
These tutorial pages suppose you are comfortable with the basic concepts of MEG/EEG analysis and source imaging. If you're not, we encourage you to read some background literature.
To get a quick overview of the software interface, you can watch this introduction video.

Get started

The easiest way to get started with Brainstorm is to read and follow carefully these introduction tutorials. They can be separately consulted (links below), or all in one page.

Starting a new study

    1. Create a new protocol

    2. Import the subject anatomy

    3. Explore the anatomy


    4. Channel file / MRI registration

    5. Continuous recordings

    6. Multiple windows

    7. Event markers


    8. Stimulation delays

    9. Select files / Run processes

    10. Power spectrum / Frequency filters

    11. Bad channels

    12. Artifact detection

    13. Artifact cleaning with SSP

    14. Additional bad segments

Epoching and averaging

    15. Import epochs

    16. Average response

    17. Visual exploration

    18. Colormaps

    19. Clusters of sensors

Source modeling

    20. Head model

    21. Noise/data covariance

    22. Source estimation

    23. Scouts

Advanced processes

    24. Time-frequency

    25. Difference

    26. Statistics

    27. Workflows

    28. Scripting

Other analysis scenarios

Advanced tutorials

Anatomy and registration




Source modeling

Finite Element Modeling

Signal processing



Single/Multi-Unit Electrophysiology

Learn how to use Brainstorm for analyzing single/multi-unit electrophysiological data in a variety of preparations:

Background readings

These tutorial pages suppose you are comfortable with the basic concepts of MEG and EEG source imaging. If you're not, we encourage you to read some background information, which will quickly help you getting up to speed with this field:

Now you are well equipped to go through the software tutorial, Enjoy!

Tutorials (last edited 2025-03-04 23:07:38 by ?EdouardDelaire)