm Electromagnetic Imaging Software," IJBEM, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 189-190, 2005. [20] A Tzelepi, N Laskaris, A Amditis, and Z Kapoula, "Cortical activity preceding vertical saccades: A MEG study," Brain Research, 2010. [21] F Amor, S Baillet, V Navarro, C Adam, J Martinerie, and MLV Quyen, "Cortical local and long-range synchronization interplay in human absence seizure initiation," Neuroimage, vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 950-962, April 2009. [22] T Bekinschtein, S Dehaene, B Rohaut, F Tadel, L Cohen, and L Naccache, "Neural signature of the conscious processing of auditory regularities," PNAS, vol. 106, pp. 1672-1677, February 2009. [23] F Carota, A Posada, S Harquel, C Delpuech, O Bertrand, and A Sirigu, "Neural Dynamics of the Intention to Speak," Cerebral Cortex, 2009. [24] M Chaumon, D Hasboun, M Baulac, C Adam, and C Tallon-Baudry, "Unconscious contextual memory affects early responses in the anterior temporal lobe," Brain research, 2009. [25] S Moratti and A Keil, "Not What You Expect: Experience but not Expectancy Predicts Conditioned Responses in Human Visual and Supplementary Cortex," Cerebral Cortex, 2009. [26] D Pantazis, GV Simpson, DL Weber, CL Dale, TE Nichols, and RM Leahy, "A novel ANCOVA design for analysis of MEG data with application to a visual attention study," Neuroimage, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 164–174, 2009. [27] P Hansen, M Kringelbach, and R Salmelin (eds.), Meg: An Introduction to Methods.: Oxford University Press, 2010. [28] R Salmelin and S Baillet, "Electromagnetic brain imaging," Human Brain Mapping, vol. 30, pp. 1753-1757, 2009. 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